VIARK DRS2 flash from USB @boot


hi guys,

My parents have clicked on the update firmware in the settings and now the box just keeps on cycling at boot.

I've tried the instructions I've listed below, I can see the reading from USB starts but then after 10 seconds it starts to boot into flash then start the boot loop again. Any idea please?

Tnx in advance

Step by step manual of how we can recover the receiver that has been left hanging in a loop.
With the word BOOT.

We download the Recovery Firmware, it is the original firmware of the DRS2 receiver

Once downloaded, we format a PENDRIVE USB to FAT32

Once we have the USB clean , we create a folder called: RomUpdate

And inside the folder we put the original Firmware that we have downloaded and we rename it: RomUpdate.bin

disconnect power cable to DRS2

Insert the USB stick In the VERTICAL BACK USB, next to the power socket, and NOT in the horizontal usb

Plug in the power cable and press and hold the «Power» button on the Viark DRS2 Front Panel (the display will alternate between «BOOT and UPDATE»

Then release the "Power" button and press the "CH +" button on the Front Panel until the "UPDATE" message remains solid.

We wait a few minutes while the receiver loads the file

the receiver will display UPdt while it continues updating.

This process takes a couple of minutes, be patient

Once finished the screen remains black, wait a little more it will restart.

eventually the box will start from fresh again.
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Hello guys, I think I've bricked my Viark 4K box while flashing the firmware...:cry:
It lost power for second as I accidently stretched the lead.
Right now just says "BOOT "on the box and no source on TV.
Reading the posts above, where can I download recovery firmware please...
Anyone encounter similar or have a fix??😳



Super VIP
Hello guys, I think I've bricked my Viark 4K box while flashing the firmware...:cry:
It lost power for second as I accidently stretched the lead.
Right now just says "BOOT "on the box and no source on TV.
Reading the posts above, where can I download recovery firmware please...
Anyone encounter similar or have a fix??😳


1. Formatear un USB a FAT32.
2. Renombrar el software a "update.bin" y copiar en el USB.
3. Con el Viark desconectado de la luz, insertar el USB en en receptor VIARK.
4. Encender el Viark y presionar (mantener presionado) el boton POWER que hay en la parte frontal del receptor.
5. Dejar de presionar el boton POWER, una vez salga las letras "-ES-" en el display, ya que comenzara el recovery.
Nota: si falla el recovery, intentar varias veces mas, ya que algunas veces suele fallar.

1. Format a USB to FAT32.
2. Rename the software to "update.bin" and copy to USB.
3. With the Viark disconnected from the light, insert the USB into the VIARK receiver.
4. Turn on the Viark and press (hold) the POWER button on the front of the receiver.
5. Stop pressing the POWER button, once the letters "-ES-" appear on the display, since the recovery will start.
Note: if the recovery fails, try several more times, since sometimes it usually fails.


Hello guys, I think I've bricked my Viark 4K box while flashing the firmware...:cry:
It lost power for second as I accidently stretched the lead.
Right now just says "BOOT "on the box and no source on TV.
Reading the posts above, where can I download recovery firmware please...
Anyone encounter similar or have a fix??😳

Click to expand...
Completed all the below and recovered the box again.
I used the file attached and worked first time, Prior to the recovery I was creating folders and renaming the file, this didnt work,

1. Format a USB to FAT32.
2. Rename the software to "update.bin" and copy to USB.
3. With the Viark disconnected from the POWER, insert the USB into the VIARK receiver.
4. Turn on the Viark and press (hold) the POWER button on the front of the receiver.
5. Stop pressing the POWER button, once the letters "-ES-" appear on the display, since the recovery will start.
Note: if the recovery fails, try several more times, since sometimes it usually fails.
Thanksappreciate the help!
