How to set Enigma2 on usb-stick : A littleguide


Senior Member
Many people have problems with instalation of Enigma2 on USB stick. Thanks to my friend DDamir from satelite forum, I have no more problem. This is little guide how to set Enigma2 on USB stick:

1. Shut down IPBox, switch off, no standby
2. Put in box usb stick on which we will install enigmu2 (valid for any of the enigma that is going to stick)
3. Switch on IPBox
4. Because of "nonsense" formatting USB port that works, "sbox" from the flash image and make it to flash the first time on your way to initialize and formatted
5. IPBOX be started and you have a program on TV and only now remove usb-stick from a box.
6. Wait 10 seconds and again ustekajte usb-stick in ipbox
7. follows from part telnet - telnet lift and log in IPBOX
8. Commanders type "cd / tmp"
9. type „mount“, and you will get more details about all mounted item
10. on the paper you write tag stick and which is located under the option "/ dev/sda1 on / mnt/usb/usb0 type ext2 (rw, sync)" - means "sda1"
11. type "umount /mnt/usb/usb0" and you will virtal unhook usb stick
12. Now type "mkfs.ext2 /dev/sda1" this command formats stick, sda1 you remember is mark of stick under number 10.
13. When formatting is finished, you can type command "mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/usb/usb0", sometimes, box already did it
14. Now is time to move Enigma from PC to usb stick – Total commander or any other FTP program
15. You have to move Enigma to ipbox folder mnt/usb/usb0
16. when we switched enigma closed ftp program and return to the telnet
17. type command "cd /mnt/usb/usb0" to enter in folder where is tar.gz file of enigma
18. to check it type "ls -aln" and see , if all is OK, if yes, we will see our file tar.gz
19. type "tar xzvf name of enigma2" - for example enigma2_cuberevo_mod_PKT.tar.gz
20. there will not be any message about error if tar.gz file iz ok. If no download it again from net
21. now follow very important command type "sync", and wait to appear again prompt in telnet
22. Now shut down IPBox switch off, no standby, and wait about 30 sec., one who has a diode on USB-Stick must wait until it is not turned off

This is the most important thing - many people are impatient and immediately removed stick or puts out the power-off button on the back of a IPBOX.
"SBOX" writes the data only after it shuts down properly, "swap" in the memory and sinchronised all data with all connected systems.
Now you have usb stick with enigma2 on.
This is a complete description of how to manually prepare the usb-stick

Be careful about spaces when typing in the telnet, and type without “”.

All thanks go to my friend DDamir

There is his little program to set environment for ipbox, and you need no serial cable. But I have no wrights to put attachment here.



Senior Member
bro1, it is only mini guide how to prepare usb stick and to put enigma on usb stick. I did not describe how to put environment, because it described on other post in forum, and mainly you need serial and putty. If you had not install correct environment you could not up enigma 2, anyway.



Senior Member
i know friend thanks but i have already setup envoiroment and it is weird,i am still having trouble,maybe i should stp posting lol as it is taking up to much forum space lol,i have now put on nlb image and can format usb in web interface and also mount usb there