mgcamd newcs PIP rec


im having some problems with mgcamd and the dual tuner function.
I'm able to see on channal decoded by mgcamd and record an other.
but i works only for DigiTV.

I have two cards accessble from newcs -> mgcamd and this work fine as long as i do not use PIP or record while seing other channels.

mgcamd is started with mg_lanucher-0.3 (/var/bin/mg_launcher -l /var/lib/ -b /var/bin/mgcamd)

i have 3 newcamd.list files for live,PIP,REC
i can see 2 users longon to newcs if i press record and stay on the channel but if i switch channels mgcamd logs out and screen is black. stopping recording and switch channel and mgcamd logs on again.

any idears on how to fix dual mgcamd + newcs decoding??

used sofware mgcamd1-33 newcs-1.67 DGStation 11102