Linux general questions and answer


Senior Member
And runing
enrique@live:$ ./OCLBiss

enrique@live:$ ./OCLBiss

*** 01-Entering main ***

*** 02-Reading config file OCLBiss.cfg ***
Reading from OCLBiss.cfg...Done...

*** 03-Creating a LOG File log.txt ***

*** 05-Getting number of Platform ***

*** 06-list of OpenCL platforms ***

*** 07-Testing SELECTEDPLATFORM ***

*** 08-OpenCL devices available on this platform ***

*** 09-Testing SELECTEDDEVICE ***

*** 10-get the list of OpenCL devices ***

*** 11-Create the context ***

*** 12-device_info_size ***

*** 13-device_info ***

*** 14-name_info_size ***

*** 15-name_info ***

Today is Tue Aug 29 08:23:12 2023
Connected to device:AMD => AMD TURKS (DRM 2.50.0 / 4.19.0-6-amd64, LLVM 7.0.1)

*** 16-Openig PROGRAM_FILE ***

*** 17-Reading PROGRAM_FILE and create program_buffer ***

*** 18-Creating program from program_buffer ***

*** 19-Building program ***

*** 20-Creating kernel ***






Device Kernel properties:
	number of cores: 				6
	recommended work group size (local threads): 	64
	max work group size:				256

	kernelLocalMemSizeMemSize:			0
	kernelPrivateMemSize:				0
Leaving now OCLBiss


this is the result of add_numbers_l03
root@live:~# mkdir -p ~/Apps/home/cryptodir/opencl/OCLBiss/opencl_samples_test3
root@live:~# cd ~/Apps/home/cryptodir/opencl/OCLBiss/opencl_samples_test3
root@live:~/Apps/home/cryptodir/opencl/OCLBiss/opencl_samples_test3# wudget
bash: wudget: command not found
root@live:~/Apps/home/cryptodir/opencl/OCLBiss/opencl_samples_test3# unzip
creating: add_numbers_l03/
inflating: add_numbers_l03/add_numbers.cbp
inflating: add_numbers_l03/
inflating: add_numbers_l03/add_numbers.layout
inflating: add_numbers_l03/makefile
inflating: add_numbers_l03/add_numbers.c
root@live:~/Apps/home/cryptodir/opencl/OCLBiss/opencl_samples_test3# cd add_numbers_l03
root@live:~/Apps/home/cryptodir/opencl/OCLBiss/opencl_samples_test3/add_numbers_l03# ls -la
total 36
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Aug 29 2023 .
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Aug 29 11:42 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 8282 Aug 29 2023 add_numbers.c
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1193 Aug 25 20:30 add_numbers.cbp
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1847 Aug 25 20:30
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 178 Aug 27 19:07 add_numbers.layout
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 2940 Aug 27 19:45 makefile
root@live:~/Apps/home/cryptodir/opencl/OCLBiss/opencl_samples_test3/add_numbers_l03# make
Detected OS = Linux
CFLAGS = -Wall -g -fopenmp -std=gnu11 -DCL_TARGET_OPENCL_VERSION=110 -D__OPENCL_VERSION__=110
LIBS = -lgomp -lOpenCL
CC = gcc
STRIP = strip
RM = rm -f
RRM = rm -f r
srcfiles = ./add_numbers.c
objects = ./add_numbers.o
BIN = ./add_numbers
make: Warning: File 'add_numbers.c' has modification time 1146 s in the future
gcc -Wall -g -fopenmp -std=gnu11 -DCL_TARGET_OPENCL_VERSION=110 -D__OPENCL_VERSION__=110 -c ./add_numbers.c -o ./add_numbers.o
CC add_numbers.c
g++ ./add_numbers.o -lgomp -lOpenCL -o ./add_numbers
strip ./add_numbers
make: warning: Clock skew detected. Your build may be incomplete.
root@live:~/Apps/home/cryptodir/opencl/OCLBiss/opencl_samples_test3/add_numbers_l03# ./add_numbers
invalid source

