




(LD)-Versión 1.0 - Compilada el 27-06-2012
Sitio Oficial: lonasdigital

* Kernel: 3.1.1
* Enigma2: 09.06.2012 - experimental [Modified]
* Image: (RS)-V1.0 06/25/2012
* BusyBox: v1.18.5
* Webinterface: 1.6.8 - Adapted Gigablue
* Bouqueteditor Gigablue and adapted to link to it in webinterface
* Distro Version: 1.0 - OpenMips
* Expert mode enabled by default
* Support Wireles
* Support DVB-T
* Boot logo based on the classic 0.1 LD
* MHW EPG enabled
Blue Panel * currently only EMUS
* Added Script startscripts.sh to start other scripts at the beginning
* Symbolic links in / var to / usr
* Added SocketMMI
* Added Networkwizard
* Added VPS
* Added ntpdate and start at the beginning
* Added autofs
* Added dvbtraffic
* Added mc-EXTFS
* Added dpi
* Added sctzap
* Added udev-utils
* Added transmission
* Added ldd
* Added MC
* Added busybox-cron
* Added file
* Added gdbserver
* Added fuse-utils
* Added hdparm
* Added ld3lib
* Added Inadyn-mt + Start at the beginning (updated our own dyndns or no-ip)
* Added Joe
* Added Js
* Added ncurses
* Added smartmontools
* Added task-dvbapi3
* Converted to correct libgcc_s.so Library in CCcam 2.1.3 Time ECM (-nan) to display
* Skin BlackShadow3 Gigablue and adapted to 1.0 LD
* Modified and added Infobar channel number before the title of the channel
* Modified and adapted and added data SecondInfobar Emu, Peer, Hop, Caid, Provider, Ecm time and orbital
* Modified the analog clock to work properly in both infobar
* Mention in several areas of the skin to ML TEAM
* Remain pending for next revision added to the blue panel and extras adoons (inadyn, samba, cron, etc)
* Now the zapping is much faster
* Fixed bug in blue panel that did not allow change of EMU
* Added multi-support to more Cams
* Added multiplayer to the red button
* Removed several bugs that were unstable image within hours
* Right now the image works super smooth and super fast
* Many more things I can not remember right now ....

Blue button **** LD TEAM - Blue Panel
Green Button Panel Plugins ****


As you progress with new things I will update the image at first is rather simple
and easy for them to use the receiver as God intended,
in future versions I will add more profits.

Many hours spent to have this picture ready for you,
like I'm missing something in the rush,
remember that there is a MOD CANVAS therefore brings no emulators
installed or anything,
but you can find these and their scripts in this forum.

Any questions or problems to create you a new thread please.

Greetings and to enjoy

