The Ultimate Feed Hunters Guide


Feed Hunter
These are the active parts of the ku spectrum where it is possible to find normal TV channels & feeds,
Saves time if you set your blind scan receiver to scan the active parts of the Ku band instead of the whole band,

75 east --12500 to 12750,
72 east --11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750,
70.5 east-11200 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750,
68.5 east-11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750,
62 east --10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700,
57 east --10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750,
53 east --10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750,
45 east --11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750,
42 east --10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 12750,
40 east --10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700,
39 east --10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700, + 12500 to 12750,
36 east --10950 to 11200 + 11500 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750,
33 east --10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700,
28.5 east 12590 to 12750,
23.5 east 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750,
21.6 east 10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750,
16 east---10950 to 11200 + 11300 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750,
10 east---10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750,
9 east----11700 to 12500 .
7 east ---10950 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750,
5 east ---12590 to 12750,
4 east ---10950 to 11200 + 12500 to 12600 .
3 east----12500 to 12750, inclined orbit 3.6 degrees.
1 west----10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750,
4 west----11450 to 11700,
5 west ---10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750,
8 west----10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750,
11 west---11450 to 11700,
12.5 west-10950 to 11200 + 11300 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750,
15 west---11000 to 11150 + 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750,
18 west---10950 to 11150 H + 11500 to 11700 H,
20 west --11450 to 11700 H inclined 4.9 degrees.
22 west---10950 to 11200 H + 11450 to 11700H + 12500 to 12750,
24.5 west 10950 to 11150 V + 11450 to 11700 V,
27.5 west 10950 to 11150 V + 11450 to 11700 V,
30 west---11450 to 11700 + 12000 to 12100 + 12500 to 12750,
31.5 west--10950 to 11200V + 11450 to 11700V
34.5 west--10950 to 11200V + 11450 to 11700V
43 west --12500 to 12750,
45 west---11450 to 11700,
58 west---11450 to 11700 H,
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Feed Hunter
The Ultimate Feed Hunters Guide "Active feeds March 2009 onwards"
Currently Active Feeds update March 2009 onwards
Currently these are the hotspots where you can find feeds now & in the future
issued 11-03-09
H & V = polarization used if not indicated both are in use
East Satellites
57 east 10950 to 11200+11450 to 11700 & 12500 to 12750 Via NSS 12 from 2nd 1/2 2009
53 east 10950 to 11200+11450 to 11700 & 12500 to 12750
45 east 11450 to 11700 all V+ {12500 to 12750 rarely used}
42 east 10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 12000 + 12500 to 12750
40 east 10959 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700
39 east 10959 to 11200 all V + {11450 to 11700 rarely received in UK} 12700 to 12750 all H
36 east 10959 to 11200+ 11450 to 11700 & 12500 to 12750
33 east 10950 to 11200 & 11450 to 11700
31.5 east 10700 to 11200 & 11700 to 12200 from April 2009 via Astra 2C
26 east 11700 to 12750
23.5 east 11450 to 11700 & 12600 to 12750
21.6 east 10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700 & {12500 to 12750 rarely used}
16 east 10950 to 11200 + {11300 to 11700 rarely used for feeds} 11700 to 12200 {HB-2 from April 2009 & 12500 to 12750 {+ 10700 to 10950 + other interim frequencies HB-4 from Summer 2009}
10 east 10950 to 11200 + {11450 to 11700 rarely used now} & 12500 to 12750
7 east 10950 to 11200 {mainly 4:2:2 here} 11380 to 11420+ {12500 to 12750 rarely used for feeds}
5 east {11200 to 11450 rarely used for feeds} 12580 to 12750
4 east {10950 to 11350 all H} + 12500 to 12570
3 east 12500 to 12750 Incline orbit atm

West Satellites
1 west 10980 to 11180 all V & 11450 to 11700 all V + 12500 to 12550 all V
5 west 10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700 & {12500 to 12750 rarely used for feeds}
8 west {10950 to 11200 rarely used for feeds} 11450 to 11700 {mainly 4:2:2 here} & 12500 to 12750
12.5 west 10950 to 11200 {11200 to 11450 rarely used for feeds} & 12500 to 12750
15 west 10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700 & 12500 to 12750
18 west 10950 to 11200 all H + 11450 to 11700 all H
22 west 10950 to 11200 all H, 11450 to 11700 all H
24.5 west 10950 to 11200 & 11450 to 11700
27.5 west 10950 to 11200 all V & 11450 to 11700 all V
30 west 11450 to 11700 + 12550 to 12750
31.5 west 10950 to 11050 all V & 11450 to 11700 all V {mainly 4:2:2}
34.5 west 10950 to 11200 all H & 11450 to 11700 all H
37.5 west 10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700 & 12500 to 12750 from April 2009 via Telstar 11N
43 west 12500 to 12750
45 west 11450 to 11700
58 west 11450 to 11700 all H

Blind scan these parts of the Ku spectrum to find active feeds,some feeds are only active for an event then the transponder is either switched off or used by another provider with a possible change in S/R & FEC. for better success on lower symbol rate feed capture scan in 50 MHz steps 10.95GHz to 11.00GHz,11.00GHz to 11.05GHz ect.


