Unicam Module - Lastest Release


Well Known Member
Sparta 5.40

-MTP function Seca card (f.e. TV Vlaanderen) added!
-D02/09 & G02/09 cards function improved, confirmation comments welcome!


Well Known Member
Atlantic v1.40

The first EMU-Soft for Unicam 1/Unicam 2/Deltacrypt

New Emu Software Atlantic 1.40 for the Unicam.

Based on Sparta 5.40!

Use Unicam-Loader 2.0 for progging!

Tested with different SmartCards (SKY, HD+ (01, 02) and a lot of Receiver and SmartTV !

for testing the EMU-function is ++NO++ dummy card necessary !

The known problem with SKYHD and LGTVs cannot be fixed with this update !

No further updating of a Key-file needed or possible. The Keys are fix in the Firmware integrated.

There are NO BISS Keys integrated !

Attention: Watching Pay-TV without valid card is illegal! Use this Software only at your own risk and for test only if you own a legal Smartcard! I assume no liability for any damage or improper use of this software!


Super VIP
Latest fixes on Sparta 5.45:

*V14 SKy Activation/Auto update
*D02/D09 KDG added HD+ channels and Activation/Auto update IMPROVED!
*G02/G09 KDG Activation/Auto update IMPROVED!
*Kabel BW all cards Activation/Auto update IMPROVED!

It took more time to place this update, because we have waited for confirmation of
activation for G09_KDG and V14_ SKy, which was sucessfully tested 22nd March 2013.


Super VIP
Troja 3.13 UniCam 3 EVO/Twin/Pro

Fixed with Troja 3.13

* Added Smartcard voltage control 3,3V/5V into Cam Menu

* Added reset function into Cam Menu!

* Viaccess cards 2.6/3.0/4.0 works except of paired versions!

* MTD 4-channels add service fixed!

Pending issues, statement
1.Kathrein, there is no possibility from our side to fix bugs by software, therefore we get in touch with them and ask, whether they could
do software update for their STB´s, which seems to be in progress now.

* Kathrein UFS913 / UFS923 / UFS925 -sometimes hangs up randomly with cold start-
* Kathrein UFS910 HD+ descrambling bug
* Kathrein UFS924 Red Bull limited Edition -cold start sometimes blocks booting-

2. TechniSat TechniStar and Technivision, also here we need software upgrade for their boxes, already got contact and waiting for their help.

* TechniStar S1/1+/2/2+ -always booting, no init at all-
* Technivision TV sets -always booting, no init at all-

3. DreamBoX DM7020, we are trying to get in touch with Dream, as also here we have no option to handle by software update.

* DM7020 init okay, but descrambling problem will be handled by cam manufacturer update these days.

* All other combination intolerances will be handled one by one with original sources, we are following all comments and do actions needed!


Super VIP
New Emu Software Pacific 3.13 for the Unicam Evo and Unicam Twin.

Based on Troja 3.13.
Use only Unicam-Loader 3.0 for progging.

- ORF Package included (ORF1 HD,ORF2 HD, ORF III, ORF1 - ORF2 - ORF Regional Channels, Puls4 Austria, ORF Sport Plus, ATV, ATV2 on Astra 19.2E),
- Austriasat included (sportdigital, Sat.1 Emotions, kabel eins classics and AXN action Animax, Planet, VH1, MTV Hits, MTV ocks, MTV Dance, MTV Music, Hustler TV and Dorcel TV on Astra 19.2E),
- UPC Direct included (on Intelsat 10-02 1.0°W; Thor 5, Thor 6 - 0.8°W)

No further updating of a Key-file needed or possible. The Keys are fix in the Firmware integrated.

Attention: Watching Pay-TV without valid card is illegal! Use this Software only at your own risk and for test only if you own a legal Smartcard! I assume no liability for any damage or improper use of this software!


Well Known Member
Changelog Troja 3.15

1. Add menu “Update Cam SW” under Cam information, for new programmer generation

2. Fix NEW Panasonic TV-Sets and Grundig TV recognization problem

3. Fix Aljazeera irdeto card

4. Fix Conax card problem

5. Improve *** stability, SKY-V14 quick zapping on Samsung F-Series fixed

6. Fix SkyLink Irdeto and SkyLink ICE card


Well Known Member
Pacific 3.16

New Emu Software Pacific 3.16 for the Unicam Evo and Unicam Twin.

