Sort by SID Function


Hello every,
I just signed up and was looking foe some information pertaining to my AzBox Elite.

I am currently running firware 09.3877 and rqcamd v131 full

here is the issue that I am trying to resolve.

I am in NorthAmerica, pointing at 91W, 110W, 118.7 W and 119W,

Now the Channnels for 91, 110 and 119 scan infine with station ID Names the issue is when all the channels are scanned and O go to TV and I click on CH 100 for Home or Ch 213 for NASA I get anything but these channels.

There are functions for sorting Alphabatically not sure what that does, by freq and by Cas but none of these allows to sort by SID.

SO if anyone can help with this dilemma of mine it would be greatly appreciated.

Is there a setup settings O failed to enable?

is there a plugin available to get the Channels to come up by SID?

Thank you