just a litte guide to users cant start incubuscamd on boot up...maybe this prevent opening to many the same topic's in forum
download the incubuscamd pack from here
unpack the .rar file on your pc....
login to your box via ftp (you can use filezilla,totalcomander.DCC e.g)pls dont ask how to find them use our search option in forum you will find every think...
after you login via ftp to ur box open
var directory
and create 2 directory if they are not list it in /var
name drictory's are
keys and other one is bin
if you right click with your mouse on the folder you create go down to file permissions or attributes set the file permissions to 755
after this done
upload the binary file incubusCamd.sh4_e2 to /bin rename the file incubusCamd
incubusCamd.conf and incubusCamd.prio to /keys
now go on the /var/etc folder and open upload my rcS_user.sh file into the folder
if you have correct setting in the incubusCamd.conf just go on the channels you shouldsee the picture on your tv....
download the incubuscamd pack from here
unpack the .rar file on your pc....
login to your box via ftp (you can use filezilla,totalcomander.DCC e.g)pls dont ask how to find them use our search option in forum you will find every think...
after you login via ftp to ur box open
var directory
and create 2 directory if they are not list it in /var
name drictory's are
keys and other one is bin
if you right click with your mouse on the folder you create go down to file permissions or attributes set the file permissions to 755
after this done
upload the binary file incubusCamd.sh4_e2 to /bin rename the file incubusCamd
incubusCamd.conf and incubusCamd.prio to /keys
now go on the /var/etc folder and open upload my rcS_user.sh file into the folder
if you have correct setting in the incubusCamd.conf just go on the channels you shouldsee the picture on your tv....