New Patch For TM - 5302 HD


Well Known Member

Lots of changes Please after download ends do factory reset then start,

Updated below.
1. U-tube : working
2. Multi-Channel Of FTP server : working.
- go to IP setting menu
- If press IP button of RCU, Box will read FTP server information for channel list and display list window.
- If press ok at list that you want to download, This list is stored to flash.
- If you press yellow button anytime, channel of stored list will be downloaded.
- This information can be changed only window of IP key and factory reset of boot menu(front power key + AC power ON)

3. Software cas part is updated
- ccw biss key adding problem is cleared (ccw can inserted with below method at key add menu)
1. move to biss key list of key menu.
2. press green(add) button for key insertion.
3. insert name and provider and key(0F) and key date(first 8 byte)
4. press red button for save.
5. press green(add) button.
6. Insert same name of first 8 byte and same provider and key(1F) and key data(next 8 byte)
7. press red button for save.
- key menu will display by (mute + exit) button at no menu state.(5302/5502)
- biss key will make when download softcamall.key by ftp or usb.(no biss key issue)
- usb download/upload for key fixed.
- key storage area is extended.(8K byte -> 16K byte)
4. USB detection improve


Well Known Member

*Lan part is updated.(DNS query is extended to check secondary DNS values include primary DNS)
*Motor part is updated( when change to channel of other satellite, no video issues is created sometimes. this is cleared)
*Youtube fixed


Well Known Member

Warning Warning
It has taken long time to fix this patch/There has been lots of changes in this patch for the best result do save your data then factory reset.
Fixed ****24-05-2013
1-Blind scan .
2-Data channel option>Menu/front end DATA CHANNEL ,,on,, will scan all no AV.
3-EPG < > l/R
5-New sofcam by Lan updated.
6-Added delete function for channels duplication, Menu/Edit channels/Delete channels/press Red button for all/press Red Record Button to delete duplicate channels.
7-Menu/system information/2004 patch off / 2004 patch on.
8-Process a/v message ( No Audio/Video, No signal, Scrambled)
deletion old channel data after scanning.{ Data channels do not have A/V > Signal}


Well Known Member

Updated as below
1- Sat Finder Functionality is completed.Menu/select satellite in satellite setup/in motorise usals /longitude only/satellite finder
2- New TP update list of all satellite.(Please make new channel list using an attached software for upload ftp server)
3- Free CAS Sorting by Soft cam any channel open by soft cam key will display green }press ok/blue button/free cas see green symbols .
4- Lip Sync Issue play back recording fixed.
5- AC3 Audio
6- 5-West ATLANTIC Bird 3_10972_V_29500.trp : This TP have AC3 flag but no AC3 Stream. Fixed.
7- Installation Part Control by front key
8- Old patch use a key data in patch code and changed key is not adjust to descramble
This software is modified to use softcamall.key data for TNT Sat France.
There has been lots of fundamental changes in this patch.
After downloading this patch you have to factory reset and scan new channel list.