Feed Hunter
update for May 2009

Fully revised & updated
75 east --12500 to 12750,
72 east --11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750,
70.5 east-11200 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750,
68.5 east-11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750,
62 east --10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700,
57 east --10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750,
53 east --10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750,
45 east --11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750,
42 east --10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 12750,
40 east --10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700,
39 east --10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700, + 12500 to 12750,
36 east --10950 to 11200 + 11500 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750,
33 east --10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700,
31.5 east 10700 to 11200 + 11700 to 12500 Astra 2C soon
31 east 10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700
28.5 east 12590 to 12750,
23.5 east 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750,
21.6 east 10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750,
16 east---10950 to 11200 + 11300 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750, {Atlantic Bird 16 10700 to 10950 & 11700 to 12500}soon
10 east---10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750, {Eutelsat W2A 10700 to 11700 & 12500 to 12750} from 18-05-09
9 east----11700 to 12500
7 east ---10950 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750,
5 east ---12590 to 12750,
4 east ---10950 to 11200 + 12500 to 12600 {Eutel W2M is now at 3.8 east}
3 east----12500 to 12750, inclined orbit of 5.1 degrees
1 west----10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750,
4 west----11450 to 11700,
5 west ---10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750,
8 west----10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750,
11 west---11450 to 11700,{ New satellite Express AM44 no service atm}
12.5 west-10950 to 11200 + 11300 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750,
15 west---11000 to 11150 + 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750,
18 west---10950 to 11150 H + 11500 to 11700 H,
20 west --11450 to 11700 H inclined 6.3 degrees {no service atm}
22 west---10950 to 11200 H + 11450 to 11700H + 12500 to 12750,
24.5 west 10950 to 11150 V + 11450 to 11700 V,
27.5 west 10950 to 11150 V + 11450 to 11700 V,
30 west---11450 to 11700 + 12000 to 12100 + 12500 to 12750,
31.5 west--10950 to 11200V + 11450 to 11700V
34.5 west--10950 to 11200V + 11450 to 11700V
37.5 west -10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750 {New Satellite Telstar 11N}
43 west --12500 to 12750,
45 west---11450 to 11700,
58 west---11450 to 11700 H,

More info when new & moved satellites become live :D


Feed Hunter
Long term occasional fta Sports feeds

12.5 west 12.612V 4284 Live Elite Speedway Monday nights
10 east 11134H 5064 Real Madrid TV (sometimes in 4:2:2)
10 east 11.206H 5632 Barca TV (or 7 east 11380 to 11415)
22 west 11684H 7500 Wrestling feeds
10 east various frequencies Sky Sports News International 11049V,11080V,11088V,12566H,12712H,12730H,12740H all use 5632 S/R
10 east Football the World Game various frequencies
10 east or 12.5 west Gillette Sports Show' magazine various frequencies
10 east 12677H 6111 World Wide Sports' Show
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Feed Hunter
What is best Blind Scan Receiver available ?
Feed Hunting today

Lots of changes have taken place over the last 5 years of feed hunting,
Some earlier blind scan receivers such as the Nextwave single blind scan & the Coship blind scan receivers paved the way for the Feed Hunting as a hobby to begin,
The 2nd wave of power scan/blind scan receivers FortecStar & Manhattan Plaza ST range lead the way to show us what you could find with a blind scan receiver,
Then along came the 3rd wave of blind scan receivers proved to be much faster with easier menu's such as the TM1000 series & the Vantage X200 series,
TheTM1500 CI super+ proved to be one of the best enthusiasts feed hunting receivers revealing 90% of all feeds with this receiver then 4:2:2 feeds & broadcasts started to be found with the new blind scan receivers but no capability to view 4:2:2 was available to the enthusiast,
As more feeds used 4:2:2 with more detail quality for HD tv feeds 4:2:2 is a form of encryption as SD receivers cannot view this transmission so the SS1 computer card evolved & the now defunct Euro 1080 HD 4:2:2 tv broadcast changed from MPEG-2 to MPEG-4 the Quali tv receiver became redundant this led to a large quantity of these receivers being used for 4:2:2 feeds some greedy sellers charged up to £500 for a receiver that only cost £70 to produce,
Then along came the TM6900HD super blind scan HD receiver this is the best enthusiast receiver currently available & will find all Ku band broadcasts in MPEG-2 ,MPEG-4,SD,HD,4:2:0 also HD & SD 4:2:2 but will not allow you to view the 4:2:2 feeds after several attempts to build a commercially successful 4:2:2 capable receiver the AZ Box has proved to be the next generation of receiver that the enthusiast can use to view these broadcasts you still need an HD blind scan receiver such as the TM6800HD Super+ or Vantage HD 8000 S PVR to find the feeds in 4:2:2 then load the parameters onto the AZ Box,
The breakthrough will come when the AZ Box has a capable thorough fast blind scan to find all broadcasts this will then be the Ultimate blind scan receiver to have.


Feed Hunter
Progress report

Blind scan receivers have not gone as far as i would have thought is possible :(

3 new receivers worth a mention the AZBox Premium+ now boasts a blind scan I have not tried it so cannot comment atm,

Spiderbox 9000HD has proved to be a worthy contender for best blind scan receiver scans the Ku band very accurately without the continuous loop problem that troubles the TM6900HD Super at times in blind scan mode :eek: I am still using S/W version 6.79 can members confirm if the latest version 730p that the blind scan works ok ?

Manhattan Plaza HD under Beta tests atm more about this one soon.


Feed Hunter
Blind scan receivers survey continued TM6900HD Super+

Can confirm that 729p software looks the most stable to upgrade too for the TM6900HD Super+ with the Spectrum Analyser also with added bonus of all frequencies found go in sequence this makes editing much easier :thum:
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Feed Hunter
HD Blind Scan Receiver Update

TM6900HD Super+
S/W version 7.41p seems to have ironed out all previous problems,

AZBox Premium+
S/W version azbox-0.9.5306-patch.bin works very well with the blind scan provided you start with a new satellite each time then you will find blind scans are faster then just delete all data after each blind scan session then add or remove satellites to suit your needs.

