How to install TSmedia in OpenATV 4.2 (ET9500)


Dear Fankoosh,

With great interest I read your instructions about how to install TSmedia software.

Unfortunately I am very unexperienced so I got stuck without knowing what to do any further. One thing is clear, I must remove some materials in order to make place for the new TSmedia plug-in. In both receivers I had no problem installing the enigma2-plugin-extensions-pluginskinmover_0.6_all and also I could create the space on an FAT32 USB stick, that was no problem in both receivers. But after that I got into problems.

When I read:
-to install TSmedia: mount a (media/usb) usb flash memory , by DCC go to ur folder usr/lib/enigma2/python/plugins/Extensions , create folder name=TSmedia ,

that part works OK, but then:
browse ur pluginskinmover by remote select TSmedia & should be then moved to media/usb/Extension ,

You didn't write it, but I expect that you mean that after I create the folder TSmedia that I should move the five unpacked files named rootfs.bin, kernel.bin, splash.bin, imageversion and noforce into that folder? Or am I mistaken?

After that I indeed could move the TSmedia plugin to my stick with pluginskinmover. But what should I do next????

I read: now ftp to /temp tsmedia.ipk & telnet command

but where is tsmedia.ipk??? If I unpack the zipfile for the OpenATV 4.2 I don't get an ipk file but openATV4.2-oe2-800se-sim2-2014-12-05-sam.nfi.

As far as I know an NFI file is an image file but so far i always thought tha an image file replaces a current system. But I can't really imagine that all of OpenATV 4.2 must be replaced?

What else can i do with an nfi file and how does it lead to getting tsmedia.ipk to follow the rest of your instructions? On another site I found the ipk file both as a mipsel and as "all" but that were files to use with OpenPli 4 so I don't know it I mess things up by sending either one through ftp to my receiver.

And what do you mean with "telnet command--> opkg install /tmp/*.ipk"?
What command should I give to where?

I also checked the instructions for OpenPli4 for my receiver, there it was said that one needs to remove at least 8 MB of plug-ins with pluginskinmover my USB stick but as I found out that in reality alsmost all of my apps together amounted to 9 MB there I must have misunderstood something as well.

Another question: does moving things to a USB stick that from now on the stick must be permanently attached to the receiver? Why not use some storage space on the built-in harddisk instead?

I would be most grateful if you were to give a little more information for dummies like me who just are much too unexperienced to understand all of this.

By forehand many, many thanks!



Super VIP
-us ur image as it it & dont delete or tranfer any kind of any other file to usb stick unless u r doing flashexpander & thats is not the subject about what i mentioned for watching TSmedia

i would like make it easier for guide again & plez stick to the guide:

1- after u already installed ur favourite image , u will be able to mount a external or internal storage memory, so first do mount any internal or external media to be media/hdd ^ thats is donre by initalize the media sfter u already formate it FAT32 on ur pc , so first media should be mounted as /media/hdd , this is ur media u shall use it to record chs or whatever u like & this is not the one i shall use it for TSmedia

2- now u have to mount & use another 2nd external storage memory which is external flash pin stick 2 or 4 gb , fat32 & insert it & initialze it so it will be configered to ur box , then mount it as /media/usb

3- now u can install pluginskinmover & open it & u will see an above message showing that a /media/usb media been mounted & it free memory size is =! whatever

4- in ur box now open DCC go & browse path usr/lib/enigma2/python/plugins/Extensions , in Extensions folder create a folder named= TSmedia exact letter u should write not tsmedia , so it is folder TSmedia , , cloz ur dcc

5- go to ur plugin browser by remote controll open it & browse down till u find TSmedia , now hit ok button & folder of TSmedia will be tranfered to /media/usb/Extension (symlink)

6- ftp or tranfer ur tsmedi ipk file ( installation file IPK) to /temp

7- install it by telnet command option available in ur DCC programe plez check left collom boxes , copy & past following command into black box" opkg install /tmp/*.ipk " , then hit enter the wait untill it gives u messaage that plugin been installed & restart ur box wait for 2 minutes better

8- restart ur box now u can see TSmedia without problem & it is already been installed into ur /media/usb/Extensions & not internal flash memorey


Dear Fankoosh,

Thank you very much for trying to help me. However I am still unclear about a couple of things.

The first four points I have already done without any problem, The Plugin SkinMover has been installed and my fat32 USB Stick of 2 GB has been recognized. After I clicked on the empty TSmedia entry in Plugin SkinMover the chip image before the 0.0 MB TSmedia changed into a blue USB stick symbol.

Above it said: Flash: Free space (353.95MB) Total space (456.8MB)
Device: /media/usb Free space(1903.95MB) Total space (1904.0MB)

So I expect that so far all is OK.

Now my first question is, is it correct that in fact I had to google in order to find the TSmedia.ipk file and not take it from this page because here is only spoken of an image and not a plugin? I found the file enigma2-plugin-extensions-tsmedia-oe2.0_7.8_full_all.ipk on the site Is that Ok and is it the best? I took the newest from there but on another site named there was a newer file named enigma2-plugin-extensions-tsmedia-oe2.0_8.3_all.ipk but that one was only half the size of the first one. And there were also files with another ending like enigma2-plugin-extensions-tsmedia_6.8_sh4.ipk and also tsmedia-userstream-m3u-iptv-sam_11022014_mips32el.ipk so perhaps you may understand that I am quite confused as to which ipk file is the very best and complete for my ET9500 with OpenATV 4.2.

