Tools For Dragon/TRex (inc Pred325 N2, Dragoncrypt, PredEdit, PredMaker)

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Well Known Member
DragonCrypt CAIDs Updater (C)FullDump
EDIT/MODIFY CAIDs in predator firmware.
If you don't know what caids please don't use it
original infos from dragon developper:
HOWEVER, the crypto ids registered by the cam are editable in the binary file.
At position 0x26B0 (for predator320 and others 0x36B0)
you will find them, structure is:
- 1 byte, number of CA IDS to register with the receiver.
- 1 byte value 00, do not change.
Then, the CA IDS, 2 byte each, big-endian.
There is room for 31 ids if you want to try if your receiver can handle more than 16.
Don't forget to change the first byte if you add or remove ids.
If you just change existing ids, there is no need to change the first bye.
Just in case you are unsure if you have the right file position:
in this distribution the CA ID structure is
10 -> number of ids, HEXADECIMAL remember....
00 -> Always 00 do not touch
01 00 05 00 17 02 0B 00 4A 70 06 04 06 02 06 22 -> the ca ids
17 62 18 00 06 06 0D 03 0D 00 09 61 09 0F 09 19
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
COMPARE with caids updater tools and you see all caids showed CORRECTLY
Supported versions
Predator 312 to last firmware
Default Directories
- DCCaidDatas -> CAIDs infos, can be updated via notepad or wordpad
Structure: caids number + caid label
- DCCaidTables -> Can be edited/modified via notepad or wordpad
- Dummy Version
- Start Offset = Adress Offset at beginning datas
- Header Size -> 1 char= number of caids second char always equal to 0
- Datas Length -> size of datas used for CAIDS definition
- Size for each caids -> size of caids: stored in 2 bytes by default
- DCids -> Original Version and patched version => certificate file.
- File checked before loading (fake file not accepted)
- Drag & drop available for table & predator firmware
- Caids.ini & predator3XX.cds can be edited/updated/created via notepad
- Original Caids.txt include all original caids datas from firmware & table used
1/-Load Table & Firmware
2/-Edit/Modify Caids Datas:
Possible to add CAIDs in list box by double clic (new caid inserted in first blanc space (='0000')
Enter value manually
3/-Save file
NOTA: load correct table with DRA file for rigth editing (cf file Original Caids.txt)


Dragon Loader Fix Files


If you think you have maybe mashed up your Dragon loader card these files can repair the card for standard loading with Dragon loader in phoenix mode.If you have any auto detect in the programmer you use,( especially infinity USB),it is best to turn them off as they wipe the loader detecting the card.Which has caused umpteen problems...!

The Fixes.....

If the card you have is marked fun 7 then write the fun7ldr.hex to the card.Select fun card or atmel (at90s515)
(fun2 will do) on your programmer and write it to the flash, no need for anything else in the eeproms.

If you have an older ( or newer ) dragon loader pic card ( which are not marked fun7 but f84a ) then you could select gold card on your programmer and write the 2mb loader to the pic on the card. ( nothing in the eeprom )

Both cards have the same 2m eeprom arrangment.

The fun 7 version can now be written with the older black infinity programmer using the latest 1.48 software or newer, which can accomodate the eeprom configuration.(Select option 2 when prompted).It does not use the Dragonload.exe program.

Hope this all helps anyone in this situation.:D


Dragon firmware checker

Green dragon File good OK

Red dragon file fake


Key Updater for Predator 3.25

Tool for update keys for N2 in Predator325

eg. RCS DigiTV for Older Dragon Rev2.06

Thanks to whom has made the software
Tools For Dragon/T-Rex (inc Dragoncrypt, PredEdit, PredMaker latest versions)

(C)MASARE Team - Saoud007
(C)FullDump TM

KEYS EDITOR FOR DRAGON CAM MODULE (ALL in ONE: no external tools needed)

Tested under Windows: Win95, Win98, WinXP, Vista

Supported versions
Predator 215 to last firmware
Predasaur ALL versions

PENTA Version 1.16:
-AES Updater: added support of TPS.BIN File
1.Load TPS.BIN file (AES keys will be Extracted/Decrypted directly from BIN file)
2.Load AES INI file
3.Press Update button
-Latest AES INI file added (predasaur217.ini, predasaur218.ini)

