what is the image most 'stable for 250?
A angel_x_1980 Registered Messages 7 Sep 24, 2008 #3 many of the members say that the abcom is the best !!!
M murad.amer Registered Messages 3 Dec 28, 2008 #5 I have used Ab-Com, SifTeam, and Fantacy. well I found out that Ab-com was the most suitable, fast, and compatible for 250. But the only concern was the Recording issue. Hoping this issue will be solved soon.
I have used Ab-Com, SifTeam, and Fantacy. well I found out that Ab-com was the most suitable, fast, and compatible for 250. But the only concern was the Recording issue. Hoping this issue will be solved soon.
S secoseco Registered Messages 1 Jul 21, 2009 #7 victor said: sif team ab com working on relook 250 ? Click to expand... SifTeam-1.9.3E & AB_Enigma250_110509 both working great for relook 250, but I prefer SifTeam-1.9.3E
victor said: sif team ab com working on relook 250 ? Click to expand... SifTeam-1.9.3E & AB_Enigma250_110509 both working great for relook 250, but I prefer SifTeam-1.9.3E