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  • Pozdrav kolega. Imam AZbox Premium HD koji je bio ostao u booting modu i koji sam uspio oživiti preko Yamon konzole. Međutim sada imam problem, ne prepoznaje mi DOM ni USB stick kada putem AZUp-a pokušam ubaciti patch.e2. Probao sam promjeniti DOM i umjesto njegovog 2GB sam probao sa modelom od 4GB i ista stvar. Nakon što uključim rec na displayu ispiše: booting, VFD rady, i IP Molio bih te za pomoć, vidio sam da si ti stručnjak za ove stvari. Može kontakt preko PM, ili na mob 095 815 9754, hvala i lijep pozdrav.
    hello gorski,

    sorry to disturb you with a pm but I started a thread on oscam setup on opensat firmware and i was wondering if you could give me an opinion on the matter. I am going literally crazy about it, to the point I have no idea where to seek assistance. You will find the discussion in the azbox hd chat section

    thanks in advance
    Može li oporavak AZBox-a Premium(posle neuspele izmene firmware-a samo boot na lcd-u.Premalo mi je vremena da jurim max 232,zadnji sam kupio za season interface,previše mi je da učim šta da radim.Može li poštom - pošaljem azbox,pare i dobijem nazad jare sa RTI 1.7? luigi 063609211
    molim te misljenje dali da kupi azbox elite drug mimga daje za 180 eura svi su zapeli dreambox 800 hd sta .Neznam sta da radim imam ca linije 5 sto koristim na starom dreambox 500s i to je to .dali mogu da koristim na az box isto i tvoje iskustvo po tom pitanju zelim da cujem i dali ces mi pomoci ako ga uzmem oko sredjivanja cs i ucenju istog hvala i izvini na smetnji gorane pozdrav .
    Just in the process of trying to find the optimum settings to reduces screen glitches, had a few tonight before coming to work, so once i have understood that, will post an update...
    I got the server address via a friend (kinda) that deals with the person that owns the server and cards. He was trying to convince me to get the DM800 HD as well as the subscription to the server. After reading some reviews on the DM800 HD and coming accross the AZBox HD Premium, i could save £100 on the price of the box. As it is quite a new box, he does not really deal with it as there is not a great deal of support, so luckily enough after perserveirance and asking some right questions, have managed, with the help of your good self, to get this box working with a newCamd server. Also, he is a member of this forum, not sure what his nick is on here, hence the pm rather than a public post, hope you understand!

    But dont get me wrong, i am very gratefull for your help with getting the MboxCAS plugin to work, and it does work a dream.
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