Russia awards DTT licences


Russia awards DTT licences
December 17, 2012 07.26 Europe/London By Chris Dziadul

Rozkomnadzor has announced the winners of the tender for Russia’s second DTT multiplex.

They are Akcept (Ren TV), TV Center (TV Center – Moscow), Network Television Stations (CTC), New Channel (Domashny), Sport (VGTRK), NTV Plus Sport Plus (NTV Plus), Zvezda (NTK Zvezda), Mir (Mir), TNT Teledisk (TNT) and Muz TV (Muz).

Each of the winners, which surprisingly did not include any of the channels operated by ProfMedia, will have to pay R36.7 million (€907,100) and sign a 10-year contract with RTRS within three months.

They will then have to pay an annual fee that should eventually rise to R944 million for broadcasting their services to cities with a population of over 1 million.