Ban user above you


SatUniverse's Friend
You can ban me on Mondays, ararat, but never on Tuesdays :D
Thanks for the clip, I liked it :thum:

As to the why of not finishing the book, you have told
me before. But thats an excuse for not finishing, if I had
the gift to write I would always write, once the book is finished, I would forget about it and start a new one.

Only a lucky few make money on books and, sadly enough, not even good writers, the same goes with actors,
there are many good ones out there, unknown, playing the theatre,
not making much money :O
One always needs a bit of luck, and you both are lucky because I decided not to ban anybody :thum:


Registered User
I will go on writing:). I started last week, already. Can´t write daily, but hopefully twice, thrice (I like "thrice") a week - it´s really exhausting work for me, the more complicated my story gets.

I will have more time in future, because I will seperate from a friend (perhaps you remember #1?), who always kept me busy on the phone from 4 PM to 8 PM - my best time to write.

Again and again it was the same with my gifts/hobbies: I always found s.o. or to spoil them for me by consuming too much of my time.
E.g. I liked playing keyboard and guitar - until I didn´t get enough time for rehearsal any more, because my (female - could have been my grandma) neighbour wanted to spend very much time with me (often nearly the whole day).
As a result, nowadays I only very rarely touch my guitar and then try to play for 5 to 10 minutes. But the skin on my fingertips is too thin and soon it hurts and the notes don´t come clean, if the strings aren´t being pressed down firmly:rolleyes:.

I could sing with a pleasant voice, but nowadays I have to inhale cortisone twice a day ...

Today I ban myself for complaining:D


SatUniverse's Friend
Gosh, ararat, your friend number 1 is a neverending
story, this relationship will never end (and it shouldnt
because you know each other for ages)
I can feel with you that friendly neighbors and friend take
too much time away - I have the same problem, but I do cut
all conversation short now -max one hour, I cant stand it to hear the
sad stories every day, again and again, they suck my energy
out of my head and body :rolleyes:
I like to hear positive stories, want to laugh and not be
burdened with their miserable lifes.

Alright, I will ban myself also because thinking, writing about
these people, upset me :)


Registered User
:)You´re always right, renee. You sometimes know me better, than I do;).

Well, I divorced from #1 for the rest of this year, at least. Sent him a mail, that I would decide next year, but that now I needed a vacation from his aggressiveness (14 letters:D - good for "Re-use the letters).
He sent a mail back, that he´s sorry and that he understands (I hope he really does). The problem is - I would certainly miss him in a way, if I really separated forever, but I notice these days, that I sanitarily feel much better without him. Will have to find a solution (shorter phone calls, less call backs, etc.). Well but this should be enough of him for this year - I´m on vacation:D.

@unieno:): Sorry, that I post about things, you must be wondering about. Renee and I posted about this subject in another game at SU, already - so, she knows more.

No one to ban today:):D

[ame=""]YouTube - Boyce Avenue - On My Way (Live & Acoustic at The Fort Studios) on iTunes & Amazon[/ame]


Yes Ararat,You're right.I was trying to figure out what's the subject. :confused:
Now I know.Everything is perfect,but not the way we people are and manage things.
Past is past.Only now we are living and spending time to make ourself happy.
The future is not here yet.So do the best we can.... :thum:
Remember be happy. :)
I'm still here...:nana:
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Registered User
You´re right unieno:) we all should live in the present, not the past and we shouldn´t worry about the future.
The last weeks of this year, I will relax, having no contact with my choleric friend #1.

I really feel much better now, and on top - I continued writing my novel again:). How soothing for the nerves, to have enough time to do some things of my own:), and not having to interrupt everything, when the telephone rings too often:rolleyes:!

This afternoon, when I´m finished with my work (laundry, etc.), I won´t write, but will watch a bluray disc and will hopefully not get interrupted? Very seldom, that I can manage to watch a whole movie on an afternoon, especially saturdays - well, I´ll see and live with whatever will come.

My pc may even return today - it has been repaired and is on its way home. Computer games may be a nearly unresistable temptation again, to keep me from writing, though:rolleyes:. I will need some discipline ...:D


Today no music, but a video - it´s in german.
Two guys are playing in turns. They hold wooden spoons with their teeth, because they should play without using their hands. One must bend his head down and accept the stroke of the other (pretendedly done with the spoon in the other´s mouth). It´s a "hidden camera" movie.

[ame=""]YouTube - Das Löffelspiel[/ame]


Same to you.Have a nice weekend. :clapping:
Thank you,Ararat.I enjoyed the video.It really made me laugh. :thum:
Glad you've gotten your computer back.Well !time to play games..:)


SatUniverse's Friend
Thank you for the Acoustic Piano and singer ararat,
thats better :D And the Loeffelspiel was very funny :D :D

Actually I believe the present doesnt exist, as soon as you think about something - its in the past :rolleyes:

The last few days we had miserable weather, no sun, just clouds
and a bit of rain, I can understand that people can get
depressed in this weather.
I havent done much today, except work in the garden a bit.

I will not ban anybody - so, enjoy your day tomorrow :thum:


There is no present because even the last word you have is past :p even the post I'm writing can be written the past :p

So I'll start doing it...

I banned ararat for having talked about the present


Registered User
Today will be yesterday, tomorrow:D.

@DodoSerebro:): You can´t ban me because all of us do not really exist, if there never exists a present. It was my past never existing self, who wrote this and the moment, you banned me, we both were not the same any more, as soon as you only started thinking about writing the first letter of your ban spell.
It´s only the mind that´s independent from time - all materials change in immeasurable intervalls (and this expression doesn´t fit, because it means splitting time in arbitrarily defined portions). Time itself seems to depend and be defined by fluent change of material.

