The best image for DM800HD
Hi m8s,
I'am using Barry Allen and U have no matter what image U install on it.
I think that the best intuitive and the easyest for use is the NieNigma2 no matter which wersion of it is using (of course the latest is the best).
Just a minute ago I install Nabilo BH-v0.10 and I will see what is the differences between the BH-0.9, but in Nabilo I cannot find the Neutrino keymap selector, and the wives like to push the OK button like it was in the Enigma 1 images, don't You? :thum:
I have the following images in the USB with BA ver.4.8.2:
- newnigma2-release-dm800-v2.4
- NabiloBlackHole_DM800_010
- DreamForum-II-v9-0-DM800
- EDG-Nemesis-10RC1-27042009-1152
- LT-Fifth.6-dm800
- GP2--420-dm800-200904231611