Unicam Module - Lastest Release


Super VIP
Special stuff:

- HD+ HD03/HD03a smartcards support
- TNTsat smartcards reading support for HD channels
- CSat smartcards SECA 3 pairing on HD channels (nano 01)
- Fransat smartcards reading support
- AU (Auto-Update) for TNT SAT SurEncryption key
- 8X MTD
- *** FastMode+ to further improve MTD performance
- Telenet emulator support


Super VIP
Unicam Loader 4.04 (Linux CLI)

Neuer Unicam Loader 4.04 für linux CLI zum flashen des Unicam Evo
4.0 und dem upgegradeten Unicam Evo und Twin 3.0
- unicamloader-4.04_linux-amd64-cli.zip
- unicamloader-4.04_linux-i386-cli.zip

- Kompatibilitätsmodus für die Hardware 4.0 hinzugefügt


Super VIP
Pacific 4.41 Unicam Evo/Twin 4.0/3.0 (mit Upgrade auf 4.x)


fehlerhafte Entschlüsselung vom UHD1-Kanal (HD+) beseitigt
fixed UHD1 channel
Anzeige "Konfiguration geändert" verbessert
fixed the CAM message on smartcards where it was shown at each CAM init
Fehler beim Schließen/Wiederöffnen des gleichen Kanals mit DVBViewer und DigitalDevices DVB-Karten beseitigtMM-Verarbeitung für HD03 und HD03a-Karten hinzugefügt
fixed a bug on closing/re-opening the same channel with DVBViewer and DigitalDevices dvb-cards
getrenntes EMM-Menü für Smartcard und SIM-Card (nur für Unicam Twin 3.0 mit Upgrade)
added support for EMMs with double cards when both cards can support the same channel
Fehler beim T*l*n*t-Emulator beseitigt
fixed t*l*n*t emulator
verbesserte Kartenunterstützung von HD03/HD03a/HD04
fixed HD03/HD03a/HD04 card's reinit
Anzeige von den Berechtigungen bei HD03/HD03a/HD04-Karten
added reading of tiers for HD03/HD03a/HD04
Unterstüzung von TeleSAT SECA3-Smartkarten (M7-Gruppe)
added support for nano 01 on m7/telesat SECA 3 smartcards

Special stuff:

- HD+ HD03/HD03a/HD04 smartcards support
- CSat smartcards SECA 3 pairing on HD channels (nano 01)
- TéléSAT smartcards SECA 3 pairing (nano 01)
- Fransat smartcards reading support
- TNTsat smartcards reading support for HD channels
- Telenet emulator support


Super VIP
Troja 4.41

Change Log for Troja firmware

Special stuff:
- HD+ HD03/HD03a/HD04 smartcards support
- CSat smartcards SECA 3 pairing on HD channels (nano 01)
- TéléSAT smartcards SECA 3 pairing (nano 01)
- Fransat smartcards reading support
- TNTsat smartcards reading support for HD channels

- fixed UHD1 channel
- fixed the CAM message on smartcards where it was shown at each CAM init
- fixed a bug on closing/re-opening the same channel with DVBViewer and DigitalDevices dvb-cards
- added support for EMMs with double cards when both cards can support the same channel
- fixed HD03/HD03a/HD04 card's reinit
- added reading of tiers for HD03/HD03a/HD04
- added support for nano 01 on m7/telesat SECA 3 smartcards

- fixed a bug when applying the block_by07 option on modbox file
- fixed the showing of modbox block_bylen data in the menus
- added support for EMMs on HD+ HD03/HD03a smartcards
- fixed a bug on HD+ HD02 init when the card was previously inserted in the original CI+ cam
- added support for HD+ HD04 smartcard
- added a new code for managing the CAID list automatically, basically there's no more the need to use custom CAID lists, everything is managed automatically and/or on next CAM's reset (you will see a CAM's message when the CAID list will be updated)
- changed the ECM/EMM pid list debug menus for a better understanding
- 3+ is now recognized on viaccess 5 smartcards
- fixed a bug on erasing data by CAM's menu in some circumstances
- added alternative mode support on hardware v4 too, this could be needed for few Philips/LG TVs because the new default mode is used to have a better performance on Panasonic and Samsung TVs

- fixed the reading of HD+ (HD01/HD02 smartcards) expiring date on entitlements menu
- fixed Indovision Videoguard 09C1 smartcard reading
- added management of Conax smartcards mature rating options
- in the Info menu for *** smartcards you can see now the payload for nano 0F 06
- removed the sky de anti-pairing option because it is obsolete, you can still use the modbox file to add filters on EMM's len (applied to all codifies)
- added the possibility to block/block-by-len/log EMMs, you can see last 5 EMMs in the EMM data menu and can decide to send one of them to the card
- added support for HD+ HD03/HD03a smartcards (ECM only, no updates and no entitlements support currently, work in progress)