PENTA Version 1.15:
- Added AES INI file for Predator358 & Predasaur216
- Solved compatibilities problems with windows VISTA on somes functions
All functions tested & worked perfectly
Tested WINDOWS VISTA HOME PREMIUM, many thanks to Petesat for the tests on this version
- Drag any DRA file on DragonCrypt desktop icon & it launch editor & load DRA file (DRA file not associate)
(cf Video Files How to)
- Added DRA File Association: double clic on any DRA file it launch DragonCrypt & Load DRA File (Predator/Predasaur firmware)
(cf Video Files How to)
- Save files functions: now ALL FILES SAVED where firmware loaded
(DRA,DragonCrypt.ids,Funcard Files(BIN-HEX),Export keys,Flash Files,...)
- Minor Changes/Fixs added
- Added Video Files How To (not include in editor, external pack files)

DragonCrypt.ids joined by default now and is file patch certificate, use it with Firmware checker (like predator.ids),
copy file first on folder ..\DragonCrypt\DCIDs
(cf Video Files How to)
Cryptoworks keys managment modified on version 1.11 (Key00,Key01,Key06,EMM Key00,EMM key01,RSA Key)

DRA File association how to:
1.Select a DRA file
2.Mouse rigth Clic
3.Clic on Open
4.Tick Radion button "Select a program from a list of installed program"
5.Press Ok button
6.Clic button browse
7.Clic on DragonCrypt folder
8.Select DragonCrypt.exe
9.Clic on Open Button
9.Tick case "Always use the selected program to open this kind of file"
10.Press OK button
When finish, DragonCrypt launched & DRA file loaded
All DRA file appear now with DragonCrypt icon

Main Functions:
- Edit Keys
- Provider Managment
- Exports Keys
- Import keys (Softcam.key, DRA_KEYS.TXT, FuN6in1)
- Edit Files (TXT, KEY)
- Key Converter
- Firmware checker
- Funcard producer (HEX & BIN)
- Flash Files Repair (PIC & FUn7)
- Serial Dragon Loader (FuN7 & PIC)
- Caids Updater
- AES Updater

Default Directories
- DCAesIni -> AES Offset INI table
- DCDra -> Store Dragon Firmware
- DCCaids -> Tables for caids
- DCThemes -> Themes apparences for application
- DCFuncard -> Store funcard produce
- DCLanguages -> Store multi language support files
- DCFileKeys -> SaveAS: *.BIN, *.DRA
Destination Directory will be open after file creation by the application
Directory automatiquely created if not exist.
- DCRepairFile -> PIC/FunFlash
Destination Directory will be open after file creation by the application
Directory automatiquely created if not exist.
- DCDatas -> Idents Table
- DCTables -> Firmwares Table
- DCSettings -> Serial loader settings (Com port, port auto detection, Erase card, PIC Based card)
Predator Table used by default
- DCids -> Original Version and patched version checked.
- DCTutorials -> All documentation about DragonCrypt Or DragonCam. PDF file format.

Impossible to load Fake File (Check Firmware)
Impossible to Create Funcard from Fake File (Check Firmware)
Impossible to Programming Dragon Card Loader with Fake File (Check Firmware)
100% Secure and Safe.

Language Files include:

Possible to Edit/Create new language file with Wordpad

Differents themes to changes application apparence.

Tools written for Dragon Cam:
-DragonCrypt Keys Editor
-CIW Loader Dragon
-DragonCrypt CAIDs Updater (caids function include now on DragonCrypt)
-DRA AES Updater
-DRA AES Explorer

thx MASARE Team / Saoud007 / JFK
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Predasaurus AES INI File

AES INI file for Predasaurus217
(C)FANNANSAT Team - The Great WZ

Update dailly AES keys list in Predasaurus217 firmware
-Predasaurus217 : AESOffset=125 keys -> TPSCrypt2.txt=120 keys -> ALL Keys can be updated

