Radegast R142 Nagra3 Card OK

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Well Known Member
Radegast for: Rom142 Cabo nagra 3 card on your Dreambox

These files are all you need to make your rom142 cabo nagra 3 card to work on dreamboxes 5620, 500, 600PVR, 7000 and 7020 models.

1. Paring the card with your receiver:

File found on: var\tuxbox\config\newcs.xml

Edit the file newcs.xml to change the Boxkey and RSA of your ROm142 nagra card.

TIP: Use MS Word to edit the newcs.xml file then just click save once you finished.

Also you may change the IP to the IP of your dreambox if you wish.

2. Changing the IP connection of radegast to newcs.xml ports.

File found on: var\etc\Radegast.cfg
Use wordpad to edit this file.
Go to this section:

#remote servers
net shares = 1
#net share i = ip-or-domain:socketroto[usernameassword:keyhex]
# where 'proto' = 1 for v4 rdgd server, 0 for older rdgd server and 2 for nwecamd server
#example 1 => radegast server connect:
net share 1 =


3. You may wish to change the IP to the IP of your Dreambox where the card is.

If you have another Dreambox in your house with another rom142 with a diffirent rom142 and with to share the packages bettween them then you may ass another

Net share 1 = and the IP of the second dreambox :777:0

You may also use this setup to read the rom142 card from a windows or linux based newcs program on your PC in case you need the card slot on your dreambox

for another card.


Install files after edited via an FTP program like DCC into your Dreambox as listed:

All file make attributes/CHMOD 755

Files to do to directories:





You MUST not have any other radegast scripts cam scripts on the var/script directory. If there is one then delete it and leave only the on listed here.

5. After setting the CHMOD to 755 on all files do a reboot on the dreambox and on restart insert the rom142 on your Slot 1 card reader then go to the BLue Pannel, select the Radegast_rom142 cam and activate it.
A few seconds latter if should see the image.

Note that the zapping can be slower than other cams. 1 to 3 seconds between channels is normal.

Good luck

Big thx to Jobusca
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