The Chronic Dev-Team Apparently Have A Surprise For Us All, Could It Be The Start Of The iOS 7 Untethered Jailbreak?
The last time we reported on the Chronic Dev-Team it was to let you know that the development team responsible for GreenPois0n, Absinthe and the Chronic-Dev Crash Reporter was no more. Despite the bad news, the Chronic Dev-Team leader P0sixninja decided he wasn’t just going to sit on the sidelines and near the end of March he tweeted that the next Jailbreak would likely be developed by him. This is obviously referring to the iOS 7 Untethered Jailbreak.
Apparently he possessed enough vulnerabilities to actually release a new Jailbreak. Unfortunately making such a claim before iOS 7 was even released doesn’t mean very much because Apple could have easily patched P0sixninja’s exploits, but it was good news nonetheless, especially considering previously he announced he was close to dumping the BootROM of all iOS devices.
Now the Chronic Dev-Team has taken to Twitter and announced some new plans for the team domain thanks to some talented webdevs (tweet 1,2). More excitingly the development team tweeted that there will also be a surprise announced soon!
Just what could this surprise be? Could it be an announcement that the team is getting back together and have started to put the pieces together for the iOS 7 Untethered Jailbreak? Could it be a new tool completely relating to downgrading or unlocking?
It is hard to say and at this point we can only speculate. We will be sure to keep a close eye on the Chronic Dev-Team and let you know if we hear anything else. Until that time stay tuned and let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.
The last time we reported on the Chronic Dev-Team it was to let you know that the development team responsible for GreenPois0n, Absinthe and the Chronic-Dev Crash Reporter was no more. Despite the bad news, the Chronic Dev-Team leader P0sixninja decided he wasn’t just going to sit on the sidelines and near the end of March he tweeted that the next Jailbreak would likely be developed by him. This is obviously referring to the iOS 7 Untethered Jailbreak.

Apparently he possessed enough vulnerabilities to actually release a new Jailbreak. Unfortunately making such a claim before iOS 7 was even released doesn’t mean very much because Apple could have easily patched P0sixninja’s exploits, but it was good news nonetheless, especially considering previously he announced he was close to dumping the BootROM of all iOS devices.
Now the Chronic Dev-Team has taken to Twitter and announced some new plans for the team domain thanks to some talented webdevs (tweet 1,2). More excitingly the development team tweeted that there will also be a surprise announced soon!

Just what could this surprise be? Could it be an announcement that the team is getting back together and have started to put the pieces together for the iOS 7 Untethered Jailbreak? Could it be a new tool completely relating to downgrading or unlocking?
It is hard to say and at this point we can only speculate. We will be sure to keep a close eye on the Chronic Dev-Team and let you know if we hear anything else. Until that time stay tuned and let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.