1.Copy Predasaurus217.ini where DRA AES Updater installed
For DragonCrypt copy files under folder ..\Dragoncrypt\DCAESini
2.Run DRA AES Updater.exe
3.Load Predasaurus217.dra
4.Load TPSCRYPT2.txt (include AES Keys list of the day)
5.Load Predasaurus217.ini (Offset address for AES keys in PREDASAURUS217.DRA)
6.Press Update Button

Now file updated with new AES Keys List with

EnJoY :)
Predasaurus218 AES INI File (28/08/2007)

AES INI file for Predasaurus218
(C)FANNANSAT Team - The Great WZ

Update dailly AES keys list in Predasaurus218 firmware
-Predasaurus218 : AESOffset=125 keys -> TPSCrypt2.txt=120 keys -> ALL Keys can be updated

1.Copy Predasaurus218.ini where DRA AES Updater installed
For DragonCrypt copy files under folder ..\Dragoncrypt\DCAESini
2.Run DRA AES Updater.exe
3.Load Predasaurus218.dra
4.Load TPSCRYPT2.txt (include AES Keys list of the day)
5.Load Predasaurus218.ini (Offset address for AES keys in PREDASAURUS218.DRA)
6.Press Update Button

Now file updated with new AES Keys List with



PredEdit v1.4
for Predator and Predasaur

What's new in this release ?

1. Changing order of providers
- by drag and drop in treemenu

2. Copying all data (provider/keys, Caids and DCW)
- from another DRA file to currently loaded file

3. Vertical Toolbar (with max. 9 icons)
- Displaying and hiding icons
- Changing order of icons by drag and drop

4. AES Batch Processing
(= Updating up to 6 files in a single process!)

- internal: by clicking on toolbar icon

- external: (a) by drag and drop TPSCRYPT2.TXT on EXE
(b) double-click on special shortcut on desktop
(This shortcut can be created with "PredEdit"!)

5. Loading New AES Offset Data
At the moment
- predator files up to predator359 and
- predasaur files up to predasaur 2.16-1906
are recognized automatically by "PredEdit",
so you don't have to load new offsets at the moment !

6. SOFTCAM Batch Processing (for daily key updates!)
(= Updating up to 6 files in a single process!)

- internal: by clicking on toolbar icon

- external: (a) by drag and drop Daily SOFTCAM.KEY on EXE
(b) double-click on special shortcut on desktop
(This shortcut can be created with "PredEdit"!)

7. External opening of firmware files (*.dra)

- by drag and drop on EXE file in
explorer or on desktop shorcut-icon

- by right-clicking on a DRA-file in explorer
and choosing "PredEdit.exe" as
opening program

8. Creating BIN files and Flash repair file for FUN7

9. Sorting DCW/Biss data by Channel, CAID or SID
- ascending or descending

10. Cryptoworks provider increased from 24 to 32

File "sha256.dll" no longer needed !
(Checksum is calculated by internal function now !)

Check it out !

****>Thanks to Ragabbader<<<
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SU Team: It's All Good (Fausto v1.45/Newcamd/vplug
Staff member
Older Tools originally posted by xtrue & costa46

AES Tools for Older Predator / Predasarus firmware (ie Predator360, Predasarus220......)
DRA AES Explorer v1.02 02/09/2007

DRA AES Explorer
(C)MASARE TEAM - Saoud007
(C)FullDump TM

Extract Offset of AES Key in Predator/Predasaur firmware
version 1.02
- Added support of TPS.BIN file (Extract/Decrypt keys)
- Include Predasaur217.ini & Predasaur218.ini files
version 1.01
-Added Keys Checked & number of records found in DRA file
Like that possible to check if all keys of the day are in
Or possible to check the number of AES key present in ORIGINAL firmware
-Joined PredasaurOriginalAES.txt & PredatorOriginalAES.txt
Required on creation of NEW AES INi file (cf How to create AES INI file)

Files Extension:
DRA -> Predator or Predasaur firmware (example Predator356.DRA)
TXT -> TPSCRYPT2.TXT include dailly AES keys List

How to create NEW AES INI file
1.Load ORIGINAL DRA file (Never Patched with AES keys)
2.Select OriginalAES text file (PredatorOriginalAES.txt or PredasaurOriginalAES.txt)
3.Press Extract button
4.Now DraAESOffset.ini created include 125 offset
5.Rename INI with DRA version (example: predator358.ini or predasaur216.ini)
6.Copy ini files under DragonCrypt folder (DCAESIni) or Under DRA AES Updater folder
New DRA firmware ready to be updated with dailly AES keys list (TPSCRYPT2.TXT)
Now you know how we create AES INI File, just do same
ps: You can use this method for fixing an Original Firmware with AES key.

