Amiko A3's big problem


Well Known Member
Don't you just love it when people just say "It's perfect!" and leave... Ahem... Yeah, right... How about leave those essential files here, m8? No? Oh, well... In that case, go back to the creepy-crawly hole where you got from, then - and stay there, thanx!


Alien... well, I tried helping bring DOSCam to Alien1/2 (STi 7111/7162, i.e. SH4 platform) but the author complained that DVBapi drivers were badly done... And in the case of Alien3 the same applies, sadly: DVBapi drivers v. 5 are NOT fully compatible, we are being told!

Look, the SoC in Alien3 is the same as in some other machines, where things work much better, since those DVBapi drivers v. 5 are allegedly FULLY COMPATIBLE, say the knowledgeable people, soooo....

1) 'It's being worked on as we speak, this little problem, by default (coincidentally), in order to port E2 for the platform in question (Graugans and Delfi of PBNIGMA [by Power Board Team]) are trying it, for another machine with the same SoC, using the Yocto layer Graugans developed for SH4 platform, earlier mentioned, so "normal" MIPSEL E2 can be used for the SH4 platform...), which might be very cool in many ways...

2) As far as I can see, if Alien3 DVBapi drivers are not properly compatible with all the usual DVB apps we use - tough titties... Other such machines might be taking advantage of it all, so maybe those sad A3 guys writing drivers there should sit up, listen, learn and then do what is needed...???

3) Those "other machines" by Amlogic are kinda old-ish already: they are now coming up with S805 Quad Core with DVB-T/C/S tuners supported.... The big thing is, these guys at Amlogic have gone almost all open source, they tell me... Now, there's BIG news for us!!! :) Quad core, maybe with octo core Graphics processor (Mali?)? For the same price, some say, as the previous platform! Heheeee... :)

Stay "tuned", so to speak... :D :D :D
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Oscam not working so far but the Kodi app works great on it.

I was going to sell my Amiko A3 because, like everyone else, I can't get Oscam to work on it but I've decided to keep it and use it as a 'set top box' for kodi IPTV. Works great for that.
The best box I've found so far for softcam is the Openbox V8S. It's an absolute doddle getting my CCcam line installed on that :thum:


Well Known Member
From what I hear it's NOT "like everyone else, OSCam is not working"...

Stay tuned... :D