Tools For Bigsat


Super VIP
In case of FATAL ERROR at the launch of UPGRADE 1.0.7, it must install on your PC an ocx component.

Unzip the attachment and copy the file in WINDOWS/SYSTEM32.

Than, try to relaunch UPGRADE 1.0.7.



Super VIP

Read channel data

--Connect the stb with pc.
--press "channel data" under "Read" option
--Choose the directory to save the file
--Reboot the stb
--Will start auto

Download channel data
--Press "Dbase" under "upgrade" option
--slect the file.
--Reboot the stb,will start auto

After download the channel data,
there will be no program in the slave.
should set to factory default first.
(the password is "0000")

We already make the new official SW enable start stb-stb upgrade auto.

Download the latest sw "Upgrade_bigsat_A3329_.bin " into the master stb.

1,Power on the receiver,
will diaplay "0500" on the front panel and "No program" in the menu

Note:plz make sure without any operation to the Master stb,
bcz the menu is default as start upgrade by rs 232.

2,connect master stb with slave stb via rs cable.
power on the slave,
upgrade will start auto.
you can see that the front of the master STB display the upgrading process;

3,after finished,
the master stb front will display "0500" agian
and the front of the slave STB will display "0500" too.

4,pls change another slave STB to continue upgrading by above 1--3 step.

1. don't changed the main stb status by remote or button of the front panel;

if the status of the main STB have been changed,
pls reboot it and restore the correct status.

2. when STB is upgrading,don't power off the STB;