HOW to extract AES Offset on File patched
First Method:
1.Load DRA File ALREADY updated with AES keys
2.Load TPS.BIN file
3.Press "Extract" Button
4.File DraAESOffset.ini will be created. Inside all AES key found in DRA file
Second Method:
1.Create a TPSCRYPT2.TXT of the day with our TPSBIN Decrypter
2.Load DRA File ALREADY updated with keys include in TPSCRYPT2.TXT
3.Load TPSCRYPT2.TXT file
4.Press "Extract" Button
5.File DraAESOffset.ini will be created. Inside all AES key found in DRA file
NOTA: DraAESOffset.ini file created only if keys found

Possible to drag file directly in main window (DRA, TXT, BIN)

thanks to Saoud007

AES INI file for predator357
(C)MASARE Team - Saoud007
(C)FullDump TM

Update dailly AES keys list in Predator357 firmware
-Predator357 : AESOffset=125 keys -> TPSCrypt2.txt=120 keys -> ALL Keys can be updated

AES INI file for predasaur215
(C)MASARE Team - Saoud007
(C)FullDump TM

Update dailly AES keys list in Predasaur215 firmware
-Predasaur215 : AESOffset=125 keys -> TPSCrypt2.txt=120 keys -> ALL Keys can be updated

1.Copy Predasaur215.ini & Predator357.ini where DRA AES Updater installed
2.Run DRA AES Updater.exe
3.Load Predasaur215.dra or Predator357.dra
4.Load TPSCRYPT2.txt (include AES Keys list of the day)
5.Load Predasaur215.ini or Predator357.ini (Offset address for each AES keys in DRA file concerned)
6.Press Update Button

Now file updated with new AES Keys List with


Thanks to Saoud007

TPSBIN Decrypter

(C) MASARE Team - Saoud007
(C) FullDump TM

Version 1.06:
-Updated for new TPS.BIN (keys in right place)
-UTC time extracted from windows settings

Version 1.05:
-Added TPS for diablo.BIN
-Added PlugIn.txt -> request by an user for what i don't know


SU Team: It's All Good (Fausto v1.45/Newcamd/vplug
Staff member
Card Tools/Loader Tools

(1) Dragonloader for 6.00mhz phoenix programmers

(2) Repair hex files for Dragon and T-Rex cards:

Pic loader for F84A card &
Funcard7 loader for the Funcard7 (Prussian5)



PredMaker Version 1.6

PredMaker Version 1.6
This program auto update your preda(tor/saur) firmware
for Cam Dragon, T-Rex and T-Rex Super Module.

In some cases it is necessary to copy the libmySQL.dll in C:\WINDOWS\system32

1) Select the desired language. (*)
2) Select any additional caid for the correct operation of the subscription card. (*)
3) Select the file. Dra you want to upgrade.
4) Click on the button corresponding to your system and wait for the end of processing.
5) Check the log file for transactions conducted by the tool.
6) Upload files dra on cam through CAS or loader card.

* This information will be recorded for subsequent use of the tool.
** The firmware will be recorded only caid really necessary for the operation of the keys extracted, as well as those specially selected.
So if you do not have any subscription card do not need to select any additional caid.
The program will tell if the number of caid exceeds 16, a higher number must be managed from your receiver.[/b]


Questo programma aggiorna automaticamente il tuo preda(tor/saur) firmware
per Cam Dragon, T-Rex e T-Rex Super Module.