this is the result of OCLBiss_004Print

root@live:~# cd ~/Apps/home/cryptodir/opencl/OCLBiss/OCLBiss_004Print_test4
root@live:~/Apps/home/cryptodir/opencl/OCLBiss/OCLBiss_004Print_test4# wudget
bash: wudget: command not found
root@live:~/Apps/home/cryptodir/opencl/OCLBiss/OCLBiss_004Print_test4# unzip
creating: OCLBiss_004Print/
inflating: OCLBiss_004Print/OCLBiss.layout
inflating: OCLBiss_004Print/OCLBiss.cbp
inflating: OCLBiss_004Print/
inflating: OCLBiss_004Print/OCLB_toolbox.h
inflating: OCLBiss_004Print/OCLB_toolbox.c
inflating: OCLBiss_004Print/makefile
inflating: OCLBiss_004Print/OCLBiss.c
inflating: OCLBiss_004Print/OCLBiss.cfg
root@live:~/Apps/home/cryptodir/opencl/OCLBiss/OCLBiss_004Print_test4# cd OCLBiss_004Print
root@live:~/Apps/home/cryptodir/opencl/OCLBiss/OCLBiss_004Print_test4/OCLBiss_004Print# make
Detected OS = Linux
CFLAGS = -Wall -g -fopenmp -std=gnu11 -DCL_TARGET_OPENCL_VERSION=110 -D__OPENCL_VERSION__=110
LIBS = -lgomp -lOpenCL
CC = gcc
STRIP = strip
RM = rm -f
RRM = rm -f r
srcfiles = OCLBiss.c OCLB_toolbox.c
objects = OCLBiss.o OCLB_toolbox.o
make: Warning: File 'makefile' has modification time 1784 s in the future
gcc -Wall -g -fopenmp -std=gnu11 -DCL_TARGET_OPENCL_VERSION=110 -D__OPENCL_VERSION__=110 -c OCLBiss.c OCLB_toolbox.c
CC OCLBiss.c
g++ OCLBiss.o OCLB_toolbox.o -lgomp -lOpenCL -o OCLBiss
strip OCLBiss
make: warning: Clock skew detected. Your build may be incomplete.
root@live:~/Apps/home/cryptodir/opencl/OCLBiss/OCLBiss_004Print_test4/OCLBiss_004Print# ./OCLBiss

*** 01-Entering main ***

*** 02-Reading config file OCLBiss.cfg ***
Reading from OCLBiss.cfg...Done...

*** 03-Creating a LOG File log.txt ***

*** 05-Getting number of Platform ***

*** 06-list of OpenCL platforms ***

*** 07-Testing SELECTEDPLATFORM ***

*** 08-OpenCL devices available on this platform ***

*** 09-Testing SELECTEDDEVICE ***

*** 10-get the list of OpenCL devices ***

*** 11-Create the context ***

*** 12-device_info_size ***

*** 13-device_info ***

*** 14-name_info_size ***

*** 15-name_info ***

Today is Tue Aug 29 12:01:40 2023
Connected to device:NVIDIA => NVD7

*** 16-Openig PROGRAM_FILE ***

*** 17-Reading PROGRAM_FILE and create program_buffer ***

*** 18-Creating program from program_buffer ***
*** 19-Building program *** <---- Stopped here!!
invalid source


Senior Member
So both have invalid source and the last print was "*** 19-Building program *** <---- Stopped here!!"

Now if you have Windows you should try to execute there. As

in windows
If you do not have installed the MINGW + OpenCL_IDC in windows. Then you could try a build made by me. O posted soon.

Meanwhile I can try to run this in my Win7-32bits. And see if I get similar outputs.

And last to change the kernel to something simpler to se if it builds.

Just let me know if you have windows in that laptop. I know you want Linux. The idea is to get as much information to find a solution.