Based on Troja 3.16.


- TNT Sat Card fixed
- TNT Sat Emu solved

Use only Unicam-Loader 3.0

- ORF Package included (ORF1 HD,ORF2 HD, ORF III, ORF1 - ORF2 - ORF Regional Channels, Puls4 Austria, ORF Sport Plus, ATV, ATV2 on Astra 19.2E),
- Austriasat included (only sportdigital, Sat.1 Emotions, kabel eins classics and AXN action still working now on Astra 19.2E),
- UPC Direct included (on Intelsat 10-02 1.0∞W; Thor 5, Thor 6 - 0.8∞W),
- TNT Sat included (on Astra 19.2∞E)

No further updating of a Key-file needed or possible. The Keys are fix in the Firmware integrated.

Attention: Watching Pay-TV without valid card is illegal! Use this Software only at your own risk and for test only if you own a legal Smartcard! I assume no liability for any damage or improper use of this software!


Well Known Member
Changelog in Troja 3.17

- minor bug fixes
- HD02 bug fixed, which was happen in some Technisat stbs

Latest fixes on Sparta 5.51:

- minor bug fixes
- TNT Sat Card fixed
- Add menu Update Cam SW under main menu, for new programmer generation


Well Known Member

****TROJA 3.19<<


I. Hallo TV Karte CONAX à Done

II.. ORF ICE-Karte à Done

III. ORF 0 0042xxx-Karte à Done


Super VIP
Troja 3.22 for the Unicam Evo and Unicam Twin.


- Delete card voltage MMI, as it causes confusion, automatic detection added
- Added Conax-Karte CAID 0B02
- Added Hallo TV Karte CONAX
- ORF ICE-Karte: EMM-catching IMPROVED
- ORF 0 0042xxx-Karte EMM-catching IMPROVED
- *** cards entitlements added
- Redlight Card fixed, all channels work now

Use only Unicam-Loader 3.0 for progging.


Troja 3.22 fuer das Unicam Evo und Unicam Twin.


- Einstellung im MMI Volt Auswahl herausgenommen, führt zu Verwirrung, autom. Erkennung der Karten eingepflegt
- Conax-Karte CAID 0B02 hinzugefügt
- Hallo TV Karte CONAX hinzugefügt
- ORF ICE-Karte: EMM-Signal empfangen bestätigt/verbessert
- ORF 0 0042xxx-Karte: EMM-Signal empfangen bestätigt/verbessert
- *** Karten Entitlements hinzugefügt (verfügbare Daten *** Karten)
- Redlight Karte gefixt(alle Kanäle laufen nun)

Zum einspielen nur den Unicam-Loader 3.0 verwenden.


New Emu Software Pacific 3.22 for the Unicam Evo and Unicam Twin.

Based on Troja 3.22


- Delete card voltage MMI, as it causes confusion, automatic detection added
- Added Conax-Karte CAID 0B02
- Added Hallo TV Karte CONAX
- ORF ICE-Karte: EMM-catching IMPROVED
- ORF 0 0042xxx-Karte EMM-catching IMPROVED
- *** cards entitlements added
- Redlight Card fixed, all channels work now

Use only Unicam-Loader 3.0 for progging.

- ORF Package included (ORF1 HD,ORF2 HD, ORF III, ORF1 - ORF2 - ORF Regional Channels, Puls4 Austria, ORF Sport Plus, ATV, ATV2 on Astra 19.2E),
- Austriasat included (only sportdigital, Sat.1 Emotions, kabel eins classics and AXN action still working now on Astra 19.2E),

No further updating of a Key-file needed or possible. The Keys are fix in the Firmware integrated.

Attention: Watching Pay-TV without valid card is illegal! Use this Software only at your own risk and for test only if you own a legal Smartcard! I assume no liability for any damage or improper use of this software!


Neue Emu Software Pacific 3.22 fuer das Unicam Evo und Unicam Twin.