Spiderbox 9000HD
S/W version F4.32 works ok & the receiver finds all active transponders provided you have deleted all dead transponders,

The AZBox Premium+ with 4:2:2 is by far the best for feed hunting as it will find the most transponders that you can view,

No more news on the yet to be released Manhattan HD Sat receiver atm.


Feed Hunter
November 12th 2011 update,

UK & Western European Feed searching chart where Ku Band feeds can be found with Blind scan receivers,
This list compiled for SatUniverse by William-1
Active part of the Ku band used for satellite feeds

45 east Intelsat-12 11450 to 11700 V + (12500 to 12750V not active recently)
42 east Turksat 2A/3A 11120 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700 + 12555 to 12750
39 east HellaSat-2 10950 to 11200 V + 12700 to 12750 H
36 east Eutelsat W-7 11035 to 11075 V + 11350 to 11450 V + 12550 to 12650
33.2 east Eurobird-3 10950 to 11200 + 11440 to 11700 +12650 to 12700V
28.5 east Eurobird-1 12650 to 12750
26 east Badr-4 12500 to 12750
23.5 east Astra 3A/3B 11450 to 11700 + 12600 to 12750
21.6 east Eutelsat W-6 10959 to 11155 + 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750
16 east Eutel W3C 10700 to 10900 V + 11100 to 11200 H + 12650 to 12750 V
10 east Eutelsat W2A 10700 to 10950 + (10950 to 11200 most active feeds are here) + 11200 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750
7 east Eutelsat W3A 10950 to 11200 + 12500 to 12750
4.8 east Astra 4A 12500 to 12750
3.1 east Eutelsat 3C 12500 to 12750 V

Some feeds do appear on normal broacast carriers such as:
13 east HB-9 11317V 27500
13 east HB-8 12437H 27500
9 east EB-9A 11804V 27500 + 12092H 27500 + 12245H 27500
4.8 east Astra 1E 10758V 22500
5 west 12543H 27500
30 west 10770H 27500 + 10810H 30000

1 west Intelsat 10-02 11455 to 11555 V + 11555 to 11660 + 12513 V
5 west Atlantic-3 11100 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700
8 west Atlantic-2 10970 to 11200 H + 12500 to 12750
11 west Express AM 44 11050 to 11155 H + 11450 to 11700 H
12.5 west Atlantic-1 10950 to 11200 + 11300 to 11450 + 12500 to 12750
15 west Telstar 12 11000 to 11100H + 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750
18 west Intelsat 901 10960 to 11180H + 11490 to 11700 H (this satellite has not been active for feeds for a while)
22 west NSS-7 10960 to 11195 H + 11450 to 11700 H + 12500 to 12750 H
24.5 west Intelsat 905 10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700
27.5 west Intelsat 907 10950 to 11200V + 11450 to 11700 V
30 west Hispasat 11450 to 11700 + 12540 to 12750
34.5 west Intelsat 903 10950 to 11120V + 11450 to 11700 V
37.5 west Telstar 11N 10950 to 11100 + 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750

Some Satellites only use one polarization on certain Ku bands & Satellites
Where this is known I have indicated V=Vertical & H=Horizontal.
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Feed Hunter
Feed Hunters Guide update Jan 15 2012

January 2012 update for UK & Western European beams,

UK & Western European Feed searching chart where Ku Band feeds can be found with Blind scan receivers,
This list compiled for SatUniverse by William-1
Active part of the Ku band used for satellite feeds:

53 east Express AM22 11000 to 11120 + 11520 to 11700
48 east Eutelsat W2M 10950 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750 (testing atm)
45 east Intelsat-12 11450 to 11700 V + (12500 to 12750V not active recently)
42 east Turksat 2A/3A 11120 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700 + 12555 to 12750
39 east HellaSat-2 10950 to 11200 V + 12700 to 12750 H
36 east Eutelsat W-7 11035 to 11075 V + 11350 to 11450 V + 12550 to 12650
33.2 east Eurobird-3 10950 to 11200 + 11440 to 11700 +12650 to 12700V
28.5 east Eurobird-1 12650 to 12750
26 east Badr-4 12500 to 12750
23.5 east Astra 3A/3B 11450 to 11700 + 12600 to 12750
21.6 east Eutelsat W-6 10959 to 11155 + 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750
16 east Eutel W3C 11000 to 11200 H + 12600 to 12750 V
10 east Eutelsat W2A 10700 to 10950 + (10950 to 11200 most active feeds are here) + 11200 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750
7 east Eutelsat W3A 10950 to 11200 + 12500 to 12750
4.8 east Astra 4A 12500 to 12750
3.1 east Eutelsat 3C 12500 to 12750

Some feeds do appear on normal broacast carriers such as:
13 east HB-9 11317V 27500
13 east HB-8 12437H 27500
9 east EB-9A 11804V 27500 + 12092H 27500 + 12245H 27500
4.8 east Astra 1E 10758V 22500
5 west 12543H 27500
30 west 10770H 27500 + 10810H 30000

