vBulletin Licensing Changes...


Senior Member
The following information explains in more detail the licensing changes on a product-by-product basis. If there are any queries about these changes get in touch with our support team on [email protected]. A discussion thread for this announcement is available.

All pricing changes are reflected in US Dollars. Pricing in Euros and Pounds Sterling will be also implemented on the 2nd June 2008.

Leased and Owned Licenses
We currently offer two different types of vBulletin license: Owned and Leased.

The Owned vBulletin license allows you to run the software on your site indefinitely. Along with this license, you will receive one year of free updates. Beyond the first year, a renewal fee is payable to obtain updates for an additional year.

The Leased vBulletin license allows you to use the software on your site for one year and gives you access to product updates for that year. After one year, the license may be renewed to continue using the software, or removed from the site.

Both licenses include unlimited free support via email.

From 2nd June the following prices will apply:
Owned license - $180
Leased license - $100
Bulk order pricing for both license types will remain consistent with the current discounting levels.

License Renewals
For a Leased license, it is necessary to purchase a license Renewal in order to continue to run vBulletin on your site. For Owned licenses, it is not necessary to renew in order to continue using vBulletin, but is required in order to extend access to software updates.

From the June 2nd, the following changes will be coming into effect:
Leased license Renewal pricing will be $100.
Owned license Renewal pricing will be:
$40 if purchased before the license expires or within 60 days after expiry
$60 if purchased at any other time
vBulletin Renewals will now also renew linked add-on products (details below)
If a Renewal is purchased before the license expires, the existing expiry date is extended by one year. If the Renewal is purchased after the license expires, access to software updates is restored, and the expiry date will be set to one year from the date of Renewal purchase.

License Upgrades
License Upgrades allow you to convert a Leased license into an Owned license. There are two products available, depending on when the Leased license was purchased.

If the Leased license was purchased less than 60 days in the past, a special offer is available that will convert the license from Leased to Owned without changing the expiry date of the license. From the 2nd June, the price for this option will be $100.

If the Leased license was purchased more than 60 days in the past, the standard license Upgrade option is available. From the 2nd June, the price for this option will be $180. This option will set the new expiry date to be one year in the future from the date of Upgrade purchase, as is currently the case.

Add-on Products
As well as the vBulletin forums product, Jelsoft also offers two additional add-on products that integrate with vBulletin and add extra functionality to the community - vBulletin Blog and vBulletin Project Tools.

Add-on products are linked to either a Leased or an Owned vBulletin license. Currently, buying an add-on product will give you access to software updates for one year from the date of purchase - and a further year of updates would incur an additional fee.

From today, the renewal fees for add-on products will be removed, and access for add-on product updates will correspond to the status of the linked "parent" vBulletin license. While the vBulletin license is active, you will be able to download software updates for any linked add-on products.

From 2nd June, the cost of vBulletin Blog and Project Tools will be $60.

Additional Products

From 2nd June, the Branding Free option price will be $170 and the Professional Installation and Professional Upgrade prices will be $150.

"Received from vBulletin.org"