Basiert auf Troja 3.22


- Einstellung im MMI Volt Auswahl herausgenommen, führt zu Verwirrung, autom. Erkennung der Karten eingepflegt
- Conax-Karte CAID 0B02 hinzugefügt
- Hallo TV Karte CONAX hinzugefügt
- ORF ICE-Karte: EMM-Signal empfangen bestätigt/verbessert
- ORF 0 0042xxx-Karte: EMM-Signal empfangen bestätigt/verbessert
- *** Karten Entitlements hinzugefügt (verfügbare Daten *** Karten)
- Redlight Karte gefixt(alle Kanäle laufen nun)

Zum einspielen nur den Unicam-Loader 3.0 verwenden.

- ORF Packet enthalten (ORF1 HD,ORF2 HD, ORF III, ORF1 - ORF2 - ORF Regional Channels, Puls4 Austria, ORF Sport Plus, ATV, ATV2 auf Astra 19.2∞E),
- Austriasat enthalten (nur sportdigital, Sat.1 Emotions, kabel eins classics and AXN action still funktionieren gerade noch auf Astra 19.2∞E),

Es ist kein weiteres einspielen einer Key-Datei moeglich! Die Keys sind in der der Firmware fest integriert und koennen nicht ergaenzt oder veraendert werden.

Achtung: Das schauen von Bezahl-Fernsehen ohne gueltige Smartkarte ist illegal! Das benutzen dieser Firmware geschieht auf eigenem Risiko und ist nur zum testen, wenn man eine gueltige Smartkarte besitzt, gestattet! Ich Uebernehme keine Haftung fuer auftretende Schaeden und unsachgemaesser Verwendung dieser Software!


Super VIP
Change Log for Pacific firmware

Special stuff:
- CSat smartcards SECA 3 pairing on HD channels (nano 01)
- Fransat smartcards reading support
- Telenet (Belgium) emulation

- fixed a bug on setting EMM pids for updates with Seca Canal Digitaal smartcards on few channels
- fixed updates for viaccess 2.6, 4.0 and 5.0 SRG cards
- fixed a bug with MTD on Kathrein STBs
- added support for 8x MTD channels

- first public release with new core


Change Log for Troja firmware

Special stuff:
- CSat smartcards SECA 3 pairing on HD channels (nano 01)
- Fransat smartcards reading support

- fixed a bug on setting EMM pids for updates with Seca Canal Digitaal smartcards on few channels
- fixed updates for viaccess 2.6, 4.0 and 5.0 SRG cards
- fixed a bug with MTD on Kathrein STBs
- added support for 8x MTD channels

- first public release with new core


Super VIP
Pacific 4.03 Unicam Evo 4.0

Change Log for Pacific firmware

Special stuff:
- CSat smartcards SECA 3 pairing on HD channels (nano 01)
- Fransat smartcards reading support
- Telenet (Belgium) emulation

- optimized channel switching speed
- fixed ac3/dolby audio for sky de channels
- improved auto-ecm manager for better channel switching speed
- improved *** fastmode for all *** smartcards
- fixed CAID list updates with dynamic mode when editing keys by MMI
- some minor bugfixes and stability improvements

- fixed a bug on setting EMM pids for updates with Seca Canal Digitaal smartcards on few channels
- fixed updates for viaccess 2.6, 4.0 and 5.0 SRG cards
- fixed a bug with MTD on Kathrein STBs
- added support for 8x MTD channels

- first public release with new core


Super VIP
Pacific 4.04 Unicam Evo 4.0

Special stuff:
- CSat smartcards SECA 3 pairing on HD channels (nano 01)
- Fransat smartcards reading support
- Telenet (Belgium) emulation

- fixed *** sky de v13 smartcard with Fastmode+ enabled

- optimized channel switching speed
- fixed ac3/dolby audio for sky de channels
- improved auto-ecm manager for better channel switching speed
- improved *** fastmode for all *** smartcards(fastmode+)
- fixed CAID list updates with dynamic mode when editing keys by MMI
- some minor bugfixes and stability improvements

- fixed a bug on setting EMM pids for updates with Seca Canal Digitaal smartcards on few channels
- fixed updates for viaccess 2.6, 4.0 and 5.0 SRG cards
- fixed a bug with MTD on Kathrein STBs
- added support for 8x MTD channels

- first public release with new core


Troja 4.04 Unicam Evo 4.0

BeschreibungChange Log for Troja firmware

Special stuff:
- CSat smartcards SECA 3 pairing on HD channels (nano 01)
- Fransat smartcards reading support

