The Real Truth - Why WWE Dont send Tapped over Sat Anymore


Senior Member
Hi all,

After a chat with a friend that works on a tv station in europe, he revealed to me all the secrets that wwe is using at the moment to avoid feed hunters and online leaks of their shows.

They are smart and only live shows go on feed (C-Band) for difficult satellites due to:

-> You need bigger dish
-> Specific LNB
-> Specific alignment

WWE knows that in europe to get those costs almost no one will do. So they started to use Fiber or as called "Level-3" wich is a very high secured servers where WWE and other companies upload their shows and each company has the login to those services that they broadcast.
With all beeing said, if you are a Wrestling Fan you have two options.

Invest in C-BAND or Buy a Real Subscription on Creative Satellite or TVCorner and enjoy them in HD without problems.
