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Thanks to arvy
Hi All,
Just finished my 0.2 version of a shoutcast plugin.
At least an image with 8728 version of sbox is required!!!
I only tested on NLB-8728, and official DGS image.
The lists and stations are all coming from the shoutcast server, so there is no control (yet) over its contents. When selected a large genre (like Pop) it can take a few seconds to receive all stations from the server.
The binary version is attached with this post, but prior to uploading unzip it on your pc and upload the shoutcast.tar.gz to your box (as explained in the readme below).
Please read the following from the README prior to installing:
Shoutcast plugin
This plugin makes it possible to listen to shoutcast radio stations on the CubeRevo
In a full svn check out from the cuberevo-plugins trunk do a make in the shoutcast-plugin directory
Copy the shoutcast.plugin to /var/plug-in
a working libmxml.so.1.4 has to be in /var/lib including symlinks to libmxml.so.1 and libmxml.so
libmxml is not included in the source distribution. In the binary release, the lib is included.
From release 0.2 this plugin only works on R8728 and probably newer.
From the binary distribution:
Upload the shoutcast.tar.gz file to /tmp
telnet to the box and enter the following commands:
cd /
tar -zxvf /tmp/shoutcast.tar.gz
And the plugin is installed.
From the sources:
To be written.
After loading you get a list of all genres that are available on the shoutcast server
The following keys can be pressed:
Up - up one entry
Down - down one entry
Left - down 10 entries
Right - up 10 entries
Ok - go into the genre
A list of stations will be shown. Keys are as with the genrelist.
After OK a list of streams from that radio station are shown
Pressing OK on a streams starts playing it.
The exit key will get you back one list, or stops the playing.
The order of the lists are determined by the shoutcastserver (based on popularity)
The number of genres as well, so there are quite a lot of them
Bugreports if other than the known bugs can be posted at denktenk.com forum.
Author Arvy,
Have fun with it.
Release 0.2
First public binary release.
Fixed bugs:
- Choppy sound is fixed by using a different api
- A lot of unsupported streams from version 0.1 are now supported
- Redirected streams should not occur if you select a non full stream.
This can be prevented by selecting a stream that is not full (in the browser you see two numbers
between () which mean (current no of listeners/max listeners) if the first number is smaller
than the second, the stream won't redirect.
Known bugs:
- after playing a shoutcast stream you cannot use the built-in mp3 player anymore untill you reboot
- The end of lists aren't detected, so don't go past the end of the list as this will give a panic.
Especially when using the right button.
Release 0.1
First upload to svn, not made public in binary form
Known bugs:
- AAC playback is not supported
- Redirected streams are not supported
- Some stream sent misformed headers and are not supported in this release
- Sound is still jerky due to missing api in sbox
- Sometimes it is necessary to push exit more then once when playing a Stream
- Keys are not conform DGS key handling