Specification says that lowest workin symbol rate is 1MSymbol/s so I have to find ordinary (not feed) transponders available in East Russian Crimea:is there any way around the low symbol rates problem with the 5520se?
23e5 12639v940 with two radio channels was good locked (and played without stuttering) by OMICOM but not locked with 5520SE with bda.dev:
So I repeat your mistake messages.
With blindscan.dev I get "Error locking transponder 12639"
But then I go to Channels -> Blind Scanner with follows settings and 5520SE locked and was written that two radio channel:
But with blindscan.dev still no lock in channellist so I switch to bda.dev and hear radio with small stuttering )
Than I've found some low SR (with 1000<SR<2000kS/s) transponders on 21e5:
which written TV channels with blindscan.dev but 1 with SR 1250kS/s not locked in channellist (2-4 shows well). And with bda.dev all 4 transponders shows well video and audio.
So with some difficulties low SR transponders with SR>1000kS/s can be watched with TBS 5520SE but if you need lock lower SR transponder you have to use another SAT-device.