Senior Member
here the binaries if you do not have installed all the stuff in windows. Beware that I do not like to provide binaries to prevent claims of virus. It is up to you to scan and feel comfortable with others people binaries. (13.68 KB)


it works


*** 01-Entering main ***

*** 02-Reading config file OCLBiss.cfg ***
Reading from OCLBiss.cfg...Done...

*** 03-Creating a LOG File log.txt ***

*** 05-Getting number of Platform ***

*** 06-list of OpenCL platforms ***

*** 07-Testing SELECTEDPLATFORM ***

*** 08-OpenCL devices available on this platform ***

*** 09-Testing SELECTEDDEVICE ***

*** 10-get the list of OpenCL devices ***

*** 11-Create the context ***

*** 12-device_info_size ***

*** 13-device_info ***

*** 14-name_info_size ***

*** 15-name_info ***

Today is Tue Aug 29 15:19:53 2023
Connected to device:Intel(R) Corporation => Intel(R) HD Graphics 4400

*** 16-Openig PROGRAM_FILE ***

*** 17-Reading PROGRAM_FILE and create program_buffer ***

*** 18-Creating program from program_buffer ***

*** 19-Building program ***

*** 20-Creating kernel ***






Device Kernel properties:
number of cores: 20
recommended work group size (local threads): 16
max work group size: 512

kernelLocalMemSizeMemSize: 0
kernelPrivateMemSize: 0
Leaving now OCLBiss



Senior Member
Listen your result shows that you are using Connected to device:Intel(R) Corporation => Intel(R) HD Graphics 4400. This is the GPU inside the CPU.

Go into OCLBiss.cfg in it you will find
#Selection of Device

Change this to
#Selection of Device

The run binary again. It will detect you available GPU.

Report what you see at the beginning of the output.

Then also you need to do at least 01_Inspcecting_PC.pdf So you cab run the gadgets to report your GPU available.

Regards W7-64 it is up to you. For learning W7 is good enough. You can do all in here. If I was you I will do dual installation. Need to follow all the tutorial PDF for W7.
When in trouble you can see what happen in the other OS.

Now regards Laptop vs Brute-Force read this:

In laptop I set W7 to Show CPU temperature and use the GPU gadget where the sensor of the GPU are shown. In that way I can monitor Temperatures.


i changed DETECTDEVICEENABLE:1 and run it again

*** 01-Entering main ***

*** 02-Reading config file OCLBiss.cfg ***
Reading from OCLBiss.cfg...Done...

*** 03-Creating a LOG File log.txt ***

*** 04-Entering detect_devices ***

Inspecting System for OpenCL devices...Platforms found: 1
00 Intel(R) Corporation I
ntel(R) HD Graphics 4400 GPU
01 Intel(R) Corporation Intel(R) Core(TM
) i5-4210U CPU @ 1.70GHz CPU

*** 05-Getting number of Platform ***

*** 06-list of OpenCL platforms ***

*** 07-Testing SELECTEDPLATFORM ***

*** 08-OpenCL devices available on this platform ***

*** 09-Testing SELECTEDDEVICE ***

*** 10-get the list of OpenCL devices ***

*** 11-Create the context ***

*** 12-device_info_size ***

*** 13-device_info ***

*** 14-name_info_size ***

*** 15-name_info ***

Today is Tue Aug 29 23:17:58 2023
Connected to device:Intel(R) Corporation => Intel(R) HD Graphics 4400

*** 16-Openig PROGRAM_FILE ***

*** 17-Reading PROGRAM_FILE and create program_buffer ***

*** 18-Creating program from program_buffer ***

*** 19-Building program ***

*** 20-Creating kernel ***






Device Kernel properties:
number of cores: 20
recommended work group size (local threads): 16
max work group size: 512

kernelLocalMemSizeMemSize: 0
kernelPrivateMemSize: 0
Leaving now OCLBiss




Senior Member
It seems you need the driver.
Usually you go to your manufacturer (Dell) site and place you laptop model and they offer the drivers

Now I do not have your laptop model all I can do is use google. This is what I got. I guess this is the most recently I found. It said works for 32&64bits!
nVIDIA GeForce 820M/920M/930M/950M/960M Graphics Driver
04 Jul 2019

Now I found this others
nVIDIA GeForce 820M/920M/930M/950M/960M Graphics Driver
04 Jul 2019

NVIDIA GeForce 820M/920M Graphics Driver
16 Mar 2018

NVIDIA GeForce 820M/920M Graphics Driver
30 Jul 2015

Nvidia GeForce 820M Driver
06 May 2014

From Nvidia
GeForce Game Ready Driver

Once you install, you need to reboot PC. See what in Wiondows devices, it should show both.
Then do all test with gadgets. Notice that the gadgets let you pick what GPU you want to select. Need to select from dropdown menu.