1 west Intelsat 10-02 11450 to 11700 V + 12513 V
5 west Atlantic-3 11100 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700
8 west Atlantic-2 10970 to 11200 H + 12500 to 12750
11 west Express AM 44 11050 to 11155 H + 11450 to 11700 H
12.5 west Atlantic-1 10950 to 11200 + 11300 to 11450 + 12500 to 12750
15 west Telstar 12 11000 to 11100H + 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750
18 west Intelsat 901 10960 to 11180H + 11490 to 11700 H (this satellite has not been active for feeds for a while)
22 west NSS-7 10960 to 11200H + 11450 to 11700 H + 12500 to 12750 H
24.5 west Intelsat 905 10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700
27.5 west Intelsat 907 10950 to 11200V + 11450 to 11700 V
30 west Hispasat 11450 to 11700 + 12540 to 12750
34.5 west Intelsat 903 10950 to 11120V + 11450 to 11700 V (No feeds here atm)
37.5 west Telstar 11N 10950 to 11100 + 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750
45 west Intelsat 14 11450 to 11700

Some Satellites only use one polarization on certain Ku bands & Satellites
Where this is known I have indicated V=Vertical & H=Horizontal.
If you take this list to another site please mention the compiler - William-1


Feed Hunter
How to get the weakest feeds

Setting up a Motorised system to pull in weak signals for Feed Hunting by William-1

You can also use this guide for improving reception of weaker satellites & tracking the satellite arc more accurately.

A normal motorised dish installation is very straight forward for receiving the major satellites 42 east,39 east,28.2 east,19.2 east,13 east 5 east 1 west 5 west & 30 west,

But the feed hunter is looking for feeds that are sometimes very weak signals so the dish/motor set up is more critical than a normal installation.


Feed Hunter
Feed Hunters guide August 2012

12th August 2012 fully revised & updated with Active part of the Ku band used for satellite feeds:
UK & Western European Feed searching chart where Ku Band feeds can be found with Blind scan receivers,
This list compiled by William-1

53 east Express AM22 11000 to 11120 + 11520 to 11700
45 east Intelsat-12 11450 to 11700 V + (12500 to 12750V not active recently)
42 east Turksat 2A/3A 10950 to 11030 east beam,11035 to 11195 west beam, + 11450 to 11530V west beam, 11530 to 11700 east beam, + 12520 to 12705 west beam.
39 east HellaSat-2 10950 to 11200 V + 12700 to 12750 H
36 east Eutelsat W-7 11035 to 11075 V + 11350 to 11450 V + 12550 to 12650
33.2 east Eurobird-3 10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700 +12630 to 12695V
28.5 east Eurobird-1 12680 to 12750 (Astra 2D is empty now)
26 east Badr-4 12500 to 12750
23.5 east Astra 3B 11450 to 11700 + 12600 to 12750 (Astra 3A is empty now)
21.6 east Eutelsat 21A 10959 to 11155 + 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750
16 east Eutel 16A 10950 to 11200 H + 12500 to 12750 V
10 east Eutelsat 10A 10700 to 10950 + (10950 to 11200 most active feeds are here) + 11200 to 11680 + 12500 to 12750
7 east Eutelsat 7A 10950 to 11200 + 11370 to 11430 + 12500 to 12750
5.2 east SES-5 11200 to 11450 testing
4.8 east Astra 4A 12540 to 12750
3.1 east Eutelsat 3C 10950H to 11200H + 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750

1 west Intelsat 10-02 11450 to 11700 V + 12513 to 12540 V + ( 10950 to 11200 occasional feeds)
5 west Eutelsat 5WA 11100 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750
8 west Eutelsat 8WA 10970 to 11200 H + 12500 to 12750
11 west Express AM 44 11050 to 11200 H + 11450 to 11700 H
12.5 west Eutelsat 12WA 10950 to 11200 + 11300 to 11450 + 12500 to 12750
15 west Telstar 12 11000 to 11100H + 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750
18 west Intelsat 901 10960 to 11180H + 11490 to 11700 H (No feeds here atm)
20 west NSS-7 12500 to 12750 H testing
22 west SES-4 10960 to 11200H + 11450 to 11700 H + 12500 to 12750 H
24.5 west Intelsat 905 10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700
27.5 west Intelsat 907 11005 to 11190V + 11450 to 11700 V
30 west Hispasat 1c-1D & 1E 11450 to 11700 + 12540 to 12750
34.5 west Intelsat 903 10950 to 11120V + 11450 to 11700 V (No feeds here atm)
37.5 west Telstar 11N 10950 to 11100 + 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750
45 west Intelsat 14 11450 to 11700
58 west Intelsat 9 11450 to 11700 may become more active after Intelsat 21 launches on 16th August 2012

Some feeds do appear on normal broacast transponders such as:
28.2 east 11052H 22000 + 11487V 27500
13 east HB-9 11317V 27500
13 east HB-8 12437H 27500
9 east EB-9A 11804V 27500 + 12092H 27500 + 12245H 27500
4.8 east Astra 1E 10758V 22500
5 west 12543H 27500
30 west 10770H 27500 + 10810H 30000

Some Satellites only use one polarization on certain Ku bands & Satellites
Where this is known I have indicated V=Vertical & H=Horizontal.

If you take this list to another site please mention the compiler - William-1

All European Spinner satellites now empty: Astra 2D @ 28.2 east,Astra 3A @ 23.5 east & Sirius-3 @ 51.2 east.

