Tutorial To Log-In Upgrade Smart Cards DM800 HD

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Tutorial To Log-In Upgrade Smart Cards DM800 HD


Smart Cards Originals

We can start by addressing the Sim Cards from Original DM 800, which can be viewed in the figure below:


Smart cards have several original characters printed on its surface, with the words "Security Dreambox Yes" accompanied by a symbol that identifies your specific model.

The Security Yes originals are for sale, and it is best to use, no limits for their applications, depending solely on the limitations of hardware of the STB in question.

The Cards are the only originals that could start with a true HD DM800 SSL75. It is good to keep this information as well as it can get you mistaken for a possible purchase.

Moving forward in the analysis, I show in the figure below Yes that can be understood as the action closer to the originality, and are called

Sim Card Ferrari:


This Card is the only one to perform the duties of an authentic card sold by the German manufacturer. Moreover, the existing comment today, is that true with SSL75 boxes are coming with all this card.

Comments are the definitive versions of the cards being sold Ferrari could soon be updated by the STB, not requiring any additional device, like the Phoenix from 3.57 MHz

It is clear that the STB's Firmware to run with this type of Sim has to be specific, modified by Team Ferrari or modified by specific patch available on the Web as we do with an original NFI for Clones Boxes.

Smart Cards Clones

Sim Card 1.0

In the case of clones, the issue is more complex.

The current literature is very broad and unspecific, with many disagreements on the issue, therefore we are open to suggestions and clarifications.

I think the wisest course is to begin the analysis by one of the oldest Sim Card:


As can be seen above, the cloned 1.0 Security Yes, it does not contain any characters printed on its surface, and on the other side is only responsible for the printed magnetic storage of information.

This model came from the earliest versions of DM 800 HD, since part models with SSL69, SSL70, and even SSL 72. Being part of this last model was the stupidest thing that the manufacturer has, since according to some sources, it not only interferes in implementing new and more images in their operation.

Why put a Smart Card in a model like this one of SSL72 is today he is one of the most modern?
I write this due to the fact that Clone Boxes with SSL75 SSL72 Boxes are in fact, with modifications to deceive buyers, giving a false illusion that they were buying a genuine copy of a DM 800 HD with SSL75.

So in terms of hardware there is virtually no difference between a clone compared with a SSL72 SSL75. I wrote practically, but otherwise is an injustice to do this, it is not always available Nos. modified for this type of STB.

The hope of those who have an SSL-Clone 72 is a Smart Card to buy Ferrari in order to properly install and boot to the two stages in DM containing Nos. (Firmware) more modern, like the new Gemini 5.0, which contains a lock for the pits cloned, which currently seems to have been partially open for some models only.

If you do not want to rely exclusively on the Ferrari Team, you can also make use of one of the cards sold in the current models SSL72/75 listed throughout this topic.

Sim Card 2.0

This type of card came with the Clones Boxes SSL72, and are better than 1.0, avoiding any kind of conflict between the images and components of the STB, especially the tuner of the same.

For those who have this card, it can be upgraded with the aid of a card reader to version 2.01, just as a Sim Card 1.0 can be updated to version 2.0 (the latter confessed not knowing whether to indeed possible).

The difference in him compared to 1.0, is that 2.0 contains a symbol or a silver hologram printed on its surface as shown in the image below:


Sim Card 2.01

For the clones, now this is the dream of!

Currently there is no Smart Card that this most modern of its kind in Nos., second only to the future Sim Card for Ferrari already commented on the ability to update their own decoder, but in my opinion loses to the 2.01 per doomed to be modified only images Yes for Ferrari, who are still a few ...

When following up with SSL75 Boxes, they permit the adoption of the newest images, without any limitation then in terms of hardware or software.

They are easily identifiable by the existence of a hologram on the surface of the gold card, as shown below:


It differs from the 2.0 per Card contain printed on its bottom number 2.01, and contains in its golden Security Logo marks, contrary to the Silver Card 2.0.

Updating Smarts Cards

As previously mentioned, the Security cards can be upgraded to serve certain purposes the end user.

It is speculated that the cards can be upgraded to 2.0 and 1.0 therefore the Cards 2.0 to 2.01.

To attain these updates account that with the help of machines such as the Phoenix of 3.57 or 3.68 MHz, and can also be performed by an Infinity USB, which will be addressed after the initial procedure shown with the method Phoenix.

DM800 HD Upgrade SIM 2.1 to SIM

Before you proceed, be sure to know all the details of the procedure, and components necessary for operation.

To familiarize yourself with cards, post a brief overview of its history:

From January until July 2009, the Card was present in STB SIM1, made of white plastic and without any adornments or holograms. You could say that there is a variation of SIM1, which is easily recognized as being produced by a yellow plastic and containing the Logo for Security Cards 2.01.

From this date forward has been produced the SIM2.00, made of white plastic, silver marks where there was no logo printed security. These Cards evidence the last word in technology with SSL72 comparative to the original and can be upgraded to the SIM2.01.

Near the same date now used the new SIM2.01, which is made of white plastic, except that unlike SIM2.0, Hologram Security Logo is present in the golden color, showing the SSL75, who was considered the last Second Cage until April 2010, which became the standard adopted SSL76, and may be emulated by SIM2.01 or SIM CARD FERRARI.

Remember that the SIM1 models made of yellow plastic one with the same marks on Security Logo logo can not be updated by this procedure, requiring the purchase of a new

To perform the procedure, make sure the card you want to update is in good condition and has the characteristics of the latest version of the original SIM 2.0 # 72 as shown in the photos below:



If your Sim Card is not new, we can adapt it to a standard unit and once properly installed the card on the card as shown in photo above, enter the same within the Phoenix which will be connected to the PC through the RS 232 Serial Port As exemplified in the figure below:


To perform the procedure with the Phoenix displayed above, do not use this software:
Sim Card 2.0 a 2.01 Update

If by chance does not have a Phoenix, you can rely on the use of an Infinity USB, a different machine, but performs the same procedure, with some adaptations that are shown in the photos below:



Once deployed the update method of your choice to load the software on the PC, press the RESET button to find the software that the SIM card as shown in the following figure:


After detected the card, click the Upgrade button as shown in image below:


After starting the upgrade process (UPGRADE) will be done a rewrite on the card, and when the writing appears OK as shown in the image below:


You can finally remove your card from the machine without any problem.

Now the process is nearly complete, simply put the card back in your DM800 HD to test whether the procedure was done correctly.

If after the procedure arises from the message CARD ERROR, you must repeat the procedure, starting from the RESET until the end of the update.

Following the instructions that I've downloaded the net, it is said that this method actually updates to SIM 2.01.

Subsequent updates may be made with the latest versions of the Chinese Software # 75 found on the internet.

Found on the net, possible author of "Rodrigo"
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