Not even that nothing lasts forever - nothing lasts for even a moment:D.

[ame=""]YouTube - Annoying Orange Wazzup[/ame]

No ban today ;):D


Hey ! Ararat...,DodoSerebro..., past,no present,no future..
.. only now ...Wazzup..ppp...!!!!:D :D :D


Registered User
Wazzup:D all of you.

Lot to do today:rolleyes:.

But I allowed myself a short video to relax and I should share it with you, of course.

[ame=""]YouTube - Wilhelm Kempff plays Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata mvt. 1[/ame]

Got to make my breakfast, now - I´m hungry already and will have to wait another ten minutes, my bread rolls will need to crisp in my mini oven, before I can eat.

Too hungry to think about banning anyone:D.


SatUniverse's Friend
Thanks ararat, I love Beethoven, I can listen to
his music any time :)
I have been quite busy the last days, so my internet
time had to suffer :eek:
I ban myself for not doing all that I want to do :)


I've just finished my breakfast. :)
I love the song.the music makes me relaxing in mind.Thank you Ararat. :thum:
I don't feel like banning anyone..... :D :D


Registered User
@unieno:): You seem to finish your breakfast when I usually go to bed:D. How nice that servers on the internet store our messages for some time, so that others can read them, when they are awake. Probably many people never would have gotten the chance to talk with each other, if only live chat existed:D.

@renee:): Don´t let christmas preparations step on your nerves;). If I would always ban myself for not having done, what I wanted to do, I would have to cast a permanent ban spell on myself:D.
By the way: Nice new avatar:).

Will be busy today, too - as always on saturdays. Hope I can do the things I want. Yesterday I only had to "repair" the mistakes of others (men or software) all day long. It all started with s.b. wanting to send me a Fax and not being able to:rolleyes:... and ended in completely having to delete corrupted codecs (for HDTV recordings) and to reinstall them on my pc. This was due to a previous installation of a newer software version of Haali splitter - automatically incorrectly done by another software with automatic update function:rolleyes:. Most luckily I could fix this with JV16 Power Tools (deleting ALL remains of corrupted codecs, filters - registry entries, files and folders) and afterwards installing latest K-Lite Codec Pack. Now my HDTV cutting programs work fine again:).

So today I´d like to ban all bad influences from outside, that keep oneself from doing what originally has been intended:D.

Have a nice weekend all of you:).
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Certainly,servers on internet are places we need to rely on.So can't ban forever....:)
I guess Ararat'll be busy all day.There are so many things for you to do....:)
Same with Renee. :) HOLIDAYS are on the way.So enjoy & have fun. :thum:


Registered User
The stupid thing with HOLIDAYS is, that there are so many things to be prepared:rolleyes: for one event, especially, if people visit you or if you visit them on christmas.
This year, a christmas gift for my sister (media player) keeps me busy (Flash latest firmware, fill hdd with content).
Most luckily I´ve got all other gifts for some time, already:).
Will have to go shopping today (food, etc.) and hope, the roads are cleared from snow. The street, I live in, is still white, though.
If it were sunny:) outside and dry, I would like the snow, but I dislike wet snow coming down from a grey sky, then melting with snow slush and freezing again with black ice:rolleyes:.

To feel a bit like in summer (although I hate heat, too - not good for my low blood pressure) the following video, that´s far away from christmas:

[ame=""]YouTube - Henrique Marx - Salva meu Mundo - part. Bruno e Marrone[/ame]

Wished I could ban this ugly winter weather:D.


SatUniverse's Friend
Certainly,servers on internet are places we need to rely on.

It looks bad for the free internet, there are already
voices to control the internet in the US and if so,
Europe will follow :eek:

Well Im glad, ararat you received your Xmas presents already,
gratulations that you have solved another heap of problems,
it never ends, doesnt it ? :)

No, Im not banning anybody either, its too cold here,
but I shouldnt complain - other countries are worse off ;)


Right,Renee.We shouldn't complain about the weather. :thum:
There are many places facing bad weather and dealing with damaging results.
Enjoy any weather we get and think positive through big coming holidays. :D :D
Good day...... :thum:


Registered User
Wish MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of you:).

This year (because of the weather) it´s the first time I stay home alone. My sister phoned me this mornig, wanted to pick me up, but travelling is too risky for her/us at the moment, so I objected.
At least this will provide me with the opportunity to fill her christmas gift (media player) with some more good movies, before I send it to her next week (today would be too late for christmas, anyway) because during holidays TV program is stuffed with some gems of cineastic history.

Luckily most of my presents (for my sister and my niece) are already at their home. Only my brother in law will have to wait a bit for his "danish stormglass", that I will send with the media player.

So on christmas we´ll all only "meet" on the phone; me in the south of the country, my sister in the east, perhaps in a phone conference with my brother in the north.

I will watch a lot of blurays (gifts) the next days, be lazy, play a new computer game (gift) and cook myself that doesn´t fit to my cholesterol diet (potatoes + vegetables + fish / poultry or other low fat meat - no chocolate/sweets ___ lost 7 kg already).

By the way: Cat lovers might find an "iPad" a nice gift for their pet.

[ame=""]YouTube - iPad Game for Cats: The World's Greatest Video Game (for cats, not humans)[/ame]

Have lovely holidays:thum: and enjoy christmas time:).