That's the newest patch.
use at your own risk
use at your own risk
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That's the newest patch.
use at your own risk
Hi dktnHI MR mfaraj57
I install barry allen 5.0.23 but nabilosat0.12 on usb take 15 minutes to boot. MR mfaraj57 how can I solve it?
HiHi MR mfaraj57
My dm800 is clone with BL#72. first i install oozoon image and barry allen 5.023 then install nabilo sat and gemini image on HDD. with gemini image take 5 minutes to boot but nabilo sat 12 take 15 minutes. can you helpme to solve it? did you try nabilosat12 on barry allen5.024 that you gived us? how long does it take to boot with nabilasat v12?
to make things clear
we usually patch the preinst file which present in the ipk package of barry allen and we remove the part which check for bootloader version and the part check for presence of usb drivers in flash image
but in the latest versions of barry allen check also for bootloader occur at level of bootmanager,so when after successful installation of barry allen when we reboot the dream the bootmanager check for bootloader and when finds it unappropriate it removes itself and boot barry allen menu will not appear and if we continue booting to flash image the barry allen will not appear in plugins list
for unknown reason and i discovered incidently that when reflash by new image ,the barry allen boot menu will appear again and barry allen will appear in plugins list in flash image and external flash images without new installation of barry allen again in the new flash image
just to say
1- install the barry allen to current flash image
2- goto to setup mode and by internet explorer reflash the dreambox by internal flash image
3- reboot the dream and the barry allen will appear and stay
HiI can't seem to find a 5.0.34 in the plugings on the box menu to remove and the only Barry Allen i can see in DCC will not let me remove it but only install it.
So need some further help,
What would you recommend for DM 800 HD clone-
How to check what bootloader my box has ?
And what Version of FIRMWARE and Enigma ?
What other items I should know before attempting to do any modification ?
Thanks in advance for your guidance.
With interest will wait for your response.
Best Wishes,
yours respectfully,
HiHi I have ss#72 bootloader, anybody has tried this version 5.0.33 during booting time with BH v12 in flashusb because I installed 5.0.26 version and it take long time for booting, actually I am using 5.0.18 version and it's doing fast booting.What it's new in the version 5.0.33 from version 5.0.18 ? And another thing how to disable HDD without open the box before to install barryallen because during installation first it searching for HDD and second searching for flashusb drive.If you have HDD installed inside barryallen will install files in HDD.Thanks.