Mgcamd 1.33 and 1.35 problems


Why do I always have problems getting 1.35 to work?? I get no picture??
But when Iam switching to 1,33 it works at once??
I have the exact the same newcamd.list file in both 1.35 and 1.33 folder...
I have tried a lot of different images now with same problems!!

Is there other settings to change when installing 1.35??
I only changes the newcamd.list after install 1.33 and it works every time!!

I also have problems recording and see 2 different channels, in DGS image too?? do I have to change anything in my config files to see channel and record another??
here is the only 2 lines I have in my newcamd.list:

CWS = "server ip" 10000 user pass 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 01 02 03 04 05 06 wan cardserv1
CWS = "server ip" 10001 user pass 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 01 02 03 04 05 06 wan cardserv1


Hi, what you need to do in DGS image is:

In folder: var/etc/SifTeam/tmp/

Open file:


ln -sf /tmp/pmt1.tmp /tmp/pmt1_1.tmp
ln -sf /tmp/pmt2.tmp /tmp/pmt2_1.tmp

to :

ln -sf /tmp/pmt1.tmp /tmp/pmt1.tmp
ln -sf /tmp/pmt2.tmp /tmp/pmt2.tmp

Close/Save !

That's it !!

Working well here with both mgcamd 1.33 and 1.35. But mgcamd 1.35 does not support PiP. To use PiP you have to use 1.33 (That's my experience at least).

Don't even know if multi decoding/descrambling is working in E2!?? If anybody knows how to get this working in E2, please let us know!!!


Hard to tell, but remember mgcamd 1.35 have a NEW mg.cfg file, which actually differs a bit from the file in 1.33. And you have to specify correct box etc, priority for server used etc... (newcs, cccam etc..)

If you use cccam for reading your subscription card, remember to also add the cccam.list config file along with the newcamd.list file. The cccam.list file is configured for client the same way cccam.cfg is.

I would suggest looking at for a complete version of mgcamd 1.35 with correct config files.