- fixed a bug when AutoPMT was enabled not allowing anymore to get a valid PMT
- fixed the reading of entitlements on *** smartcards
- fixed the association between chid/tiers (***, cryptoworks, irdeto and so on) and packages on entitlements menu
- added warning messages when enabling autopmt and blockers for EMMs to prevent users doing the wrong thing

- fixed potential crash when entering the smartcard's info menu
- reset of settings is applied because of changed default value for *** fastmode and prevent sky DE marriage options
- fixed a bug on showing serial number for betacrypt smartcards in the info menu
- reorganized the entitlements menu for all codifies with a better output
- fixed MTD for tivusat (and all channels that uses same provider and ecm pid)
- fixed the setting of FastMode on some smartcards not working previously
- added management of cases when a fake ECM or corrupted data is received (this will prevent freezes on TV)

- fixed a bug on cam init with enigma2 images
- improved the switching of dynamic caid
- fixed a bug when AutoPMT was set to on that didn't allow to update ecm pids
- CAT is now processed also on FTA channels if the host sends the PMT
- fixed a bug introduced on version 4.18 when resetting smartcards
- fixed a bug when managing errors that occur on smartcards

- fixed humax icord recordings bug introduced on version 4.18
- fixed booting issues introduced with version 4.18 on Topfield TF7700
- reverted back the force nagra mode to "yes" by default (seems a better solution for most of cards)

- fixed a bug introduced on version 4.18 that was locking the CAM when switching channel and the CAT wasn't downloaded yet

- fixed a bug on filtering EMMs in few rare cases were they were discarded by the hardware (this fixes totally the problem of updates with SRG)
- improved the booting of the CAM with devices that are using too strict timings on boot
- added support for 0D98 ICE smartcard
- rewrote the code for managing PMTs better and safer
- added ChIDs on Irdeto smartcard entitlements menu
- default caid list is now updated according to latest changes
- fixed a bug on sending EMMs to betacrypt tunneled smartcards

- fixed a minor bug on boot for few Samsung TVs
- tier ID is now shown on *** smartcards menu
- added block of Sky DE 07 EMMs

- fixed a minor bug on settings that could imply the EMMs stop to work
- Fuse Byte value is now shown on *** smartcards menu

- fixed the latency on *** smartcard boot
- if you switch from troja to pacific settings are now kept the same
- improved handling of ECMs and EMMs when the first ECM pid selected fails
- fixed the smartcard reset counter in the CAM's menu

- fixed TNTsat smartcard support for HD channels

- fixed a compatibility issue with Panasonic TVs when using Sky Germany smartcards that were creating CI communication issues
- added an option on the CAM's menu to prevent the pairing on Sky Germany smartcards (if you want to manage it manually check the blockemm-bylen function on RSA-Box key file)
- fixed a regression bug on Viasat 090F *** smartcards
- fixed a rare bug with Sky Italy 09CD smartcards when trying to open a channel

- improved code for *** smartcards (999x errors should be prevented from now on)

- added TNTsat auto update for ECM keys, this fixes TNTsat for SD channels

- reverted changes done on version 4.07 for nagravision cards, this fixes freeze problems
- fixed TNTsat smartcard support with latest changes of 24/06/2014 (only SD channels)

- fixed TNTsat smartcard support with latest changes of 20/06/2014 (only SD channels)

- fixed translation of Back in the Info menu using German language
- improved priority management for smartcard's updates
- fixed TNTsat smartcard support

- fixed a bug on managing MTD channels with DigitalDevices when using XBMC in combination with DVBViewer
- fixed TNTsat smartcard support

- fixed descrambling of CSat smartcard on HD channels

- fixed KD K02 smartcard reading
- rearranged CAM's menu for smartcards
- fixed a compatibility issue with Vantage STBs in case dynamic caid is enabled
- improved seca EMM handling in case of 2 or more providers used together in the same card
- fixed a bug on selecting ecm pid correctly in case of multi-provider smartcard
- fixed a bug on factory reset when expert menu is enabled

- fixed *** sky de v13 smartcard with Fastmode+ enabled

- optimized channel switching speed
- fixed ac3/dolby audio for sky de channels
- improved auto-ecm manager for better channel switching speed
- improved *** fastmode for all *** smartcards
- some minor bugfixes and stability improvements

- fixed a bug on setting EMM pids for updates with Seca Canal Digitaal smartcards on few channels
- fixed updates for viaccess 2.6, 4.0 and 5.0 SRG cards
- fixed a bug with MTD on Kathrein STBs
- added support for 8x MTD channels

