wireless dongle 11n with rt2870 driver?


hi all
i have the 800 working a wireless dongle but it is on a cable from the usb port, so i have bought a micro wireless dongle so it will fit into the usb port directly and because it is 11n is will be faster, but it does not work, i think this is because it uses chipset RT2870
Is there a drive for the 800 that will get this working as this dongle is 11n as will be much faster?


Senior Member
Found this, hope it helps you as I could not test it myself,

I finally have my rt2870 "Wireless n" USB stick from Edimax EW-7718Un working.
Given the lack of support i received from anyone, i am sharing my experience for those who stumble across these instructions. They should work for any rt2870 based USB stick.

If you are like me and know little about Linux and therefore, no doubt choose to edit/create files on windows rather than try and use vi, two things to remember; -
a) you need to use an editor that allows saving with LFs instead of CRLFs (I use EditPad Pro - which also allows for conversions, etc)
b) when you ftp files up, you need to remember to set their attributes (i use filezilla)

I have seen a number of drivers posted and the one below works (with no WPA support), the other driver posted with WPA support i could not get to work).
Download wlan-rt2870_no_wpa_support.tar.gz (google it as I cannot post attachments Here).
I have also read that these drivers may conflict with the rt73 drivers if installed - i did not find this a problem and still have my original stuff installed as-is.

Step 1
download the drivers from the link above, posted earlier in this post.
extract to your local drive and ftp the \lib directory to your dreambox - remember to set the attributes to 644 afterwards

Step 2
modify the rt2870sta.dat file enclosed with the key information below;
CountryRegion=1 ; value should suite most of europe
CountryRegionABand=1 ; value should suite most of europe
WirelessMode=6 ; this value is 'n' only - see the iwpriv_usage.txt file for the options available
AuthMode=WPA2PSK ; you need to set whether open or encrypted
-------- ; next add the following lines to the end of the file

copy the saved file to (case sensitive);
\etc\Wireless\RT2870STA\rt2870sta.dat and set attribute to 644

Step 3
add the following entry to \etc\modules.conf;
alias ra0 rt2870sta

Step 4
create the file \etc\rcS.d\S38wireless (case sensitive) ** Attributes need to be 755 for this to allow the recognisition at boot time.
add the following lines;
modprobe rt2870sta
ifconfig ra0 inet dhcp up

Step 5
edit the file \etc\network\interfaces and add the following entry to the end;
auto ra0
iface ra0 inet dhcp

Step 6
to set the WiFi card as the default, create the file \etc\default_gw and the entry;

now in your telnet session, type "reboot"

login as root and type;
you should see the "Wireless n" interface and card type etc listed.

you should see the wireless lan settings on the card i.e. SSID name, encryption key, etc ** see my notes below.
if you don't know what the dhcp address should be, you need to type the following as a work around;
ifdown ra0
ifup ra0
you should now see the "Wireless n" interface with an ip address.

*** Notes
- iwconfig; doesn't seem to show the ip address (when using dhcp) after a reboot. however, the ip address is correctly set and does work (toggle down and up to refresh if you need to know)
- iwpriv ra0 show; doesn't actually show the settings of the card
- if you use a static ip address instead of dhcp, i believe the GATEWAY=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx needs to be in the rt2870sta.dat file above (but haven't tested)
- this was done on a dm800 using info from a variety of sources, but should work on a 7025 as well.

Best of luck.... still can't stream HD smoothly over Wireless n though :-(


tried this could not get it to work

thanks for the reply
i have tried this step by step but i could not get it to work
so can some one who has go this going talk me through it please


please note that there are reports of TP-Link TL-WN321G V4 not working with our DM 800HD. TP-LINK support says it uses RT2070L chipset.
However, TL-WN321G V3 works fine and TP-LINK support says it uses RT2571. Therefore, it seems that not only RT73 but also RT2571 works fine.

Is there a way get this version also supports?