installation and configuration of inadyn on vti images for being able to use service no-ip:
1) download enigma2-plugin-extensions-inadyn.vuplus_1.2-r0_mipsel.ipk.
2) copy it with ftp on the receiver in the /tmp folder
3) connect to the receiver in telnet and type the following command: ipkg install /tmp/enigma2-plugin-extensions-inadyn.vuplus_1.2-r0_mipsel.ipk
4) modify in the receiver the file inadyn.conf in /var/etc in the following way:
--update_period_sec 060 (indicate time interval with which it comes controlled if the ip address is changed)
--username (yours login of the service)
--password (yours password of the service)
[email protected]
--alias (the address that you have set up to your host, es.:
--forced_update_period 86400
--log_file /var/log/inadyn.log (set up this for the log file)
5) Modify the /usr/bin/ and before the line:
ld_preload=/usr/lib/ /usr/bin/enigma2
6) reboot the receiver. If all it has been executed correctly, read the /var/log/inadyn.log in order to verify the correct run of the system.