And finaly run the program you should see now both GPU


Senior Member
OK it is your lucky day. I install Buster in my old pc that have Nvidia ???9200. I can see you error there. This means that I should be able to debug that invalid source error. Once I have the solution I let you know so that you can go back to Linux. I guess for now work in W764.
Now going to sleep.


Senior Member
I am so tire I had spent so many hours and still no having luck.

Before I say anything. For DogBuster is a most have. But be aware that our kernel is lets say FIX. Are not part of the Debian OS. Instead they boot earlier you seen them, vmlinuz1 + initrd1.xz

So if you decided to try anything 1rs do a backup of your changes.dat so that you can recover after any problem.
I been tryn to stop using nouveau an try to use nvidia-legacy-340xx-driver
I been working in the old 4.19.0-6-amd64. And for some reason the Linux Headers seems to be incomplete. Then dkms faild to buid nvidia-legacy-340xx-driver.

I am going to rest here. I think your Buster has a later kernel. Next I hope to use you kernel and see if they corrected the error. But that I will do later. I am going to rest.


Senior Member
Update, I guess I could say I am closer. I have the driver installed but with a new kernel. Now I am having issues with my OS!! Figures...
I am going to bed. I will try tomorrow with a new OS. I guess I should had done that from the beginning. Life is difficult.


Senior Member

What is the problem with the kernel & drivers?
1) My very old PC is not the vest for doing Nvidia test but is the only Nvidia I have.
2) I finally succeed in building new driver and doing opencl without that weird error.
3) To build a new driver Linux request to be build for Installed Kernel Version.
4) To compile a driver then you need the Linux-header files for your current kernel version.
5) Your current kernel version is 4.19.0-10-amd64. And you have no Linux-headers.
6) You can not download headers from Debian because Debian had deleted all OLD kernels. The only available are from 4.19.0-20-amd64
7) Then you will ask, why you can not then upgrade to a newer kernel. Because our Kernels are special they are composed of
Well we use initrd1.xz not initrd.img.
They are build in a very special & complicated way. And the author may have not realize but he had not updated over 4.19.0-19-amd64

In order to overcome this issue is to use the Authors original kernel 4.19.0-19-amd64

and a copy of the linux-header I have as backup.

62-linux-headers-4.19.0-19-amd64_4.19.232-1_amd64.squashfs (9.91 MB)

What about Run the build on a Linux filesystem (ext2 ext3 ext4) not on FAT or NTFS , with at least 3GB free space?
Yes to build any Linux stuff you need to be in a Linux compatible disk environment (ext2-4).

I did explain on the LOST thread.
I more or less use a 3-4GB change.dat. For speed & easy backup/recovery. My Files & Projects are then save on an External partition formatted like ext2 or ext4. Doing this prevent my change.dat to fill quickly.

Best is to have your own partition in your PC with a lot of disk space for your projects independent of Windows as it need to be formated as ext4.
Second option is, your Windows Disk is BIG and is NTFS. NTFS can have files almost of any size. For example Windows have pagefile.sys it is windows way to do Linux SWAP disk it is an image of a disk.
You can create lets say a 10GB image file. Best is to ask BusterDog to build it for you using Create SAVE File as it will create the image and build it for you. STOP do not do anything lets talk 1rst.


Senior Member
Before you do anything let me help you decide.
Problem #1, 1st no matter what you need DISK SPACE.
Option 1 - If you have an empty partition in your PC or USB, then that is the solution. Just format ext4 and mount. Latter I can show you how to create fstab so that it can auto mount.
Option2. Either on PC or USB you create an image disk. Just like change.dat. I guess I called LinuxDisk.img. if USB is VFAT it can not be bigger that 4GB? It need to be NTFS if you intent to have a bigger file.
So what is your choice?

