Suggestion for settings lists


Hi there

Just a suggestion in regards settings uploaded by others - could you please drop in empty channels between lists of satellites (explaining what actual satellite is coming next) as it can be very frustrating to use most of the settings downloaded from here if you have a motorised system. Going from 13E to 19E channel after channel does not make a happy motor :)

Another thing I've noticed is that a lot of the channel lists are out of date with older frequencies, especially so for those on 28.2E - nearly all the settings I've downloaded so far, even bang up to date ones, have the wrong frequency settings for the Channel 4 +1

On the hunt still for a decent bunch of settings, anyone that is online at the moment who can point me in the right direction - much appreciated :)


Marching On Together !
Staff member
Its much better to do your own, this way they are tailored to your needs.

Before i did my own i would use vhannible on Emigma1 and Likra on Enigma2.

Sit down for a weekend and do your own, you'll then appreciate why the odd channel on others setting don't work. Main reason you can not check them all.



Aye, sounds like the best option and thanks for that.
I did download and apply one list from here last night and the missus went nuts as the Channel 4 +1 was gone :p That plus I eventually copped on that 28.2E had been set in that list as 28.4 for some weird reason and some of the channels were all coming in with bad signal.