So that's my first question. Wich ipk file to use.
The second question: you mention in point 5 the word (symlink), I dont know that word at all, I checked the USB stick in my computer and there is a main directory named Extensions on the stick and an empty subdirectory named TSmedia. I hope that is correct?

Now the next question is point 6 where you speak of moving the ipk file to /temp. When I open DCC I see in the root no /temp, oly I see a little hand that refers apparently to something moved with the words tmp -> /var/tmp. And when I click on that I end up in a directory named var/volatile/tmp in which I see 11 files of which i suspect that they only exist as temporary files for the functioning of the receiver (?). But I suspect that that probably is not the location named /temp to which you told me that i had to move the *.ipk file to?

After I understand which ipk file to move and where I can find /temp I hope that the last two instructions 7 and 8 will give me no problems. Could you please tell me about these?

Many thanks again, and of course with kindest regards!

-us ur image as it it & dont delete or tranfer any kind of any other file to usb stick unless u r doing flashexpander & thats is not the subject about what i mentioned for watching TSmedia

i would like make it easier for guide again & plez stick to the guide:

1- after u already installed ur favourite image , u will be able to mount a external or internal storage memory, so first do mount any internal or external media to be media/hdd ^ thats is donre by initalize the media sfter u already formate it FAT32 on ur pc , so first media should be mounted as /media/hdd , this is ur media u shall use it to record chs or whatever u like & this is not the one i shall use it for TSmedia

2- now u have to mount & use another 2nd external storage memory which is external flash pin stick 2 or 4 gb , fat32 & insert it & initialze it so it will be configered to ur box , then mount it as /media/usb

3- now u can install pluginskinmover & open it & u will see an above message showing that a /media/usb media been mounted & it free memory size is =! whatever

4- in ur box now open DCC go & browse path usr/lib/enigma2/python/plugins/Extensions , in Extensions folder create a folder named= TSmedia exact letter u should write not tsmedia , so it is folder TSmedia , , cloz ur dcc

5- go to ur plugin browser by remote controll open it & browse down till u find TSmedia , now hit ok button & folder of TSmedia will be tranfered to /media/usb/Extension (symlink)

6- ftp or tranfer ur tsmedi ipk file ( installation file IPK) to /temp

7- install it by telnet command option available in ur DCC programe plez check left collom boxes , copy & past following command into black box" opkg install /tmp/*.ipk " , then hit enter the wait untill it gives u messaage that plugin been installed & restart ur box wait for 2 minutes better

8- restart ur box now u can see TSmedia without problem & it is already been installed into ur /media/usb/Extensions & not internal flash memorey


Super VIP
i am not sure for the point of .ipk or .sh coz i dont have idea about ur box what it deal with ? ET9500 which is Xtrend box but i guess it should handle .ipk files , so go ahead & install latest enigma2-plugin-extensions-tsmedia-oe2.0_8.3_all.ipk & send it to the /temp & that path is correct also tmp -> /var/volatile/tmp , it is the folder u saw some files in it , this is ur Temp


i am not sure for the point of .ipk or .sh coz i dont have idea about ur box what it deal with ? ET9500 which is Xtrend box but i guess it should handle .ipk files , so go ahead & install latest enigma2-plugin-extensions-tsmedia-oe2.0_8.3_all.ipk & send it to the /temp & that path is correct also tmp -> /var/volatile/tmp , it is the folder u saw some files in it , this is ur Temp

Thank you very, very much fankoosh, thanks to your extra information I was indeed able to install TSmedia properly.

However, I guess I must have chosen the wrong ipk file because the for me most important feature of TSmedia 6.8 ( named softcam (I assume this means one can add regular and BISS keys to the system?) appears to not be present in my 8.3 options list. Does this mean that I should uninstall TS media and then do the same thing with the 6.8 ipk or is there a manner to add the softcam option to my present installation?

One more question: what advantage gives adding TSmedia as an image instead of a plug-in? Does one perhaps get extra options like that or does it make no difference?
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Super VIP
now u r mixing up the whole things , the discussion was about TS media only , now u start to discuss about another plugin which showing softcam & this is TS panel , plez i show u only the way to install TSmedia which is our subject & u got it finally properly installed , here is no farther discussion for other plugin u shown in ur last post TSpanel , u can sort out what u would like to install here in the forum be using search option


now u r mixing up the whole things , the discussion was about TS media only , now u start to discuss about another plugin which showing softcam & this is TS panel , plez i show u only the way to install TSmedia which is our subject & u got it finally properly installed , here is no farther discussion for other plugin u shown in ur last post TSpanel , u can sort out what u would like to install here in the forum be using search option

I am sorry fankoosh, from the picture at the page I have quoted I assumed that this softcam was a part of TSmedia. Just look at the FIRST PICTURE on and you will see that the options are given within 6.8 TSmedia. If it is not a part of TSmedia, why does it show within that chapter?