Hi I keep getting the following and I not connected to the net so can anyone advise what the problem may be?
Inflating http://www.oozoon-dreamboxupdate.de/opendreambox/1.5/dm800/20081129/f
Updated list of available packages in /var/lib/ipkg/OoZooN
****> DONE <<<
root@dm800:~# ipkg-cl list > /tmp/ipkg-list.tmp; echo "****> DONE <<<";
****> DONE <<<
root@dm800:~# ipkg-cl list_installed > /tmp/ipkg-installed.tmp; echo "****> DONE
****> DONE <<<
root@dm800:~# cd /
root@dm800:/# ipkg install /tmp/barryallen.ipk
Installing enigma2-plugin-extensions-barryallen (5.0.34) to root...
Downloading http://www.oozoon-dreamboxupdate.de/opendreambox/1.5/dm800/20081129
wget: www.oozoon-dreamboxupdate.de: Host name lookup failure
Nothing to be done
An error ocurred, return value: 22.
Collected errors:
ipkg_download: ERROR: Command failed with return value 1: `wget --passive-ftp
-q -P /tmp/ipkg-9sCsm4 http://www.oozoon-dreamboxupdate.de/opendreambox/1.5/dm
Failed to download enigma2-plugin-extensions-barryallen. Perhaps you need to ru
'ipkg update'?
I've tried loads of patch BA's and am still receiving this error so please please can some one help me out with this? As my box alway try's to load the update from the net, there must be some way to sort this, but I cant find it. Am sure one of you guys must know to resolve this.
Thanks in advance,