- first public release with new core


Super VIP
Fixed sporadic HD+ HD04 (186A) dropouts
Fix for broken recordings when descrambling suddenly stops (like on Sky Select PPV at the end of a booked event)
[Auto PMT] Improved repairability of broken CA PMTs sent by certain buggy iDTVs/STBs
[Auto PMT] Also do CAT/EMM in case the PAT/PMT download fails
[Auto PMT] Fixed bug for providers who send multiple PMTs with different SIDs on the same PMT PID


Super VIP
Pacific 4.43

Unterstützung für Nano 01 bei Canal Digitaal NL Smartkarten (Seca 3) hinzugefügt
added support for nano 01 on Canal Digitaal NL SECA 3 smartcards
Unterstützung für Nano 01 bei TV Vlaanderen Smartkarten (Seca 3) hinzugefügt
added support for nano 01 on TV Vlaanderen SECA 3 smartcards
Fehler bei der Verwendung einer Kombination von EMM-Blocker-Einstellungen beseitigt
fixed a bug when using a combination of EMM blocker settings
Stabilität bei HD+ HD02-Smartkarten verbessert
fixed a bug on unstable HD+ HD02 smartcardsl
Freezer/Dropouts bei HD+ HD04-Smartkarten beseitigt
fixed HD+ HD04 smartcard freezing/dropouts
Fehler bei der Verarbeitung von der PMT, falls bei der Verwendung von FloppyDTV und AutoPMT eine beschädigte PMT über das Standardprotokoll gesendet wurde, beseitigt
fixed downloading of PMT when using FloppyDTV and AutoPMT in case it sends a corrupted PMT over the standard protocol
A/V-PIDs jetzt freigegeben --> falls es Probleme mit dem Control Word gibt, hilft dies wenigen Aufnahmegeräten bei der Aufnahme
a/v pids are now released when a failing CW is found, this helps few recording devices to fix recorded streams
Verbesserte Verarbeitung der CAT, sodass EMMs auch auf Geräten ermöglicht werden, wenn AutoPMT fehlschlägt
fixed the download of CAT to allow EMMs also on devices where the AutoPMT fails
Verbesserte Verarbeitung von Multi-PMTs für unterschiedliche SIDs, bei gleicher PID und AutoPMT
fixed the downloading of multi PMTs for different SIDs on the same PID in case of AutoPMT

Special stuff:

- HD+ HD03/HD03a/HD04 smartcards support
- CSat smartcards SECA 3 pairing on HD channels (nano 01)
- TéléSAT smartcards SECA 3 pairing (nano 01)
- Canal Digitaal NL smartcards SECA 3 pairing (nano 01)
- TV Vlaanderen smartcards SECA 3 pairing (nano 01)
- Fransat smartcards reading support
- TNTsat smartcards reading support for HD channels
- Telenet emulator support


Super VIP
Troja 4.43 Unicam Evo/Twin 4.0/3.0 (mit Upgrade auf 4.x)

predefinito Troja 4.43 Unicam Evo/Twin 4.0/3.0 (mit Upgrade auf 4.x)

Unterstützung für Nano 01 bei Canal Digitaal NL Smartkarten (Seca 3) hinzugefügt
added support for nano 01 on Canal Digitaal NL SECA 3 smartcards
Unterstützung für Nano 01 bei TV Vlaanderen Smartkarten (Seca 3) hinzugefügt
added support for nano 01 on TV Vlaanderen SECA 3 smartcards
Fehler bei der Verwendung einer Kombination von EMM-Blocker-Einstellungen beseitigt
fixed a bug when using a combination of EMM blocker settings
Stabilität bei HD+ HD02-Smartkarten verbessert
fixed a bug on unstable HD+ HD02 smartcardsl
Freezer/Dropouts bei HD+ HD04-Smartkarten beseitigt
fixed HD+ HD04 smartcard freezing/dropouts
Fehler bei der Verarbeitung von der PMT, falls bei der Verwendung von FloppyDTV und AutoPMT eine beschädigte PMT über das Standardprotokoll gesendet wurde, beseitigt
fixed downloading of PMT when using FloppyDTV and AutoPMT in case it sends a corrupted PMT over the standard protocol
A/V-PIDs jetzt freigegeben --> falls es Probleme mit dem Control Word gibt, hilft dies wenigen Aufnahmegeräten bei der Aufnahme
a/v pids are now released when a failing CW is found, this helps few recording devices to fix recorded streams
Verbesserte Verarbeitung der CAT, sodass EMMs auch auf Geräten ermöglicht werden, wenn AutoPMT fehlschlägt
fixed the download of CAT to allow EMMs also on devices where the AutoPMT fails
Verbesserte Verarbeitung von Multi-PMTs für unterschiedliche SIDs, bei gleicher PID und AutoPMT
fixed the downloading of multi PMTs for different SIDs on the same PID in case of AutoPMT

