is that a 2 meter prime Focus Dish in pictures ??
you say its 1.25m but looks a lot bigger than that .
it looks almost identical to mine just curious , if so then Yes it sure will be a lot heavier than it even looks like in the pics .
the Jaeger 1224 H-H mount works via V-Box and the Same 4 core Electrical cable as Superjack ?
is Jaeger 1224 H-H mount noisy moving around i know Superjack Arm is loud but i have no neighbour nearby
so really no issues about noise .
It is definitely a 1.25m Unicorn dish in the pictures I uploaded earlier.
I have a 2.0m spun aluminium prime focus dish and it is quite a bit larger than the dish in the photos I uploaded previously..
It is the green/white dish in the picture below, unmounted now, awaiting a re-spray.

Regarding the Jaeger 1224 H-H motor, yes it uses the same 4 core cable as an actuator and can be controlled with a v-box.
The Jaeger 1224 name gives a clue to its supposed capability, 12 = 1.2m, 24 = 2.4m. It is rated as capable of accepting a 2.4m IRTE dish
When shipped, it came with an adapter plate, pre-drilled with holes to line up with a Channel Master 1.2m dish and and IRTE 2.4m dish.
Having used both linear actuators and H-H motors, my preference is to use H-H motors where appropriate.
In my personal view they are quieter than an actuator and have the additional benefit of unlimited arc restriction within the usual line of sights applicable to a users location.