Based on rqcamd, cam daemon by raton_craquero.
Modified as a Softcam Version only!!
[B]Release notes:[/B]
This is a SoftCam version of RQcamd !!
That means there is no WEBIF and no CS Client.
Since RQCAMD Source Code is no longer available as of 1.00 release,
there is no way to maintain any changes to CLIENT code or future
WEBIF changes for Unofficial releases.
RQcamd-SC will read existing rqcamd.conf file to get user settings
and will ignore CS and WEBIF settings.
No need to use a different .conf file at this time
Based on rqcamd, cam daemon by raton_craquero.
Modified as a Softcam Version only!!
[B]Release notes:[/B]
This is a SoftCam version of RQcamd !!
That means there is no WEBIF and no CS Client.
Since RQCAMD Source Code is no longer available as of 1.00 release,
there is no way to maintain any changes to CLIENT code or future
WEBIF changes for Unofficial releases.
RQcamd-SC will read existing rqcamd.conf file to get user settings
and will ignore CS and WEBIF settings.
No need to use a different .conf file at this time
Based on rqcamd, cam daemon by raton_craquero.
Modified as a Softcam Version only!!
[B]Release notes: [/B]
This is a SoftCam version of RQcamd !! That means there is no WEBIF
and no CS Client. Since RQCAMD Source Code is no longer available as
of 1.00 release, there is no way to maintain any changes to CLIENT
code or future WEBIF changes for Unofficial releases.
RQcamd-SC will read existing rqcamd.conf file to get user settings and
will ignore CS and WEBIF settings. No need to use a different .conf file
at this time enjoy!!
[B]Release Versions:[/B]
Jan00-2009, 0.00 Beta Test: yippee, it works !!
Jan17-2009, 0.01 First public release
Enabled OSD messages to display unsupported map calls and interrupts
Jan19-2009, 0.02
Jan21-2009, 0.03
Jan26-2009, 0.04
Dish ECM FIX - Implemented Image specific scripts: PLI, NITRO, DSM,
GEMINI for script help, read included file: /scripts/directions_readme.doc
11/02/2009 v1.12
- IMPORTANT: You MUST use the rqcamd.conf file included in this release!
The new configuration file has substantial changes. This and future
releases won't work with older configuration files.
- Added support for Globecast (NA, provider C101) and Euskatel (Spain,
provider 4701) in CS mode *only*. TV Cabo (Portugal) coming soon. This
goes along with the new rqcs release with support for ROM142.
- Added support for Digital+ (Spain, provider 4101) in CS mode *only*. This
goes along with the new rqcs release with support for ROM180.
- Fixed a small bug that caused rqcamd to ignore the background_execution
parameter in the configuration file.
- Several changes relative to provider configuration that will allow adding
new providers more easily.
- Fix for current DISH MECM.
27/02/2009 v1.13
- Added support for Telefonica (provider 7311, South America) in softcam
(no autoroll) and CS mode . You must *uncomment* the "Telefonica"
provider section and *comment* the "Digital+" provider secion in
rqcamd.conf, otherwise it won't work. Also, all proper keys in
Autoupdate.Key and Keylist.txt must be entered as i have not included
these (thanks to giver for help on this).
- Fix for current DISH MECM.
17/03/2009 v1.15
- Added support for autoroll on Telefonica (Dreambox/DGS/TD/x86 only).
NOTE: rqcamd writes the Telefonica keys encrypted to Keylist.txt, this means
that you can't copy/paste publicly posted keys, you *must* let rqcamd autoroll
on its own always. Also, don't forget to comment out the Digital+ provider
section and uncomment the Telefonica section, or it won't work.
- Added a port to Azbox HD (Sigma processor). This is a very young Linux box
that i've been trying for sometime now, it's got a good set of features
(with its pros and cons right now). Soon i'll talk a little more about it
in the forums.
NOTE: As of this release, the Azbox port only works with one provider at a time
which must be configured in the new "default_provider_id" parameter in
- Fix for current DISH MECM.
Rewrote support for file PMT's (for DGStation boxes). This should fix rqcamd's problems on Mutant 200's. I tested this on 200's and 400's and appears to be working well. Please report if you see any problems.
Fix for current DISH MECM.