Latest SatStation QBox HD Mini Firmware


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This is the latest SatStation Beta Image. This takes into account any updates from Duolabs plus any we have added.

SatStation Release Beta v 0.0.3

* Enhancement: Fixed some Skin bugs in LT6

Based on Duolabs beta release 0.0.59

* Bugfix: Fixed a bug in update procedure when it searches the connected USB keys.
* Bugfix: Upgrade satellites.xml.
* Bugfix: Fixed a bug in u-boot configuration (in some cases it caused the white screen LCD).
* Bugfix: Some minor bugfixes.

SatStation Release Beta v 0.0.2

* Enhancement: Updated Terrestrial.xml with full Ireland Frequencies
* Enhancement: Increased FFwd in Media Player x 16 x24 x32

Based on Duolabs beta release 0.0.58

* Bugfix: Ticket #703: Parental Control without icon for bouquets.
* Bugfix: Ticket #710: DHCP doesn’t work in u-boot when there isn’t the siaddr parameter.
* Bugfix: Ticket #563: OSD screenshot from WebInterface doesn’t work.
* Bugfix: Ticket #709: Upgrade terrestrial.xml with new transponders (Belgium and Copenhagen).
* Bugfix: Ticket #708: Upgrade satellite.xml with new transponders.
* Bugfix: Ticket #591: Crash with big jpeg pictures ( >= 1.5MB) in Media Player. (if >= 1.5MB, it is showed stretched).
* Bugfix: Fixed some Skin bugs and Greek Language.
* Bugfix: Ticket #713: Sometimes there isn’t stream from DVB-T.
* Bugfix: Fixed a minor bug in lcd driver.
* Enhancement: Create a ramdisk with video images.

SatStation Release Beta v 0.0.1

- Cleaned up image



Senior Member
Whether it should also be developed to a large qboxhd? Very interesting and exciting developments:
* Enhancement: Increased FFwd in Media Player x 16 x24 x32
* Bugfix: Ticket #563: OSD screenshot from WebInterface doesn’t work.
* Bugfix: Ticket #713: Sometimes there isn’t stream from DVB-T.



SatStation QBOXHD Mini New Firmware v0.0.4 23rd December2011

This SatStation v 0.0.4 firmware has been built using the the latest CVS code and compiled from fresh.

Login Details
Username: root
Password: qboxhd

** Changelog **
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SatStation Release Beta v 0.0.4

* Enhancement: BusyBox Version 1.19.3
Replaced Older version of Busybox with a newer version

* Enhancement: SatStation Panel
Gives you detailed information about your QboxHD Mini. System and Network Tools

* Enhancement: New Boot Intro
Thanks to Mr Olympia

* Enhancement: CoolTV
*CoolTV EPG incorporated into image

*Enhancement : OpenWebif E2 --- Beta only --Not all functions work and work still in progress
* Use of an OpenSource WebIf <box ip address>:8088

*Fix : YouTube player fixed

Based on Duolabs beta release 0.0.60

* Bugfix: Some minor bugfixes.

Thanks to Jimux for assistance in putting this together
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Please ensure you are using the latest Bootloader otherwise all fixes may not work
