Howto Barry Allen on Bh image
Here is a little howto for users that prefer Barry Allen to Meoboot and want to use Barry Allen on Black Hole image.
Plugin Installation:
1) Format an usb stick for linux (ext4 is better) in bh format wizard and plug to your box.
2) Download latest version of Barry Allen from plugin section.
3) Upload the file in the folder /tmp
4) telnet to your box and digit: opkg install enigma2-plugin-extensions-barryallen_xxxx (subitute xxx with the correct file name)
5) When installation wil be complete reboot your Vu+ box: Warning the first boot after Barry Allen installation will be a little slow because of swap file creation. Don't panic and don't reboot your box but wait until the boot will be complete.
Install image in multiboot:
1) Upload your image zip file into the foder /media/ba/backup
2) Run Barry Allen Plugin
3) Select: Wizard for Images at backup
4) Select: extract zip image from backup
5) Select imagename
Here is a little howto for users that prefer Barry Allen to Meoboot and want to use Barry Allen on Black Hole image.
Plugin Installation:
1) Format an usb stick for linux (ext4 is better) in bh format wizard and plug to your box.
2) Download latest version of Barry Allen from plugin section.
3) Upload the file in the folder /tmp
4) telnet to your box and digit: opkg install enigma2-plugin-extensions-barryallen_xxxx (subitute xxx with the correct file name)
5) When installation wil be complete reboot your Vu+ box: Warning the first boot after Barry Allen installation will be a little slow because of swap file creation. Don't panic and don't reboot your box but wait until the boot will be complete.
Install image in multiboot:
1) Upload your image zip file into the foder /media/ba/backup
2) Run Barry Allen Plugin
3) Select: Wizard for Images at backup
4) Select: extract zip image from backup
5) Select imagename