Currently active incline orbit satellites:
23.5 east Thor 2 (incl. 3.8°)
23.5 east Astra 1D (incl. 4.3°)

35.8 east Eutelsat 48B is moving 1.1°W/day (New Mission)

Regards William-1


Feed Hunter
Feed Hunters Guide update Dec 31st 2012

Feed Hunters Guide update Dec 31st 2012

William-1's guide to the active parts of the Ku band in Western Europe for finding feeds
Ku band tv usage 45 East to 37.5 West
Only footprints covering the UK included (West & European Beams)
Where no polarity is shown both V & H are in use,

Intelsat-12 @ 45 east 11450 to 11700 V
Turksat @ 42 east 11450 to 11550 V + 12500 to 12700
HellaSat @ 39 east 10950 to 11150 V + 12700 to 12750 H
Eutelsat 36B @ 36 east 11400 to 11700 + 12500 to 12650
Eutelsat 33A @ 33.2 east 10950 to 11180 + 11450 to 11670 + 12630 to 12750V
Eutelsat 28A @ 28.5 east 12700 to 12750
Badr-4 @ 26 east 12540 to 12750
Astra 3B @ 23.5 east 11450 to 11700 + 12550 to 12750
Eutelsat 21B @ 21.5 east 10950 to 11110 + 11450 to 11700 (12500 to 12750 not in use atm)
Eutelsat 16A @ 16 east 10950 to 11200 + 11620 to 11660 V + 12500 to 12600 + 12600 to 12750 V
Eutelsat 10A @ 10 east 10700 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750 (10950 to 11200 most active for feeds)
Eutelsat 7A @ 7 east 10960 to 11200 + 12500 to 12750
Astra 4A @ 4.8 east 12500 to 12750
Eutelsat 3C @ 3.1 east 10950 to 11220 H + 11550 to 11700 + 12500 to 12700
Intelsat 10-02 @ 1 west 11450 to 11700 V + 12500 to 12540
Eutelsat 5 West A @ 5 west 11450 to 11680 H + 12543H
Eutelsat 8 West A @ 8 west 10950 to 11200 H + 12500 to 12750
Express-AM44 @ 11 west 11095 to 11200 H + 11450 to 11700 H
Eutelsat 12 West A @ 12.5 west 10950 to 11200 + 11300 to 11430 + 12500 to 12750
Telstar 12 @ 15 west 11000 to 11100 + 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12700
NSS-7 @ 20 west 12600 to 12650 H
SES-4 @ 22 west 11550 to 11700 H + 12500 to 12600 H
Intelsat 905 @ 24.5 west 10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700
Hispasat @ 30 west 11470 to 11700 + 12600 to 12750
Telstar 11N @ 37.5 west 10950 to 11160 V + 12500 to 12730


Feed Hunter
The Complete Feed Hunters Guide

The Complete Feed Hunters Guide
Part-1 Reference satellites for all European Countries
Part-2 Setting up a Motorised system to pull in weak signals for Feed Hunting
Part-3 Strongest Transponders
Part-4 Where to find the feeds


Feed Hunter
Strongest & Weakest Transponders

Strongest & Weakest Transponder List (3 Feb 2013)

This guide is to assist in setting up a satellite dish (motorised or fixed)
53 east to 45 west in DVB-S unless stated
80cm wide x 88 cm high Mesh Dish + Alsat DarkGold 0.1 Lnb

Strongest Transponders
Express AM22 at 53.0°E Arezu TV 11660 H 2170
Intelsat 12 at 45.0°E Prima TV 11523 V 5787
Türksat 2A at 42.0°E CNN Türk 11804 V 244444
Hellas Sat 2 at 39.0°E The Voice 12524 H 30000
Eutelsat 36B at 36.0°E Lider TV 12520 H 4340
Eutelsat 33A at 33.2°E TV 8 Mont Blanc 11105 H 2441
Eutelsat 28A at 28.5°E Euronews 11344 V 27500
Astra 2F at 28.2°E Channel 5 10964 H 22000
Badr 4 at 26.0°E Al Manar 11958 H 27500
Astra 3B at 23.5°E TV Noord 11914H 27500
Eutelsat 21B at 21.5°E Yemen Today TV 11601 V 2170
Astra 2C at 19.2°E Das Erste 11836 H 27500
Eutelsat 16A at 16.0°E TVR News 11471 V 29950
Eutelsat Hot Bird 13A at 13.0°E Bloomberg 11137 H 27500
Eutelsat 10A at 10.0°E Aljazeera Package 11400 H 7815
Eutelsat 9A at 9.0°E CCTV 9 Docu 11938 H 27500
Eutelsat 7A at 7.0°E TRT Anadolu 11455 V 20050
Astra 4A at 4.8°E RADA 11766 H 27500
Eutelsat 3C at 3.1°E TV5 Europe 12740 H 12622
Thor 5 at 0.8°W BBC World News 11861 H 28000
Amos 2 at 4.0°W Unian TV 10721 H 27500
Eutelsat 5 West A at 5.0°W France Ô 11591 V 20000
Eutelsat 7 West A at 7.3°W Qatar TV 10719 V 22000
Eutelsat 8 West A at 8.0°W NRT 11074 H 3000
Express AM44 at 11.0°W TG Norba 24 11551 1600
Eutelsat 12 West A at 12.5°W Record News 12655 H 4285
Telstar 12 at 15.0°W Zagros TV 10996 V 5090
Intelsat 901 at 18.0°W Data AOL 11605 H 8500
SES 4 at 22.0°W Reuters Live 10985 H 7200
Intelsat 905 at 24.5°W NTA Int 11674 V 27500
Intelsat 907 at 27.5°W Freeview (Encrypted) 11495 V 44100 DVB-S2
Hispasat 1E at 30.0°W Record Europa 10890 V 27500
Intelsat 903 at 34.5°W Data Stream 11027 v 5000 DVB-S2
Telstar 11N at 37.5°W DoveVision 11064 V 1445
Intelsat 14 at 45.0°W RASD TV 11608 H 1852