- fixed *** sky de v13 smartcard with Fastmode+ enabled

- optimized channel switching speed
- fixed ac3/dolby audio for sky de channels
- improved auto-ecm manager for better channel switching speed
- improved *** fastmode for all *** smartcards(fastmode+)
- some minor bugfixes and stability improvements

- fixed a bug on setting EMM pids for updates with Seca Canal Digitaal smartcards on few channels
- fixed updates for viaccess 2.6, 4.0 and 5.0 SRG cards
- fixed a bug with MTD on Kathrein STBs
- added support for 8x MTD channels

- first public release with new core


Super VIP
Change Log for Pacific firmware

Special stuff:
- CSat smartcards SECA 3 pairing on HD channels (nano 01)
- Fransat smartcards reading support
- Telenet (Belgium) emulation

- fixed a bug on editing keys and not allowing further changes
- fixed KD K02 smartcard reading
- rearranged CAM's menu for smartcards
- fixed a compatibility issue with Vantage STBs in case dynamic caid is enabled
- improved seca EMM handling in case of 2 or more providers used together in the same card
- fixed a bug on selecting ecm pid correctly in case of multi-provider smartcard
- fixed a bug on factory reset when expert menu is enabled


Change Log for Troja firmware

Special stuff:
- CSat smartcards SECA 3 pairing on HD channels (nano 01)
- Fransat smartcards reading support

- fixed KD K02 smartcard reading
- rearranged CAM's menu for smartcards
- fixed a compatibility issue with Vantage STBs in case dynamic caid is enabled
- improved seca EMM handling in case of 2 or more providers used together in the same card
- fixed a bug on selecting ecm pid correctly in case of multi-provider smartcard
- fixed a bug on factory reset when expert menu is enabled


Super VIP
Change Log for Troja firmware

Special stuff:
- CSat smartcards SECA 3 pairing on HD channels (nano 01)
- Fransat smartcards reading support

- fixed descrambling of CSat smartcard on HD channels

- fixed KD K02 smartcard reading
- rearranged CAM's menu for smartcards
- fixed a compatibility issue with Vantage STBs in case dynamic caid is enabled
- improved seca EMM handling in case of 2 or more providers used together in the same card
- fixed a bug on selecting ecm pid correctly in case of multi-provider smartcard
- fixed a bug on factory reset when expert menu is enabled

- fixed *** sky de v13 smartcard with Fastmode+ enabled

- optimized channel switching speed
- fixed ac3/dolby audio for sky de channels
- improved auto-ecm manager for better channel switching speed
- improved *** fastmode for all *** smartcards
- some minor bugfixes and stability improvements

- fixed a bug on setting EMM pids for updates with Seca Canal Digitaal smartcards on few channels
- fixed updates for viaccess 2.6, 4.0 and 5.0 SRG cards
- fixed a bug with MTD on Kathrein STBs
- added support for 8x MTD channels

- first public release with new core


Change Log for Pacific firmware

Special stuff:
- CSat smartcards SECA 3 pairing on HD channels (nano 01)
- Fransat smartcards reading support
- Telenet (Belgium) emulation

- fixed descrambling of CSat smartcard on HD channels

- fixed a bug on editing keys and not allowing further changes
- fixed KD K02 smartcard reading
- rearranged CAM's menu for smartcards
- fixed a compatibility issue with Vantage STBs in case dynamic caid is enabled
- improved seca EMM handling in case of 2 or more providers used together in the same card
- fixed a bug on selecting ecm pid correctly in case of multi-provider smartcard
- fixed a bug on factory reset when expert menu is enabled

- fixed *** sky de v13 smartcard with Fastmode+ enabled

- optimized channel switching speed
- fixed ac3/dolby audio for sky de channels
- improved auto-ecm manager for better channel switching speed
- improved *** fastmode for all *** smartcards
- fixed CAID list updates with dynamic mode when editing keys by MMI
- some minor bugfixes and stability improvements

- fixed a bug on setting EMM pids for updates with Seca Canal Digitaal smartcards on few channels
- fixed updates for viaccess 2.6, 4.0 and 5.0 SRG cards
- fixed a bug with MTD on Kathrein STBs
- added support for 8x MTD channels

- first public release with new core