New here


But not to Sat TV, though it has been a while since I watched any.

Mainly work in Europe (living in the UK) and now home for the festive season hopefully.

I joined this forum a few months ago (94 days according to the banner I'm getting), but unfortunately got stuck with work so haven't had any time to post.

I'm now going to lurk for a long time and find out what is available to me, as the last time I was really into sat stuff was in the days of D2MAC. :eek:

I know that makes me ancient, I've tried to keep up with the times but working away for months at a time doesn't help. :(

I presently own a TM5402 HD which I've just updated tonight with a softcam from here, so at least I can watch a bit of the soccer.

Finally, I promise not to ask stupid questions without searching for answers first. :)