Weakest Transponders
(Satellites with only strong transponders excluded from this list)
Express AM22 at 53.0°E TRK Nadym 10995 H 3255
Türksat 3A at 42.0°E TRT Müzik 12569 H 2800
Eutelsat 36B at 36.0°E Al Jazeera Channel 12621 V 2893
Badr 4 at 26.0°E MBC tv 11919 H 27500
Eutelsat 21B at 21.5°E Al Falstiniah TV 10978 V 2170
Eutelsat 16A at 16.0°E Albanian Screen 11108 V 2821
Eutelsat 10A at 10.0°E IFilm 12619 V 9000
Eutelsat 7A at 7.0°E TRT Turk 10761 V 30000
Astra 4A at 4.8°E 1st Baltic Music 11843 H 27500
Eutelsat 3C at 3.1°E Speda TV 12671 V 2200
Intelsat 10-02 at 1.0°W Realitatea 12687 H 27500
Amos 2 at 4.0°W Novy Ch 10757 H 30000
Eutelsat 5 West A at 5.0°W Canal Algeria 11059 H 23700
Eutelsat 7 West A at 7.3°W Al-Nahar Sport 12437 V 27500
Express AM44 at 11.0°W Retecapri 11566 H 8000
Telstar 12 at 15.0°W MAC TV 12608 H 19279
This list was compiled by William-1
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Feed Hunter
Ku band satellite feeds 53 east to 45 west

The active part of the Ku band used for Live Feeds updated September 15th 2013

53 east to 45 west as received in the South East England (= Feed Activity)

53 east 11000 to 11110 + 11550 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750 (Medium activity)

48 east 10950 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750 (no activity atm)

47.5 east 11450 to 12750 (no activity atm)

46 east 10950 to 11200 (active)

45 east 11450 to 11700 V + 12500 to 12750 (Active)

42 east 11120 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700V + 12550 to 12700 (Very active)

40 east (No activity atm until the launch of Express-AM7 40° East in the 2nd half of 2014)

39 east 10950 to 11200 V + 12700 to 12750 H (Active)

36 east 11000 to 11190 + 11400 to 11450 H + 11630 to 11700 V + 12550 to 12655 (Active)

33.2 east 10950 to 11180 + 11450 to 11670 + 12630 to 12750 V (Active)

28.5 east 12700 to 12750 (Low)

26 east 12550 to 12750 (Low)

23.5 east 11450 to 11700 + 12550 to 12750 (Medium)

21.6 east 10950 to 11110 + 11470 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750 (Fairly active)

16 east 10950 to 11200 + 12500 to 12600 + 12600 to 12750 V only (Very active)

10 east 10700 to 10950 + 10950 to 11200 + 11200 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750 (Very active)

7 east 10950 to 11200 + 12500 to 12750 (Very active)

5 east 12580 to 12750 (Medium activity)

4 east 10950 to 11200 + 12500 to 12750 (no activity atm)

3.1 east 10950 to 11200 H + 11450 to 11700 H + 12500 to 12750 (Very active at times)

1 west 10950 to 11200 V + 11450 to 11700 V + 12500 to 12540 V (Very active at times)

5 west 10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11680 + 12500 to 12750 (Low activity)

8 west 10950 to 11200 H + 12500 to 12750 (Very active at times)

11 west 11000 to 11200 H + 11450 to 11700 H (Fairly active)

12.5 west 10950 to 11200 + 11320 to 11430 + 12500 to 12750 (Very active at times)

14 west (No activity until the launch of Express-AM8 14° West 4th quarter of 2013)

15 west 11000 to 11110 + 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750 (Low activity)

18 west 10950 to 11200 H + 11450 to 11700 H (No Activity atm)

20 west 10950 to 11200H + 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750 (Low activity)

22 west 10950 to 11200 H + 11450 to 11700 H + 12500 to 12750 H (Medium activity)

24.5 west 10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700 (High Activity)

27.5 west 10950 to 11200 V + 11450 to 11700 V (Low activity)

30 west 10700 to 10950 + 11460 to 11700 + 11920 to 11990 H + 12600 to 12750 (High activity)

34.5 west 10950 to 11200 V + 11450 to 11700 V (Low activity)

37.5 west 10950 to 11160 V + 12500 to 12750 (Low activity)

40.5 west 10950 to 11450 + 11700 to 12200 (Low activity)

45 west 11450 to 11700 (Very low activity)

Vertical & Horizontal Polarization,

I have included the transmission polarization as some satellites only use one this will enable you to find

active transponders more quickly where none shown then both V & H are in use.

This list was compiled by William-1
Last edited:


Feed Hunter
A Guide to the Active part of the Ku band

95% of the feeds & DTH can be found between 42 east to 30 west the satellites east of 42 east are mainly Direct to Home,
Satellites west of 30 west to 55.5 west are mainly used for Marine Data & carry very few feeds of interest to the enthusiasts.

This is a guide to the active part of the Ku band each satellite can operate October 12th 2015 + New launches for this year

53 east to 55.5 west as received by me in the East of England

When no polarisation shown both H & V are in use

53 east 10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750 Express AM-6

52.5 east 11700 to 12500 (European beam is not currently active) Yahsat 1A

52 east 10700 to 10950 + 11200 to 11450 + 12200 to 12500 TurkmenÄlem/MonacoSat

51.5 east (Belarus Sat 1 waiting to be launched in 1st qtr 2016)

50 east 10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700 (Turksat 4B waiting to be launched on 16th October 2015 20:41 UTC)

48 east Lybid (Launch November-December 2015)

47.5 east 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750 Intelsat-10 only data now.

