Saturday, 19 December 2009 Time: 12:35:56
SifTeam Image for Dreambox dm600pvr
dm600pvr login: root
root@dm600pvr:~# cd /
root@dm600pvr:/# ipkg install /tmp/*.ipk
Upgrading enigma2-plugin-extensions-barryallen on root from 4.6.55 to 5.0.17-patched-by-mfaraj-tunisiasat...
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It's a Dream !Patched by mfaraj
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Your Flash image Kernel now HAS to include the USB drivers
or Barry Allen will not even install anymore !
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now checking if image in Flash uses latest secondstage loader ...
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patched by mfaraj
gunzip: /boot/vmlinux.gz: No such file or directory
gunzip: /boot/vmlinux.gz: No such file or directory
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Looks like this image uses Kernel 2.6.30 already - which is OK
But Barry Allen currently supports only Harddisk as bootdevice !
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Barry Allen already installed, no Format needed
You can relax now !
Configuring enigma2-plugin-extensions-barryallen
Integrating Barry Allen into Flash Image
Flash Kernel Version: 2.6.12
Barry Allen feels home at /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target1/lun0/part1
which is a CF Card
disabled keep squashfs
bapostinst is disabled - enable with the Barry Allen Plugin if wanted
Restarting enigma to get Barry Allen V5.0.17 into Plugin List
Installation or Upgrade of Barry Allen is now finished !
If this is a new installation, then please reboot NOW
to check if Barry Allen Plugin shows up in the Plugin List !
PS: You can ignore any file_move or Can't open status file
errors after this, they don't hurt
Patched by mfaraj-Tunisia-sat
Thankxxxx for your work the patch is ok !!!!!