Problem#2. It is better to have not one but at least 2 Linux OS. Why? Because if one breaks, the you use the second to repair it.
So your 1rst BusterDog with kernel 4.19.0-10-amd64 is your actual in a USB.

I will then suggest you to have a second one in Windows 7

Create a folder call C:\DogBuster19
Copy all the directory from USB:\live inside the folder you created. You will end up with

From previous conversation I assume you boot using grub2.
For now we will see how grub2 will boot that new second busterdog. If you need help. 1rst be carefull, but send me a copy of you /boot/grub/grub.cfg
Remind me witch disk is Win7 or any NTFS disk you want to use and have space.
Open/mount the disk you want to test for space
blkid > myblkid.txt
df -h >>myblkid.txt

Send me PM with myblkid.txt & grub.cfg
I will respond with a grub.cfg with the added menu for your new BusterDog to run from Win7 no USB.

Latter we will replace the kernel with 4.19.0-19-amd64
+ we will place a copy C:\DogBuster19\live\base\62-linux-headers-4.19.0-19-amd64_4.19.232-1_amd64.squashfs

Finally go to [START]>DDOG Special> Create Save File
It will pop a window saying you are already running blabla [OK}
Savefile Size MB = 10000 <=10GB
Type name=LinuxDisk.img
Directory= Click in dropdown and select last choice Other
Browse to Win7 or your choice let say \mnt\sda1\DogBuster19\live
If for any reason you already are booting from SDA1 then you will find SDA1 in disk in live as in \mnt\live\mnt]sda1\DogBuster19\live
Hit [OPEN] then Click in [OK] ro start building. As it is a big file it will take some time.

I will wait your PM.


Before you do anything let me help you decide.
Problem #1, 1st no matter what you need DISK SPACE.
Option 1 - If you have an empty partition in your PC or USB, then that is the solution. Just format ext4 and mount. Latter I can show you how to create fstab so that it can auto mount.
Option2. Either on PC or USB you create an image disk. Just like change.dat. I guess I called LinuxDisk.img. if USB is VFAT it can not be bigger that 4GB? It need to be NTFS if you intent to have a bigger file.
So what is your choice?

Problem#2. It is better to have not one but at least 2 Linux OS. Why? Because if one breaks, the you use the second to repair it.
So your 1rst BusterDog with kernel 4.19.0-10-amd64 is your actual in a USB.

I will then suggest you to have a second one in Windows 7

Create a folder call C:\DogBuster19
Copy all the directory from USB:\live inside the folder you created. You will end up with

From previous conversation I assume you boot using grub2.
For now we will see how grub2 will boot that new second busterdog. If you need help. 1rst be carefull, but send me a copy of you /boot/grub/grub.cfg
Remind me witch disk is Win7 or any NTFS disk you want to use and have space.
Open/mount the disk you want to test for space
blkid > myblkid.txt
df -h >>myblkid.txt

Send me PM with myblkid.txt & grub.cfg
I will respond with a grub.cfg with the added menu for your new BusterDog to run from Win7 no USB.

Latter we will replace the kernel with 4.19.0-19-amd64
+ we will place a copy C:\DogBuster19\live\base\62-linux-headers-4.19.0-19-amd64_4.19.232-1_amd64.squashfs

Finally go to [START]>DDOG Special> Create Save File
It will pop a window saying you are already running blabla [OK}
Savefile Size MB = 10000 <=10GB
Type name=LinuxDisk.img
Directory= Click in dropdown and select last choice Other
Browse to Win7 or your choice let say \mnt\sda1\DogBuster19\live
If for any reason you already are booting from SDA1 then you will find SDA1 in disk in live as in \mnt\live\mnt]sda1\DogBuster19\live
Hit [OPEN] then Click in [OK] ro start building. As it is a big file it will take some time.

I will wait your PM.
what i want is to do exactly what you have
I will burn it Ext4 in a flash disk or in new Hard disk and i will update all the system and install all software from the begining this time
sorry i'm asking alot.

what i need to do is - download the DogBuster the version you use -and tell me the step after i burn it(fileystem ext4) what i do to upgrade it to new kernel


Senior Member
In order to help you I need to know :
1) Free SPACE. Where do you have free space?
2) Bootloader. Witch is your boot loader. So that we can modify it.

