Kids eh!!


Senior Member
A little boy came down for breakfast one morning and asked his grandma,
"Where's Mom and dad?" and she replied, "they're up in bed.
"The little boy started to giggle and ate his breakfast and went out to play.
Then he came back in for lunch and asked his grandma
"where's Mom and Dad?" and she replied "they're still up in bed.
"Again the little boy started to giggle and he ate his lunch and went out to play.
Then the little boy came in for dinner and once again he asked his grandma
"where's Mom and dad?" and his grandmother replied "they're still up in bed."
The little boy started to laugh and his grandmother asked,
"What gives? Every time I tell you they're still up in bed you start to laugh!
what is going on here?" The little boy replied,
"Well last night daddy came into my bedroom
and asked me for the Vaseline and I gave him super glue."

A little girl was playing in the garden when she spotted two spiders mating.
"Daddy, what are those two spiders doing?" she asked.
"They're mating," her father replied.
"What do you call the spider on top, Daddy?" she asked.
"That's a daddy longlegs." her father answered.
"So, the other one is a mummy longlegs?" the little girl asked.
"No," her father replied. "Both of them are daddy longlegs,"
The little girl thought for a moment,
then took her foot and stamped them flat.
"Well, we're not having THAT sort of poofta sh*t in our garden!"