Attenzione! In alcuni casi è necessario copiare libmySQL.dll in C:\WINDOWS\system32

Istruzioni per l'uso:
1) Seleziona la lingua desiderata. (*)
2) Seleziona gli eventuali caid aggiuntivi per consentire il corretto funzionamento dell'abbonamento. (*)
3) Seleziona il file .dra che si desidera aggiornare.
4) Cliccare sul bottone corrispondente al tuo impianto ed attendi il temine dell'elaborazione.
5) Verifica nel file di log le operazioni svolte dal tool.
6) Carica il file dra sulla cam tramite CAS o loader card.

* Queste informazioni verranno registrate per i successivi utilizzi del tool.
** Nel firmware verranno registrati solo i caid realmente necessari per il funzionamento delle keys estratte, oltre a quelli espressamente selezionati.
Quindi se non possiedi alcuna card di abbonamento non è necessario selezionare alcun caid aggiuntivo.
Il programma avvertirà se il numero dei caid è superiore a 16, un numero superiore deve essere gestito dal tuo decoder.

What's news in 1.6 version?
° Fixed Dcw/Biss bug
° Added CRC control for Linux O.S.

If you use Linux O.S. send me a CRC code printed in error popup.
Se usi il S.O. Linux inviami il codice CRC stampato nella popup di errore.
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Well Known Member
DragonCrypt CAIDs Updater

EDIT/MODIFY CAIDs in predator firmware.
If you don't know what caids please don't use it

original infos from dragon developper:
HOWEVER, the crypto ids registered by the cam are editable in the binary file.
At position 0x26B0 (for predator320 and others 0x36B0)
you will find them, structure is:
- 1 byte, number of CA IDS to register with the receiver.
- 1 byte value 00, do not change.
Then, the CA IDS, 2 byte each, big-endian.
There is room for 31 ids if you want to try if your receiver can handle more than 16.
Don't forget to change the first byte if you add or remove ids.
If you just change existing ids, there is no need to change the first bye.

Just in case you are unsure if you have the right file position:
in this distribution the CA ID structure is
10 -> number of ids, HEXADECIMAL remember....
00 -> Always 00 do not touch
01 00 05 00 17 02 0B 00 4A 70 06 04 06 02 06 22 -> the ca ids
17 62 18 00 06 06 0D 03 0D 00 09 61 09 0F 09 19
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

COMPARE with caids updater tools and you see all caids showed CORRECTLY

Supported versions
Predator 312 to last firmware

Default Directories
- DCCaidDatas -> CAIDs infos, can be updated via notepad or wordpad
Structure: caids number + caid label
- DCCaidTables -> Can be edited/modified via notepad or wordpad
- Dummy Version
- Start Offset = Adress Offset at beginning datas
- Header Size -> 1 char= number of caids second char always equal to 0
- Datas Length -> size of datas used for CAIDS definition
- Size for each caids -> size of caids: stored in 2 bytes by default
- DCids -> Original Version and patched version => certificate file.

- File checked before loading (fake file not accepted)
- Drag & drop available for table & predator firmware
- Caids.ini & predator3XX.cds can be edited/updated/created via notepad
- Original Caids.txt include all original caids datas from firmware & table used


1/-Load Table & Firmware
2/-Edit/Modify Caids Datas:
Possible to add CAIDs in list box by double clic (new caid inserted in first blanc space (='0000')
Enter value manually
3/-Save file
NOTA: load correct table with DRA file for rigth editing (cf file Original Caids.txt)

Caids.ini updated by me more CA IDs added

PS: don't exceed 16 CA IDs or all chanel become black due to bug in predator firmware (pred 3.25 not tested yet).
Report to Predator for complete tests
(explanations + screenshots)


NOTE: New Table (predator340.cds added). Use this Table for the Latest Predator/Predasaur Version

Thanks to (C)MASARE Team - Saoud007


Well Known Member

!!!!!!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Register edcrypt30.ocx on Your System
else it will not work !!!

Drag & Drop a Dra-file on exe,
will fix SHA-256 Checksum.