Special stuff:

- HD+ HD03/HD03a/HD04 smartcards support
- CSat smartcards SECA 3 pairing on HD channels (nano 01)
- TéléSAT smartcards SECA 3 pairing (nano 01)
- Canal Digitaal NL smartcards SECA 3 pairing (nano 01)
- TV Vlaanderen smartcards SECA 3 pairing (nano 01)
- Fransat smartcards reading support
- TNTsat smartcards reading support for HD channels


Super VIP
-Troja 4.44 Unicam Evo/Twin 4.0/3.0 (mit Upgrade auf 4.x)

-Pacific 4.44 Unicam Evo/Twin 4.0/3.0 (mit Upgrade auf 4.x)


Beseitigt kleinere Aussetzer während der Kanalumschaltung
fixed a bug that caused little drops in few cases during the channel switching

- HD+ HD03/HD03a/HD04 smartcards support
- CSat smartcards SECA 3 pairing on HD channels (nano 01)
- TéléSAT smartcards SECA 3 pairing (nano 01)
- Canal Digitaal NL smartcards SECA 3 pairing (nano 01)
- TV Vlaanderen smartcards SECA 3 pairing (nano 01)
- Fransat smartcards reading support
- TNTsat smartcards reading support for HD channels


Super VIP
Pacific 4.50 and Troja 4.50


gepairte V14-Smartkarten können wieder im Unicam ohne Restriktionen betrieben werden
paired V14 of Sky DE (v14 smartcards) working
T*l*n*t-Emulator aktualisiert
fixed Telenet emulator

Special stuff:

- paired V14 of Sky DE (v14 smartcards) working
- HD+ HD03/HD03a/HD04 smartcards support
- CSat smartcards SECA 3 pairing on HD channels (nano 01)
- TéléSAT smartcards SECA 3 pairing (nano 01)
- Canal Digitaal NL smartcards SECA 3 pairing (nano 01)
- TV Vlaanderen smartcards SECA 3 pairing (nano 01)
- Fransat smartcards reading support
- TNTsat smartcards reading support for HD channels
- T*l*n*t emulator support


Super VIP
Troja 4.51

paired V13&V14 of Sky DE (v14 smartcards) working(you just have to insert the card and block emm like in past to prevent new pairing)


Super VIP
Pacific 4.51

paired V13&V14 of Sky DE (v14 smartcards) working(you just have to insert the card and block emm like in past to prevent new pairing);
fixed Telenet emulator


Super VIP
Special stuff:

- paired V14 of Sky DE (v14 smartcards) working
- HD+ HD03/HD03a/HD04 smartcards support
- CSat smartcards SECA 3 pairing on HD channels (nano 01)
- TéléSAT smartcards SECA 3 pairing (nano 01)
- Canal Digitaal NL smartcards SECA 3 pairing (nano 01)
- TV Vlaanderen smartcards SECA 3 pairing (nano 01)
- Fransat smartcards reading support
- TNTsat smartcards reading support for HD channels
- T*l*n*t emulator support

Die wichtigsten Emu-Provider:
Most important emu-provider:

SRG SSR (13.0°E)
UPC Cablecom (Schweiz)
Te***et (Belgien)


Super VIP
Special stuff:

- paired V14 of Sky DE (v14 smartcards) working
- HD+ HD03/HD03a/HD04 smartcards support
- CSat smartcards SECA 3 pairing on HD channels (nano 01)
- TéléSAT smartcards SECA 3 pairing (nano 01)
- Canal Digitaal NL smartcards SECA 3 pairing (nano 01)
- TV Vlaanderen smartcards SECA 3 pairing (nano 01)
- Fransat smartcards reading support
- TNTsat smartcards reading support for HD channels

devid 55

Well Known Member
pacific v4.55

fixed TNTsat smartcards support


troja v4.55

fixed TNTsat smartcards support



Super VIP

Funktion für CanalSat Viaccess Smartcards hinzugefügt
added support for CanalSat Viaccess smartcards
T*l*n*t Emulator aktualisiert
fixed Telenet emulator

Special stuff:

- HD+ HD03/HD03a/HD04/HD04a smartcards support
- CSat smartcards SECA 3 pairing on HD channels (nano 01)
- TéléSAT smartcards SECA 3 pairing (nano 01)
- Canal Digitaal NL smartcards SECA 3 pairing (nano 01)
- TV Vlaanderen smartcards SECA 3 pairing (nano 01)
- Fransat smartcards reading support
- TNTsat smartcards reading support for HD channels
- T*l*n*t emulator support

Die wichtigsten Emu-Provider:
Most important emu-provider:

SRG SSR (13.0°E)
UPC Cablecom (Schweiz)
T*l*n*t (Belgien)