46 east 10950 to 11200 AzerSpace 1 - AzerSpace 2 launch now 4th qtr 2015

45 east 11450 to 11700 V + 12500 to 12750 V Intelsat-12 (PAS-12)

44.5 east 11200 to 11450 + 12100 to 12500 (Astra 1F is currently inactive)

42 east 10950 to 11100 + 11450 to 11700 + 11700 to 12500 V + 12500 to 12750 (TurkSat 2A/3A/4A) West beams

40 east 10950 to 11200 H + 11450 to 11700 V + 12500 to 12750 (Express-AM-7)(European beam not active atm)

39 east 10950 to 11200 V + 11450 to 11700 H + 12500 to 12750 (Hellas Sat-2)

36 east 10950 to 11200 + 11400 to 11450 H + 11630 to 11700 V + 12500 to 12750 Eutelsat 36B

33.1 east 10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750 V Eutelsat 33B (Eutelsat 25C)

33.1 east 11200 to 11450 + 12500 to 12750 Eutelsat 33C (Eutelsat 28A)

33.1 east 10700 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750 Eutelsat 33D (Hotbird-6) moving east

31.5 east 11700 to 12500 (120cm dish required) :-Astra 5B

30.8 east 10950 to 11050 H + 11550 to 11650 H Eutelsat 31A (incl. 1.1°)

28.5 east 10700 to 10950 + 11380 to 11450 + 11700 to 12750 Astra 2E

28.2 east 10950 to 11200 + 11300 to 11350 + 11700 to 11900 + 11720 + 12100 to 12750 Astra 2F

28.2 east 10700 to 11300 + 11450 to 12480 Astra 2G

26 east 11900 to 12750 (Badr-4) (Badr-7 due to launch on 10 November 2015)

23.5 east 11450 to 12750 :-Astra 3B

21.6 east 10700 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750 Eutelsat 21B

16 east 10700 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750 Eutelsat 16A

13 east 10700 to 12750 Eutelsat HotBird 13B/13C/13D

10 east 10700 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750 Eutelsat 10A

9 east 11700 to 12500 Eutelsat 9A (Eutelsat 9B 1st qtr 2016)

7 east 10700 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750 Eutelsat 7A/7B

5.2 east 10700 to 11200 Astra 2D (inclined orbit 2.4°)

5 east 11200 to 11450 Nordic SES-5

4.8 east 11700 to 12750 Astra-4A

3.1 east 10950 to 11200 H + 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750 Eutelsat 3B

0.8 west 10700 to 10950 + 11200 to 11450 + 11700 to 12500 Thor 5/6/7

1 west 10950 to 11200 V + 11450 to 11700 V + 12500 to 12540 V Intelsat 10-02

3 west 10700 to 11200V + 11450 to 11700V + 12500 to 12750V ABS 3A

4 west 10700 to 10950 + 11200 to 11700 H UK (Amos 2/3) 10.7 to 11.7GHz rest of Europe)

5 west 10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11600 + 12500 to 12750 Eutelsat 5 West A (Stellat-5)

7.3 west 10700 to 10950 + 11200 to 11605 + 12100 to 12480 Eutelsat 7 West A (Atlantic Bird-7)

8 west 10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750 Eutelsat 8 West B

11 west 10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700 Express-AM44

12.5 west 10950 to 11200 + 11300 to 11450 + 12500 to 12750 Eutelsat 12 West A (Atlantic Bird-1)

12.7 west 10950 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750 Eutelsat 12 west B (Eutelsat 8 west A)

14 west (No activity until the Express-AM8 moves to 14 west at the end of 2015)

15 west 10950 to 11150 + 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750 Telstar 12 (Telstar 12V launch 24 November 2015 08:07 GMT)

18 west 10950 to 11150 H + 11450 to 11700 H Intelsat 901 (Only data now)

20 west 10950 to 11200H + 11450 to 11700H + 12500 to 12750 H NSS-7 (Only data atm now inclined 0.6°)

22 west 10950 to 11200 H + 11450 to 11700 H + 12500 to 12750 H SES-4

24.5 west 10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700 Intelsat 905

27.5 west 10950 to 11200 V + 11450 to 11700 V Intelsat 907

30 west 10700 to 10950 + 11450 to 12750 Hispasat 1D/1E

34.5 west 10950 to 11150 V + 11450 to 11700 V Intelsat 903 (Only data now)

36 west (Hispasat AG1 4th qtr 2015)

37.5 west 10950 to 11160 V + 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750 Telstar-11N (mainly Marine data)

40.5 west 10950 to 11450 + 11700 to 12200 SES-6 (mainly Marine data)

45 west 11450 to 11700 Intelsat 14

55.5 west 11450 to 11700 V Intelsat 34 (mainly Marine data)

Satellites in this list FlySat Sat List

(When a satellite moves to a new position the previous name or the most popular is used in brackets)

This list was compiled by William-1
Last edited:


Feed Hunter
In 2015 is the best receiver for feed hunting still considered
to be the AZ Premium box with 4:2:2: ??

No support for MPEG-4 in either 4:2:0 or 4:2:2 with AZBox

Best stand alone box for feed hunting is the TM5502HD in my opinion,

Best pc cards are the TBS6925 DVB-S2 Professional TV Tuner PCIe Card / TBS6983 Professional DVB-S2 Dual Tuner PCIe Card.


