L'installazione è un po' più complessa.
Per partire mettete i file:
- myepg.plugin
- myepg.downloader.plugin
- myepg.sync.plugin
- myepg.config
dentro la cartella dei plugin (normalmente /var/plug-in)
Ora bisogna creare un home per myepg (di default /var/myepg/) dove metteremo tutti i file di configurazione e di skin del programma.
Per fare ciò potate usare il comando:
mkdir /var/myepg
ora copiate tutto il contenuto della cartella home dentro /var/myepg in modo da avere questo risultato:
- /var/myepg/myepg.dictionary
- /var/myepg/add_scheduler.sh
- /var/myepg/skin/(tutte le varie immagini).bmp
(i permessi al file .sh vengono dati automaticamente da myepg... quindi non preoccupatevene)
Installazione finita
I file del db sono 2. Di default sono:
- /media/myepg.headers.db
- /media/myepg.descriptors.db
I file di log sono 3. Di default sono:
- /media/myepg.log
- /media/myepg.downloader.log
- /media/myepg.sync.log
(i vari path possono essere cambiati nel file myepg.config)
I pulsante sono lievemente cambiati (come vedrete ho intenzione di usare i 4 tasti colorati per navigare tra le pagine del programma).
- freccette = navigazione
- ok = cambia canale o imposta lo zap
- rec = imposta la registrazione
- page up/down = cambiano il gruppo
- exit = esce
Il downloader (a parte l'aspetto grafico) funziona esattamente come prima (basta lanciarlo).
Il sync per ora è impostato di default a 12 ore (se si mettono troppi eventi il sofwtare del dgs li elimina perchè non ci stanno). Probabilmente è possibile inserire un tempo più alto (ma è tardi per fare altre prove). Comunque anche questo parametro si configura nel file myepg.config
Per eseguire il sync basta lanciare myepg.sync e fa tutto lui.
Ecco la 0.2.1 con qualche ritocco
[B]Differenze con la precedente:[/B]
- ora se non trova nessun favorito nel db esce segnandolo nel log
(prima andava in panic)
- premendo ok o rec su un evento già schedulato si annulla la schedulazione
- Aggiunta la chiave 'sync_groups' in configurazione che permette di decidere
quali gruppi sincronizzare
- Added 'colors.scheme' file in skin folder
- Added '+/- 24h' and 'go to now' buttons in grid view
- Fixed configuration and data integrity checks on application start
- Added message box (used in several point of code)
- Added configuration menu
- Added now time marker in grid header
- Changed buttons images
- Changed skins folder organization
for installation instruction please read the file README.TXT
(uninstall myepg 0.2.1 before install myepg 0.2.2 is suggested)
I installed this at the weekend and much easier to update and display however l was expecting this to show also on the STB epg and this is not the case. In the installtion readme it says you can sync to the DGS EPG l am using NLB could this be the reason
Hi to all,
with the last version we have some problems with automatic change channel.
This version is fixed and it could be work
You have to do a manual installation
Copy the 'home' folder contents in /var/myepg' so to obtain:
Code:- /var/myepg/opentv/skyitalia.conf (sky italy configuration) - /var/myepg/opentv/skyitalia.dict (sky italy dictionary) - /var/myepg/opentv/skyuk.conf (sky uk configuration) - /var/myepg/opentv/skyuk.dict (sky uk dictionary)
To see how options you can use with myepg do this:
Code:./myepg_downloader -h ./myepg_dbconverter -h
For a "normal" use is sufficient call the 2 application in sequence (use the version into the folder sh4).
Code:./myepg_downloader -p skyuk ./myepg_dbconverter
You have to change you rcS if you want load data in e2
Open the file /etc/init.d/rcS (use a unix compatible editor) and find this rows:
Code:echo "starting e2->" /usr/local/bin/enigma2
Change it so to obatin:
Code:echo "starting e2->" [ -f /hdd/ext.epg.dat ] && cp /hdd/ext.epg.dat /hdd/epg.dat /usr/local/bin/enigma2
Attention: is necessary many space for epg data (usb pen or hdd)
if you use e2 in flash please check if in /hdd there is sufficient space
(if not please change the data path)
********* ENGLISH
- Added epgdb integrity checks
- Added channel aliasing support to epgdb
- Changed epgdb data insert
- Added alias utilty
- Added importer utility
- Fixed memory management and system stability in downloader
- Other small memory fixs
- Added direct access to /dev/commander
- Removed scripts in home folder
- Added an integrated http client
- Added skin selector
- Added high visibility skin (thanks to ikbennico)
- Added import features to downloader plugin
- Reorganized makefiles
How to install it:
through the web interface go to Systems->Plugins
In install plugin select the file "myepg-0.2.4e-dgs-sh4.tar.gz" and press "Upload plugin"
A new feature in MyEPG is channel aliases. With aliases you can use one epg on more than one channel (for example you can use your sat epg on dtv or cable channels)
A little introduction around aliases.
Your box use 3 values as channel identifier:
- org_network_id (we call it nid)
- ts_id (we call it tsid)
- service_id (we call it sid)
The aliases are stored in one or more text files into /var/myepg/aliases/
A really simple aliases file example:
# Sky Sport 24 (auto)
The first line start with a # and is a comment
The second line is an alias from the channel with nid = 64511, tsid = 6200 and sid = 10929 with another channel with nid = 65535, tsid = 0 and sid = 10929
A real word example:
If i want to add an alias from the channel "Rai3" to the channel "Rai Tre" i've to do something like this:
-sh-3.00# sqlite3 /var/db.dat "select org_network_id, ts_id, service_id from channelinfo where fullname LIKE 'Rai3'"
-sh-3.00# sqlite3 /var/db.dat "select org_network_id, ts_id, service_id from channelinfo where fullname LIKE 'Rai Tre'"
open the file /var/myepg/aliases/myaliases.conf and add this line:
This is a very complex and long procedure and i suppose you won't wast your time
Inside /var/myepg folder you can find the utility myepg_alias
How use it
I suppose you have many channels with the same name on sky tv and on cable tv.
myepg_alias solve this problem with the auto actions
./myepg_alias auto -a sky_to_cable
If you want work only with a specific fav group (for example you want an association only with the group number 3)
./myepg_alias auto 3 -a sky_to_cable
If you want to add an alias from channel 'Rai3' with the channel 'Rai Tre'
./myepg_alias add "rai3" "rai tre" -a rai
If you want to add an alias from channel 'Rai3' on group 1 with the channel 'Rai Tre' on group 3
./myepg_alias add "1:rai3" "3:rai tre" -a rai
For apply the changes you can download the data again or simply type:
./myepg_alias make
(close myepg and any other myepg application before run ./myepg_alias)