Statement by the_ripper


statement by the_ripper:

For all people who got stuck just in BOOTING in vfd display, box isnt dead, but to back in original state there is 2 more posible ways:
1. Is serial cable and hardware interface to hook up to receiver board, user "telesat" put schematic diagram here on forum, just search it ...
2. Is to remove DOM from receiver/board and hook it up to external IDE rack. "telesat" is writing right now some tutorial because power connection isnt the same, so it will need some explanation what to do about that, plus he will upload what to put in DOM and with what partition app. So pls stay tuned .

If this 2 posibility is hard for someone, then unfortunately there is no other way, I can just apologize to everyone and to ashure that their receiver isnt damaged in terms of hardware.

I added now in new kernel build initramfs root filesystem, so if needed rescue shell it will enable ftp/telnet and show you your IP address from dhcp app on VFD so backup original FW will not be the problem any more.