For CAID editing, Just load soft as a common EXE
Load a *.Dra file
CAID's are listed in Listbox
Select CAID in list (By Click ) to edit it
Change it in Textbox above CAID-List

To remove a CAID,
edit it with 0000

When Saving after Editing, SHA-256 will be fixed

Edit ConstCW and Biss is possible

Thanks to Eurocrypt


Super VIP
PredEdit v1.5

PredEdit v1.5
Editor for
Predator 3.20 and higher
Predasaur 1.03 and higher
What's new in this release ?
1. Automatic firmware recognition implemented
2. Added full support for previous Predator-files (3.20 - 3.40)
3. Colorsetting for "PredEdit"-GUI (9 colors available)
4. SID/VPID-Management for Direct Control Word(DCW)
5. Copy-Function improved
6. Changing order of codingsystems by Drag & Drop
7. Sort functions for provider
8. Changing order of CAIDS
9. Codingsystem "Conax" open for editing
(no channels are open at the moment!)
10. Last opened DRA-file will be loaded automatically
the next time
11. Last directories of all OPEN- and SAVE-Dialogs
are stored in INI-file and are used the next time
12. HTML-Helpfile
13. Two minor bugs fixed
To keep your individual settings, use
"PredEdit.ini" of version 1.4 !



PredMaker Version 2.0 - Grantor's Team
This program auto update your preda(tor/saur) firmware
for Cam Dragon, T-Rex and T-Rex Super Module.

In some cases it is necessary to copy the libmySQL.dll in C:\WINDOWS\system32

1) Select the desired language. (*)
2) Select any additional caid for the correct operation of the subscription card. (*)
3) Select the file. Dra you want to upgrade.
4) Click on the button corresponding to your system and wait for the end of processing.
5) Check the log file for transactions conducted by the tool.
6) Upload files dra on cam through CAS or loader card.

* This information will be recorded for subsequent use of the tool.
** The firmware will be recorded only caid really necessary for the operation of the keys extracted, as well as those specially selected.
So if you do not have any subscription card do not need to select any additional caid.
The program will tell if the number of caid exceeds 16, a higher number must be managed from your receiver.


Questo programma aggiorna automaticamente il tuo preda(tor/saur) firmware
per Cam Dragon, T-Rex e T-Rex Super Module.

Attenzione! In alcuni casi è necessario copiare libmySQL.dll in C:\WINDOWS\system32

Istruzioni per l'uso:
1) Seleziona la lingua desiderata. (*)
2) Seleziona gli eventuali caid aggiuntivi per consentire il corretto funzionamento dell'abbonamento. (*)
3) Seleziona il file .dra che si desidera aggiornare.
4) Cliccare sul bottone corrispondente al tuo impianto ed attendi il temine dell'elaborazione.
5) Verifica nel file di log le operazioni svolte dal tool.
6) Carica il file dra sulla cam tramite CAS o loader card.

* Queste informazioni verranno registrate per i successivi utilizzi del tool.
** Nel firmware verranno registrati solo i caid realmente necessari per il funzionamento delle keys estratte, oltre a quelli espressamente selezionati.
Quindi se non possiedi alcuna card di abbonamento non è necessario selezionare alcun caid aggiuntivo.
Il programma avvertir�* se il numero dei caid è superiore a 16, un numero superiore deve essere gestito dal tuo decoder.

What's news in 2.0 version?
° Resolved Conax Problem.
° Added some satellites in Motor softcam.
° Changed Motor satellite range. Now from 45.0°E to 45.0°W
° New Team.
Grantor Sat-Tech Team


Well Known Member
PredMaker Version 2.1

This program auto update your preda(tor/saur) firmware
for Cam Dragon, T-Rex and T-Rex Super Module.

In some cases it is necessary to copy the libmySQL.dll in C:\WINDOWS\system32

1) Select the desired language. (*)
2) Select any additional caid for the correct operation of the subscription card. (*)
3) Select the file. Dra you want to upgrade.
4) Click on the button corresponding to your system and wait for the end of processing.
5) Check the log file for transactions conducted by the tool.
6) Upload files dra on cam through CAS or loader card.

* This information will be recorded for subsequent use of the tool.
** The firmware will be recorded only caid really necessary for the operation of the keys extracted, as well as those specially selected.
So if you do not have any subscription card do not need to select any additional caid.
The program will tell if the number of caid exceeds 16, a higher number must be managed from your receiver.


Questo programma aggiorna automaticamente il tuo preda(tor/saur) firmware
per Cam Dragon, T-Rex e T-Rex Super Module.

