

My DM800se can´t read the substitles of the movies i download..

i can see subs in PC...but if i put the movie and sus in DM hard disc...subs do not work..

¿i need to install some plugin?

(excuse bad english)


"Vanity is definitely my favorite sin"
Super VIP

and convert the movie you make with convertxtodvd


My DM800se can´t read the substitles of the movies i download..

i can see subs in PC...but if i put the movie and sus in DM hard disc...subs do not work..

¿i need to install some plugin?

(excuse bad english)

Subs in dm800se must be srt and coding utf-8.
The best for you is subsdowloader.
Regards Seba


To have a working subtitle srt file you need to :

1- download the srt file, rename it as the the movie name, eg: if the the movie is tintin.avi, srt name should be, both files should be in the same directory.

2- download the program notepad++ from this site h**p://

3- open the srt file in notepad++ and from encoding, choose convert to UTF-8 and save the file with the same name and extension.

4- play the movie then press audio in the remote and choose subtitle you will find a subtitle file in strange font, just choose it.

5- enjoy the movie with subtitle


"Vanity is definitely my favorite sin"
Super VIP
To have a working subtitle srt file you need to :

1- download the srt file, rename it as the the movie name, eg: if the the movie is tintin.avi, srt name should be, both files should be in the same directory.

2- download the program notepad++ from this site h**p://

3- open the srt file in notepad++ and from encoding, choose convert to UTF-8 and save the file with the same name and extension.

4- play the movie then press audio in the remote and choose subtitle you will find a subtitle file in strange font, just choose it.

5- enjoy the movie with subtitle
notepad++ i download it do i have to put this file in dreambox? if yes where please??

is it ok for 500hd?


notepad++ i download it do i have to put this file in dreambox? if yes where please??

is it ok for 500hd?

No, you have the program on your computer, notepad++ is just a program you have it on your computer to convert any srt file to a UTF-8 format.

let me explain again in more details :

1- Get the notepad++ program, install it on your computer.

2- get the subtitle file for the movie from the internet.

3- on your computer open the subtitle srt file in notepad++, you will find in the upper bar encoding, choose it, then choose convert to UTF-8 format, now save file and close notepad++.

4- the srt subtitle file should be in the same directory of the movie, either on your computer or your external hard drive or yout USB flash memory.

5- on your dreambox 500HD all is ok, start media player, choose the movie and ok, the movie will play, while the movie playing press audio in the remote control and move upward to subtitle and press ok, you will see a subtile name in strange fonts, choose it and press ok. the subtile will play with the movie.

as you see nothing was placed in the dream box :)