I can't flash my DM8000_Ferrari


Hi, as the title says, I can not flash my dreambox.

I have already tried several browsers, and nothing works. After choosing the image file or even just the SSL to send, does nothing. stay still...

I have also tried dreamup, with several, ferrari, JapharFlasher, and others ... nothing ...
Us that does something, it stops at: "uploading flash loader" ...

I was told to send SSLferrari87F first, I already have the file but I can not send it ... is there another way to send it? With DCC, for example, does it work?

Has anyone had this problem?



Marching On Together !
Staff member
Browser and Dreamup are your only option unless you jtag and it does not sound like you need to jtag. Do you get a connection with DreamUP ? What happens when you try enter the webflashing page ?


Browser and Dreamup are your only option unless you jtag and it does not sound like you need to jtag. Do you get a connection with DreamUP ? What happens when you try enter the webflashing page ?
Hello, I've been able to solve it!

Yes I could connect with dreamup but it would stop.

With the help of a friend, we tested several things and with the NFI image tools plugin, I was able to flash.

The plugin flashes directly from the enigma2. Then as the image I tested had SSL76, it returned to the same.

But by the same way I installed SSL87F and now it is already working normally, I can already flash through the browser.

Should be because of SSL76. That is, I already know what the problem is.

thank you,