• Discussion in the Admin room about nightly images, we dont really need or want these posting for the following reasons.

    1. We all know where to get them.
    2. Never have a change log.
    3. The changes if any are not worthy of anyone upgrading there boxes on a daily basis.
    4. They clutter the forum up.

    Posts will be removed.


OpenVIX 6.x VU SOLO SE& se V2


Staff member
openvix: release 5.4.008

[Translations] Update Dutch (NL) translation.
openvix: developer
Bugfix: Fix PiP state when using infobar grid EPG
openvix: developer
Fix movielist collection bugs
openvix: developer
Optionally group recordings by name into collections
[Translations] Update Dutch (NL) translation.
openvix: developer
[Tools.Directories] SCOPE_FONT: Check the "fonts" folder
Bugfix to re-enable exiting of FIW Ability to exit got removed in the skin reload bugfix
openvix: developer
Revert "[dvbtime] Remove unnecessary differences that would cause merge errors"
Revert "[dvbtime] reinstate "timeOK" variable as this is used in ChannelSelection.py"
openvix: developer
openvix: developer
[Translations] Update Dutch (NL) translation.
[skin.py] tweak indent
Add a global scrollbar style You can now optionally set a single global scrollbar style for all eListbox based widgets and ScrollLabel. Example
Fix MovieList itemHeight bug
openvix: developer
[ScanSetup] Support turbo2
openvix: developer
Bugfix: Crash when a single move file fails
Centre align movielist icons and progressbar If no partIconeShift or pbarShift is specified, the progress icon and the progress bar respectively align to the centre of the item text
Allow skins to specify default item height For all EpgList components and the MovieList, you can now specify an itemHeight which is used as a default Users can override this in the settings, but if they don't, then switching skins will use the skin's preferred default
[ChoiceBox] Auto buttonsattempt 2
[InfoBarGenerics] reinstate "eventinfo_order"
[ChoiceBox] Fix using "eval" to fetch an attribute
Make skin reload notification show correctly
[ChoiceBox] Remove auto menu key icon
[Satconfig] setup tuners FBCLink remove all 1.2 diseqc mode
[Satconfig] Cosmetic
[Satconfig] fix assign 3607 value(this str not int)
[NimManager/SatConfig] Change a variable name
[OpentvZapper] add pip download
[InfoBarGenerics] Cosmetic
[InfoBarGenerics] Remove dead code
[CI] Remove unneeded code
[InputDeviceSetup] Remove pointless code
[VideoMode] remove pointless code
[ParentalControlSetup] Remove pointless code
[UserInterfacePositioner] Remove pointless code
Skin reloader bugfixes



Staff member
openvix: release 5.4.009

Merge branch 'Dev'
[Translations] Update Dutch (NL) translation.
openvix: developer
openvix: developer
[skin.py] Expose screen errors properly in the debug log
[opentv.cpp] startSecond: Test some changes suggested by LraiZer
[Converter/TransponderInfo] Avoid possible BSoD
Fix movieselection crash when nothing is selected
[Converter/TransponderInfo] conditional icons for DVB type
Add scale argument in loadSVG
openvix: developer
[hdmi_cec ]fix previous commit - not break is [[fallthrough]]
[Setup.py] Remove unused variable
[ConfigList.py] prevent possible BSoD
[Setup.py] Change a variable name
[Setup.py] Simplify legacy "setupdom" function
[Setup.py] allow multiple, semi-colon delimited items in the "require" attribute
[Setup.py] Expose formatting code as methods
[Setup.py] Show default value
[Converter/ServiceInfo] add Poll to force icons to update reliably
Correct a comment, which has led to several instances of incorrect code.
Add a toDisplayString() to the ConfigClock and ConfigDateTime classes.
[SystemInfo] Update Blindscan_t2_available



Staff member
Openvix 6 3 001

OpenViX 6.3 builds on the success of the 6.x series and aims to bring you the important things such as improved stability and bug fixes, rather than gimmicks.
The main change from version 6.2 to version 6.3 has been to upgrade from oe-alliance-core branch 5.1 to 5.2. The OE (Open Embedded) core on which the image is built has also undergone major changes, updates and fixes, and uses the latest bitbake version. Version 6.3 uses Python version 3.11 which is on average 25% faster than Python 3.10 when measured with the pyperformance benchmark suite.

Contains experimental FCC (fast channel change) code for hardware that supports this (Vu+ models with FBC tuners).

***Password required for FTP, TELNET & SSH!***
  • OE-A 5.2
  • Python 3.11
  • HELP screens revamped
  • Compatibility for IceTV plugin
  • OpenWebIf version 2.0



Staff member
Openvix: release 6.3.006

[Directories] skin resolution Read skin resolution direct from the primary skin. Don't use getDesktop(0).size.height() as resolveFilename is used before getDesktop has been initialised to the correct value.
[Translations] Update Dutch (NL) translation.
[skin] fix findWidgets
[Multiboot.py] [Multiboot.py] tweak text coordinates of modified bootlogo.mvi
[Multiboot.py] lower priority of modified bootlogo.mvi
[enigma2.sh] backdrop priorities Update to match priorities in Directories.py
[OpentvZapper] dayscreen, do not save
Vu Multiboot show boot slot on boot - main code dpeddi, hooks Twol
