Encryption Projects as SU group


I cant read that image, virusscanner blocks when it trys to open
please rehost the pic on imgur


Senior Member


Senior Member

Hi you doing. Listen I still working but I am close to release my latest. So a few days more for nest release.

Regards the negative. I did already explained on other thread. I guess you miss that.

If you are not a programmer you may wonder why Negative?
A 32 bit Integer can have a maximum of 2^32 = 4294967296. This means an unsigned 32 bit Integer can count 0 -> 4,294,967,296

But if the programmer use Signed Integer then the last bit is use to stated negative or not. This means only 2^31 can be used to count as we lost 1 bit.

At the end a Signed 32 bit integer can count from −2,147,483,647 to +2,147,483,647

Lets resume.
COder's answer, is correct. You can transform a Negative Signed Integer and gets its value to a Positive Unsigned Integer. Clearly you need a Calculator that can do such transformation.

Instead I show you the easy-way. Start with the Maximum 32 bit and subtract the Negative integer. That will give you the Unsigned Value.
4294967296 -507570176 = 3787397120

Hope it helps.


Senior Member
Yes PC hardware influence speed. And as you are mentioning PCIe can influence.

Now you know how to deal with it, you set multiple consecutive loads. You do that in fact when you start various CUDABISS as same time. In my case I am trying to have multi-threading by default.

Imagine you have an empty swimming pool, and you only have a bucket and a regular outdoor lawn faucet. The PCIe time represent the time the faucet remains close, while you go back and forth to empty your bucket into the swimming pool. If you are alone ( You only one ) the faucet spent more time close than open!!. Then you get two more guys to help you. You now see that the faucet sepent more time open than closed. So you realice you need more help. As more help means less time the faucet is close.

What happen, with more consecutive request for work, you finally end up Hiding the time spent waiting/not working. Ironically what your are studding is exactly what I am working in my new next version. By hiding lost time, we can force more cores to be busy instead of waiting.


Donating Member
A test with an MSI 4090 card running multiple instances of Cuda Biss can run a full biss range from 000000... to FFFFFF... in as fast as 9.96 hours.
This depends on how many instances are used at the same time.
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Will cudabiss work in cloud virtual machine?

Some services offer 8 x RTX 4090 GPU for ~$8/hr.

PS. I'v just ran a test on my old PC (now Mac is my daily ride) with GTX 1080. I'm getting ~500 MKPS. Power consumption: ~130Watt. With two instances running: ~300 MKPS per instance and power consumption 155Watts.


Senior Member
I do not need the services, but I am interested in knowing what is been offer. Can you send me a PM with the cloud info?

You are an interesting guy. If you have a GTX 1080, this is good enouth for basic stuff. Why will you pay some one else $$ for that? What is what you have in mind?

Listen, when you do not RBT you self, you can always as for help in


Sorry I don't have a privilege to PM (I presume not enough posts).

Recently I acquired C/KU 8 feet dish - this is my new hobby. It's fun to play with it - especially to watch FTA wild feeds - behind the scene things (some funny like in the attached pic: she is teaching a guy how to make a heart :)).

Now I'm exploring an idea of watching some encrypted feeds. I do have RBT but some ts recordings either spit out "fake" crypt8 or nothing at all. So here comes the BF and cudabiss.

It will take ~150hrs for my GPU to do full range search. 150hrs x 200 Watts = ~20 KWh (€4-€10 the energy cost).

Investing in powerful equipment doesn't make economical sense (cloud service can do it just for the cost of the energy I would have to spend to run my own equipment).

The service I mentioned is GPU cloud service I've googled: en dot immers dot cloud.

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Senior Member
Ahhhhaaaa!!! Another Feed Hunter entusiast. Welcome to the community. There are many here. I personally have no antenna at the moment, but I use to spent many hours at my roof searching new alternatives. Yes happy hours on nights.

I will google. Your answer was just perfect, As we are not allow to promote any $$ Service or forums.
Keep the good work.


Senior Member
I agree with you all. If you could read my PM you will see only users asking me unimportant things. I guess many users seems a little embarrass to ask trivial things. I was raise on the opposite. Ask all you want, you can only learn from your mistakes.

Now Why PM?, because I ask for info on a PAY SERVICE that has nothing to do with SU. I believe that placing $$$ external Services is considered here in SU as SPAM, and poster can be ban...

I had only one exception, on 2018 or so I wanted to look and find solution for tandberg type EC. But as I was constantly harassed even by some mods, then I ask help via PM from some good coders here. Just a few post then I decided to take a rest from SU. Now I am back and I have no issue with no one. All people has been nice to me.