how to put tar.gz on usb?


i have the tar.gz file but when i decompress it theres no img. file? what do i do to re-name and load on usb stick? (if already posted pls point me to it).


Well Known Member
you can't install files inside tar.gz archive on flash.
if you want to use enigma2 you have two choices.

single img file to be installed on flash ;
or decompress tar.gz on hdd or usb stick.


Senior Member
Sorry sasbionage. I have one question, what is the easy way to install enigma2 on usb?

I have the lates sifteam on flash...

I have try this one,

1. Boot your DGS/AB/NLB/SIF image, wait to full boot.
2. Insert your USB stick
3. Telnet to your box, execute mount
4. In the list check - if the /dev/sda1 is mounted (if is FAT probably is mounted to /mnt/usb/usb0)
5. umount it - umount /mnt/usb/usb0
6. now execute fdisk /dev/sda (not sda1)
7. on the prompt press p - to see current partition table
8. press d - to delete partitions, if it is only one proceed, if not - press d again and delete all partitons
9. press p again - there will be no partitons now
10. Press n - to create new partition
11. select p - primary
12. select 1
13. press enter, enter (or the last default sector-number)
14. press w to write changes & exit
15. You have just created linux partition on your usb stick
16. Now format this partition - mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda1
17. mount formatted partition again - mount -t ext3 /dev/sda1 /mnt/usb/usb0
18. Now ftp e2_image.tar.gz to /mnt/usb/usb0
19. execute cd /mnt/usb/usb0
20. execute tar -zxvf e2image.tar.gz, wait few minutes to decompress all. (wait for prompt)
21. after decompress type, sync

to unmount just type:
cd /
umount /dev/sda1

Last, a hard reset and wait 30 sec.
When booting press 5 on remote.

And it didten work.. Any ide?


Senior Member
Okey, thang's.. Sorry for asking, how do i set boot-arg?? I'm new in this ipbox game, :(

Go to the thread mentioned above your post download the last file in that thread and choose the one for your model.
Then flash it the normal way with flash tools. After that you have multi boot.


Senior Member
I dont have the 9000, only the ipbox910HD, so i can't use the flash tool,

So i need to past the img over to a usbpen, then turn off the box, pless the poverbuto on the front, and then turn on the pover, and keep holding the poverbutton in the front, to the usb_ugrader are comming up in the disp? Thats it?

I will start a new thread.. Thang's for the help