Attenzione! In alcuni casi è necessario copiare libmySQL.dll in C:\WINDOWS\system32

Istruzioni per l'uso:
1) Seleziona la lingua desiderata. (*)
2) Seleziona gli eventuali caid aggiuntivi per consentire il corretto funzionamento dell'abbonamento. (*)
3) Seleziona il file .dra che si desidera aggiornare.
4) Cliccare sul bottone corrispondente al tuo impianto ed attendi il temine dell'elaborazione.
5) Verifica nel file di log le operazioni svolte dal tool.
6) Carica il file dra sulla cam tramite CAS o loader card.

* Queste informazioni verranno registrate per i successivi utilizzi del tool.
** Nel firmware verranno registrati solo i caid realmente necessari per il funzionamento delle keys estratte, oltre a quelli espressamente selezionati.
Quindi se non possiedi alcuna card di abbonamento non è necessario selezionare alcun caid aggiuntivo.
Il programma avvertirà se il numero dei caid è superiore a 16, un numero superiore deve essere gestito dal tuo decoder.

What's news in 2.1 version?
° Added disclaimer
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PredMaker Version 2.2 - TechSat Team

PredMaker Version 2.2 - TechSat Team
This program auto update your preda(tor/saur) firmware
for Cam Dragon, T-Rex and T-Rex Super Module.

In some cases it is necessary to copy the libmySQL.dll in C:\WINDOWS\system32

1) Select the desired language. (*)
2) Select any additional caid for the correct operation of the subscription card. (*)
3) Select the file. Dra you want to upgrade.
4) Click on the button corresponding to your system and wait for the end of processing.
5) Check the log file for transactions conducted by the tool.
6) Upload files dra on cam through CAS or loader card.

* This information will be recorded for subsequent use of the tool.
** The firmware will be recorded only caid really necessary for the operation of the keys extracted, as well as those specially selected.
So if you do not have any subscription card do not need to select any additional caid.
The program will tell if the number of caid exceeds 16, a higher number must be managed from your receiver.


Questo programma aggiorna automaticamente il tuo preda(tor/saur) firmware
per Cam Dragon, T-Rex e T-Rex Super Module.

Attenzione! In alcuni casi è necessario copiare libmySQL.dll in C:\WINDOWS\system32

Istruzioni per l'uso:
1) Seleziona la lingua desiderata. (*)
2) Seleziona gli eventuali caid aggiuntivi per consentire il corretto funzionamento dell'abbonamento. (*)
3) Seleziona il file .dra che si desidera aggiornare.
4) Cliccare sul bottone corrispondente al tuo impianto ed attendi il temine dell'elaborazione.
5) Verifica nel file di log le operazioni svolte dal tool.
6) Carica il file dra sulla cam tramite CAS o loader card.

* Queste informazioni verranno registrate per i successivi utilizzi del tool.
** Nel firmware verranno registrati solo i caid realmente necessari per il funzionamento delle keys estratte, oltre a quelli espressamente selezionati.
Quindi se non possiedi alcuna card di abbonamento non è necessario selezionare alcun caid aggiuntivo.
Il programma avvertirà se il numero dei caid è superiore a 16, un numero superiore deve essere gestito dal tuo decoder.

What's news in 2.2 version?
° Adapted to changes in the structure of the database.
° Added direct link for download any makers tool in the Tab "Forum".
° Improved database access.

TechSat TEAM


New_PredEdit v1.6


PredEdit v1.6

* Editor for
o Predator 3.20 and higher and
o Predasaur 1.03 and higher

************************************************** *******
What's new in this release ?
************************************************** *******

1. Fixed bug in automatic firmware recognition:
- if number of Cryptoworks-provider was less than 4,
DRA-file was not identified correct

2. Implemented 9 internal skins for "PredEdit"-GUI
- When color is changed, title bar and all components
(buttons, listboxes, scrollbars etc.) are skinned
- Default color is "green" now

