Info from the Official ToH site!


Info from the Official ToH site:

The power of Humax 5400 will now be shown. So we start a section with the words "Yes, I want new software! Thank you Planet Hemp and the other ToH/HoT team".
The more thanks we have the positive result with a new fresh software.
I believe, the PH has postponed the development of new software, because it believes that the model is old and user's have turned to new stb's HDTV.
Let us show that the Humax 5400 club is XLarge with many many more entries!

PH personally thank you for your support all these years of our cooperation.


*Please check this link from the Official ToH site: portal->forum-> Humax ToH Firmwares-> 'Yes,I want new software! Thanks PH & ToH/HoT team'