Use Android to setup YouTube streams on Vu+


I've recently discovered the enormous power of my Android phone to be the director of operations for my Vu+ box. In my case the box is a Duo but that shouldn't matter.

I've been using DreamDroid(beta) for some time to control my Duo or stream live TV or recorded TV from my Duo back to my phone using my home network. But a recent update to DreamDroid has opened exciting possibilities.

Setup a profile in DreamDroid so the app can talk to your box. This usually just means adding the right IP numbers for your box on your home network.

(If you don't know this information, its somewhere in the Vu+ menu system but for speed I use another Android app - Fing network Tools. Just run it and look for Marusys and the IP address of your Vu+ is given.)

Now add the app semperVidLinks(free) to your phone from the Play Store.

That's it.

Now when you start the Android YouTube application you can use it to select and play a video on your phone - just like normal - but NOW you can touch 'Share' (a funny sideways V fork shape) and select semperVidLinks as the share app. Up pops the app window and it sorts out the stream data to pass to the Vu+ box. Touch 'view' and bingo playback of the Youtube video starts on your TV.

So now you can use the power and ease of your phone to browse a video to watch and send it directly to the Vu+ box to view.

This really beats the hell out of the clunky YouTube interface on my Duo box.

To recap: you need DreamDroid (beta)
semperVidLinks (free)
fing Network Tools; as an option
all from the Play Store
