Smbox v9s Plus


I recently bought, on eBay, a sat box called the SMbox v9s Plus. Taking it to be an upgraded v9s, I bought it (for £21-odd). It turned out to have a menu very similar to, but extended, that of the v9s. I found, however, that there were problems with the firmware and reported these back to the vendor... who appeared bemused by the whole thing and finally offered a £5 refund to get rid of me. I accepted the offer, reasoning that I could get updated software on the net.
Some hope! Not only could I find no firmware updates, I couldn't find anyone supporting the device at all. In fact, support for the original v9s seems to have got a bit thin on the ground, too.
Does anyone know anything about this box, please; in particular whether or if it's being supported and by whom?


Super VIP
I recently bought, on eBay, a sat box called the SMbox v9s Plus. Taking it to be an upgraded v9s, I bought it (for £21-odd). It turned out to have a menu very similar to, but extended, that of the v9s. I found, however, that there were problems with the firmware and reported these back to the vendor... who appeared bemused by the whole thing and finally offered a £5 refund to get rid of me. I accepted the offer, reasoning that I could get updated software on the net.
Some hope! Not only could I find no firmware updates, I couldn't find anyone supporting the device at all. In fact, support for the original v9s seems to have got a bit thin on the ground, too.
Does anyone know anything about this box, please; in particular whether or if it's being supported and by whom?

I found it


SMBox v9s Plus

@JAKTAKI - Seems we both inhabit the same forums! I've replied to your post on the other one, so I won't do it again here. Thanks for the post.