Feed Hunter
This is a guide to the active part of the Ku band each satellite can operate by William-1

October 20th 2015 Revised & Updated

+ New launches for this year

53 east to 55.5 west as received by me in the East of England

When no polarisation shown both H & V are in use

53 east 10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750 Express AM-6

52.5 east 11700 to 12500 (European beam is not currently active) Yahsat 1A

52 east 10700 to 10950 + 11200 to 11450 + 12200 to 12500 TurkmenÄlem/MonacoSat

51.5 east (Belarus Sat 1 waiting to be launched in 1st qtr 2016)

50 east 10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700 (Turksat 4B has completed testing & is now moving to 50 east )

48 east Lybid (Launch November-December 2015)

47.5 east 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750 Intelsat-10 only data now.

46 east 10950 to 11200 AzerSpace 1 - AzerSpace 2 launch now 4th qtr 2015

45 east 11450 to 11700 V + 12500 to 12750 V Intelsat-12 (PAS-12)

44.5 east 11200 to 11450 + 12100 to 12500 (Astra 1F is currently inactive)

42 east 10950 to 11100 + 11450 to 11700 + 11700 to 12500 V + 12500 to 12750 (TurkSat 2A/3A/4A) West beams

40 east 10950 to 11200 H + 11450 to 11700 V + 12500 to 12750 (Express-AM-7)(European beam not active atm)

39 east 10950 to 11200 V + 11450 to 11700 H + 12500 to 12750 (Hellas Sat-2)

36 east 10950 to 11200 + 11400 to 11450 H + 11630 to 11700 V + 12500 to 12750 Eutelsat 36B

33.1 east 10950 to 11155 + 11200 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750 Eutelsat 33C (Eutelsat 28A)

Soon 33.1 east 10700 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750 Eutelsat 33D (Hotbird-6) moving east

31.5 east 11700 to 12500 (120cm dish required) :-Astra 5B

30.8 east 10950 to 11050 H + 11550 to 11650 H Eutelsat 31A (incl. 1.1°)

28.5 east 10700 to 10950 + 11380 to 11450 + 11700 to 12750 Astra 2E

28.2 east 10950 to 11200 + 11300 to 11350 + 11700 to 11900 + 11720 + 12100 to 12750 Astra 2F

28.2 east 10700 to 11300 + 11450 to 12480 Astra 2G

26 east 11900 to 12750 (Badr-4) (Badr-7 due to launch on 10 November 2015)

23.5 east 11450 to 12750 :-Astra 3B

21.6 east 10700 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750 Eutelsat 21B

16 east 10700 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750 Eutelsat 16A

13 east 10700 to 12750 Eutelsat HotBird 13B/13C/13D

10 east 10700 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750 Eutelsat 10A

9 east 11700 to 12500 Eutelsat 9A (Eutelsat 9B 1st qtr 2016)

7 east 10700 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750 Eutelsat 7A/7B

5.2 east 10700 to 11200 Astra 2D (inclined orbit 2.4°)

5 east 11200 to 11450 Nordic SES-5

4.8 east 11700 to 12750 Astra-4A

3.1 east 10950 to 11200 H + 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750 Eutelsat 3B

0.8 west 10700 to 10950 + 11200 to 11450 + 11700 to 12500 Thor 5/6/7

1 west 10950 to 11200 V + 11450 to 11700 V + 12500 to 12540 V Intelsat 10-02

3 west 10700 to 11200V + 11450 to 11700V + 12500 to 12750V ABS 3A

4 west 10700 to 10950 + 11200 to 11700 H UK (Amos 2/3) 10.7 to 11.7GHz rest of Europe)

5 west 10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11600 + 12500 to 12750 Eutelsat 5 West A (Stellat-5)

7.3 west 10700 to 10950 + 11200 to 11605 + 12100 to 12480 Eutelsat 7 West A (Atlantic Bird-7)

8 west 10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750 Eutelsat 8 West B

11 west 10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700 Express-AM44

12.5 west 10950 to 11200 + 11300 to 11450 + 12500 to 12750 Eutelsat 12 West A (Atlantic Bird-1)

12.7 west 10950 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750 Eutelsat 12 west B (Eutelsat 8 west A)

14 west (No activity until the Express-AM8 moves to 14 west at the end of 2015)

15 west 10950 to 11150 + 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750 Telstar 12 (Telstar 12V launch 24 November 2015 08:07 GMT)

18 west 10950 to 11150 H + 11450 to 11700 H Intelsat 901 (Data)

20 west 10950 to 11200H + 11450 to 11700H + 12500 to 12750 H NSS-7 (Data-inclined 0.6°)

22 west 10950 to 11200 H + 11450 to 11700 H + 12500 to 12750 H SES-4

24.5 west 10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700 Intelsat 905

27.5 west 10950 to 11200 V + 11450 to 11700 V Intelsat 907

30 west 10700 to 10950 + 11450 to 12750 Hispasat 1D/1E

34.5 west 10950 to 11150 V + 11450 to 11700 V Intelsat 903 (Data with occasional feeds)

36 west (Hispasat AG1 4th qtr 2015)

37.5 west 10950 to 11160 V + 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750 Telstar-11N (Air & Marine data)

40.5 west 10950 to 11450 + 11700 to 12200 SES-6 (Air & Marine data)

45 west 11450 to 11700 Intelsat 14

55.5 west 11450 to 11700 V + (11700 to 12200) ? Intelsat 34 (Air & Marine data)

?? east 10950 to 11200 + 11450 to 11700 + 12500 to 12750 V Eutelsat 33B (Eutelsat 25C) is moving east & may be de-orbited

(When a satellite moves to a new position the previous name or the most popular is used in brackets)