3. Creation of file "Frequency List for DCW and BISS.txt"
together with "IdentsList.txt" and "DraKeys.txt"
on closing

4. Saving DCWs:
- Message appears on screen, if not all CAIDS used for
DCW/BISS-items are included in DRA-file

5. SID/VPID-Table:
- Sort criteria in SID/VPID-table
will no longer change to default
when user switches between
DCW/Biss-table and SID/VPID-table

6. Cryptoworks:
- Provider names can be modified now and
will be saved in PredEdit.ini file

7. Drag & Drop operations:
- Change order of DCWs by drag & drop (with scrolling!)
- Change order of CAIDS by drag & drop (with scrolling!)
- Change order of provider by drag & drop now also with

8. Codingsystem "Betacrypt" no longer open for editing

To keep your individual settings use
- "PredEdit.ini" of v1.5 and
- "SID_VPID_Table.INI" of v1.5 !


Super VIP
PredMaker Version 2.3 - TechSat Team

[B]PredMaker Version 2.3 - TechSat Team[/B]
This program auto update your preda(tor/saur) firmware
for Cam Dragon, T-Rex and T-Rex Super Module.

In some cases it is necessary to copy the libmySQL.dll in C:\WINDOWS\system32

1) Select the desired language. (*)
2) Select any additional caid for the correct operation of the subscription card. (*)
3) Select the file. Dra you want to upgrade.
4) Click on the button corresponding to your system and wait
    for the end of processing.
5) Check the log file for transactions conducted by the tool.
6) Upload files dra on cam through CAS or loader card.

* This information will be recorded for subsequent use of the tool.
** The firmware will be recorded only caid really necessary for the 
operation of the keys extracted, as well as those specially selected.
So if you do not have any subscription card do not need to select 
any additional caid.
The program will tell if the number of caid exceeds 16, a higher 
number must be managed from your receiver.

Questo programma aggiorna automaticamente il tuo preda(tor/saur) firmware
per Cam Dragon, T-Rex e T-Rex Super Module.

Attenzione! In alcuni casi è necessario copiare libmySQL.dll in C:\WINDOWS\system32

[B]Istruzioni per l'uso:[/B]
1) Seleziona la lingua desiderata. (*)
2) Seleziona gli eventuali caid aggiuntivi per consentire il 
    corretto funzionamento dell'abbonamento. (*)
3) Seleziona il file .dra che si desidera aggiornare.
4) Cliccare sul bottone corrispondente al tuo impianto ed attendi il 
    temine dell'elaborazione.
5) Verifica nel file di log le operazioni svolte dal tool.
6) Carica il file dra sulla cam tramite CAS o loader card.

* Queste informazioni verranno registrate per i successivi utilizzi del tool.
** Nel firmware verranno registrati solo i caid realmente necessari per il 
funzionamento delle keys estratte, oltre a quelli espressamente selezionati.
Quindi se non possiedi alcuna card di abbonamento non è necessario 
selezionare alcun caid aggiuntivo.
Il programma avvertirà se il numero dei caid è superiore a 16, 
un numero superiore deve essere gestito dal tuo decoder.

[B]What's news in 2.3 version?[/B]
° Fixed bug on lenght of channel name.

TechSat TEAM


Super VIP
PredMaker Version 2.4

This program auto update your preda(tor/saur) firmware
for Cam Dragon, T-Rex and T-Rex Super Module.

In some cases it is necessary to copy the libmySQL.dll in C:\WINDOWS\system32

1) Select the desired language. (*)
2) Select any additional caid for the correct operation of the subscription 
   card. (*)
3) Select the file. Dra you want to upgrade.
4) Click on the button corresponding to your system and wait for the end 
   of processing.
5) Check the log file for transactions conducted by the tool.
6) Upload files dra on cam through CAS or loader card.

* This information will be recorded for subsequent use of the tool.
** The firmware will be recorded only caid really necessary for the operation 
     of the keys extracted, as well as those specially selected.
So if you do not have any subscription card do not need to select any 
additional caid.
The program will tell if the number of caid exceeds 16, a higher number 
must be managed from your receiver.

[B]What's news in 2.4 version?[/B]
° Added CAID 183D (Nagra3 TivuSat) in CAID list.
° Added date and time information in log file.
° Unified Maker.ini file with other maker tools.

TechSat TEAM
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