Let sart with the disk.
It seems you had modify your disk at least once as the info you had sent me keep changing!!!
This is why I am so confuse.

In Aug 4, 2023 you posted
 1      32.3kB  106MB   106MB  primary
 2      106MB   199GB   199GB  primary  ntfs         boot
 3      199GB   1000GB  801GB  primary

THis means
SDA1 106MB Some sort of WIndows protected, I can ONLY guess Disk D: or E:\
SDA2 199GB Seems to me the was C:\ and Win7
SDA3 801GB I can ONLY guess Disk D: or E:\

Then as part of post Aug 23, 2023
sda 8:0 0 931.5G 0 disk
├─sda1 8:1 0 185G 0 part /mnt/sda1
├─sda2 8:2 0 348.9G 0 part
└─sda3 8:3 0 390.6G 0 part

This means that for Aug 23, 2023
SDA1 185GB So I can ONLY guess this is now Win7 C:
SDA2 348.9G I can ONLY guess Disk D:
SDA3 390.6G I can ONLY guess Disk E:

See there are two diferent DISK!! With diferent particion sizes!!

So One Last time I hope. Lets talk ONLY what you have NOW. You have 2 choices.

Option #1
Do you have a free partition to use? Then we do not need a disk image.

Option #2
All partitions are in use. But we have 100 GB Free. This means we can create a Disk Image on that one.

Now lets do it againg to know what is your free space. Under linux, Mount ALL your disk. Why? So that the free space gets printed.
lsblk > mydisk.txt
df -h >> mydisk.txt

see if you do not mount ALL Partitions of SDA. df -h will not print their free space.

Now you know the free space. Then witch disk partition you choose to create disk image?

Again send me a PM with the new mydisk.txt and tell me witch partition you choose.


Senior Member
Your other problem. Or my problem because I am confuse.
What confuse me is when you boot with Flash in Usb. Why your menu is Grub2 Style when you are suposed to be using Syslinux menu?
Whe need to know what is your bootloader so that we can create new option.

Tell me
What happen when you boot without Flass on USB?
Do you see a Menu to boot OS?

I guess not.

Finally. I can not provide you with my disk. They are two big. I would have to upload 2 GB of stuff. I can show you how to build it your self. But for best experience is better to have a EXT disk/partition the bigger the better. becaouse soon you run out of disk and you will have to do more manipulations.

Now you at least need 10GB ext for minimum work.


In order to help you I need to know :
1) Free SPACE. Where do you have free space?
2) Bootloader. Witch is your boot loader. So that we can modify it.

So One Last time I hope. Lets talk ONLY what you have NOW. You have 2 choices.

Option #1
Do you have a free partition to use? Then we do not need a disk image.

Option #2
All partitions are in use. But we have 100 GB Free. This means we can create a Disk Image on that one.
I have only one Hard Disk 1 terabyte, i divided it in three partitions:

SDA1 185GB So I can ONLY guess this is now Win7 C: // yes it is the partition c: Win7
SDA2 348.9G I can ONLY guess Disk D: // Yes, I use it for storage only. I can empty it so we have 348.9 GB of free space
SDA3 390.6G I can ONLY guess Disk E: // the same as partition D: only for storage.we have 390.6 GB of free space

We can use partition D:\ or E:\ for ButserDog

Tell me
What happen when you boot without Flass on USB?
Do you see a Menu to boot OS?

My Laptop always boot from partition c:\ (from Wni7) But if i Connect the USB flash drive to the computer.I Turn on the computer and tap the F12 key several times, until I see Boot Menu appears i choose USB (ButserDog)

BusterDog is partition SDB1 so

SDB1 = Flash Disk (BusterDog) 8 GB
SDA1 = C:\Win7
SDA2 = D:\ 348.9 GB of free space
SDA3= E:\ 390.6 GB of free space

we can Use Flash Disk 8 GB Or E:\ 390.6 GB of free space for BusterDog OS

Don't worry about it, I will work under Windows environment
Please complete the lessons